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macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2007
It it update core web services it requires an update. There is more to safari than just the browser that gets updated.

this is a UNIX based system, the only reboots required should only be for kernel and major userland updates, a web browser update requiring a reboot is just sad.


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
Originally Posted by Kar98
Yes, I know. And if^H when Microsoft did that, there was howling and gnashing of teeth, wasn't there.

WebKit is open source, Trident isn't.

Big difference.

What does it matter, opensource vs closed?

People complained when microsoft forced you to reboot constantly.. and now do apple - but bcs its Apple, its OK?

Drop the double standards.

( I understand why OSX needs rebooting because its easier to do that rather than initializing the new webkit in other ways. Webkit now part of core OSX infrastructure ).
you only use six browsers? jeepers...
Not every day, but when I do it's mostly to quickly access financial info or breaking stories that may affect stock markets. The extra browsers also help if I'm logged into various trading platforms streaming real-time info.

It's a method that works so much better for me than limiting myself to just 1 or 2 browsers would. Otherwise I'll use mostly just Safari, Chrome or Firefox, depending on personal preferences at the time. :)


macrumors G4
Feb 5, 2009



This icon looks different from the Application icon sitting in the Dock. I think it's just to designate Safari for the purposes of the thread. The actual app icon is the same.


macrumors 65816
Jan 19, 2008
Hopefully the video/background/overlapping issue has been addressed with this release. I can also confirm that on a cold start the new version takes 6 MB less (with Top Sites disabled), aka 64 MB. Let’s see how it’ll be after some hours of use.

they badly need to optimize its RAM usage, it has been abysmal.

J Radical

macrumors regular
Nov 20, 2006
I bet the windows version still sucks.

It's been pants from the start, I don't know why Apple doesn't just abandon it and put effort into iTunes for windows, which badly needs an injection of speed.


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
<---Idiot Right here.

Apple Consumer Electronics (ACE) should have fixed the issue with Top Sites months ago. The fact that fixes are still being pushed out by ACE, is a troubling fact indeed.

Oh, and don't get me started on the cluster XXXXX that is Aperture 3 from ACE, or the dated PowerMac era designs of the MacPro and 30 inch ACE-CD. Geeze, the design in 7 years old. To give perspective here, seven years ago, Kevin Costner was relevant to cinema - yep really makes you think.

Quite the rant there, Ace.

Regarding the 7 year old design of the MacPro... it still looks better than most PC cases on the market, so what's your point?

You make it sound like Apple hasn't been doing anything at all. Open your eyes, Ace.


macrumors 68040
Nov 26, 2003
Originally Posted by Kar98
Yes, I know. And if^H when Microsoft did that, there was howling and gnashing of teeth, wasn't there.

What does it matter, opensource vs closed?

Because it's not really bundling is it, because Apple doesn't really own WebKit, nor do they have much to gain for including it in OS code.


macrumors 601
Jun 19, 2007
Plymouth, MN
this is a UNIX based system, the only reboots required should only be for kernel and major userland updates, a web browser update requiring a reboot is just sad.

*shrug* It’s part of the requirements of core services. All I know about them is that they are underneath all of cocoa, carbon and that it’s low level. It’s not just like any app.

Don’t ask me why it’s that way, I didn’t write it and I am not a developer. I am just stating the facts of what I do know.


macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2006
somewhere else
A serious question:

Does it run Flash yet?
A serious answer:

Safari on Mac has always run Flash.

A more serious question:

When will Adobe release a Flash plug-in for Mac that doesn't suck? One that doesn't suck up resources and crash a wide variety of browsers (including but not limited to Safari).


macrumors 6502a
Feb 6, 2008
The Netherlands
Nice. I never had any problems with Top Sites, and I use Safari all the time. I don't like Firefox and Opera because the interface doesn't appeal to me and they both feel a bit bloated compared to Safari.

Chrome is all right, though. I use Chrome to play Flash videos when Safari refuses to play sound. Anyone else with this weird problem? It only happens when I watched a movie with any media player (DVD Player, Quicktime, VLC, it doesn't matter). Somehow Safari isn't able to gain control of the digital audio port, while Chrome doesn't have this problem.
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