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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


According to DigiTimes, Apple's manufacturing partners provided the company with approximately 2.4-2.6 million iPad 2 units during the month of March, with most of those presumably having made it through to customer's hands given the tight supplies seen at Apple and other retailers.

The company also appears to be ramping production for the second quarter, with the report claiming a "conservative estimate" of 4.0-4.3 million iPad 2 units per month for total shipments of over 12 million during the quarter.Sales of iPad 2 are running at a rate faster than its predecessor, and Apple took delivery of 2.4-2.6 million units in March, the sources noted.

Based on a conservative estimate, Apple is likely to take delivery of 4-4.3 million units a month, or a total of over 12 million units, of iPad 2 tablets in the second quarter, said the sources.Apple has been silent about sales of the iPad 2 since the device launched in the United States early last month and followed suit in over two dozen other countries a few weeks later. While supplies have been selling out as quickly as they can be replenished, it has been unclear whether particularly strong demand or weak initial supplies has been the primary cause of the shortages.

Earlier this week, Apple's shipping estimates for new iPad 2 orders made through its online stores for countries where the device has launched improved to 2-3 weeks, suggesting that the company may finally be starting to get a handle on its supply-demand balance. Shipping estimates had ballooned to as much as 4-5 weeks almost immediately after the device's launch, although a number of customers have reported that their orders shipped significantly faster than the stated timeframe.

Article Link: Apple's Suppliers Ship Roughly 2.5 Million iPad 2s in March?


macrumors 604
Feb 4, 2004
Florida Resident
I think those are terrible numbers. They could have sold more but just didn't have them. I know.... They don't want to stock up in a warehouse sitting for a month before the launch.


macrumors 68030
Oct 21, 2009

Its amazing at those sort of volumes that it only takes 2-3 weeks to get one.

They are going to sell a ton of these obviously and it will be another record quarter again. Only problem is they need to figure out a way to make these things faster ASAP

Capt Underpants

macrumors 68030
Jul 23, 2003
Austin, Texas
Most people were expecting Apple to make an announcement once they sold 1 million, like they did last year.

With all this speculation, the suspense is killing me.


macrumors 68030
Oct 16, 2007
Damn that's a lot of Ipads! Would like to now the exact numbers directly from Apple, but I'm guessing we won't here that until their quarterly call.


macrumors 6502
Oct 8, 2007
Backlight bleed

And with 2.4 million with some form of backlight bleeding.... :eek:

Let's hope the next 2.5 million fare better than this lot.


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
Apple got stung last year with all this hype. Guesstimates went up and up until the actual sales (was it 14million?) were reported widely as 'disappointing'.


macrumors 601
Apr 3, 2003
Mine finally shipped yesterday. Woot! I'm seeing interest in iPads from people I never expected - and new iPads in the hands of people I never expected.

What I'm not seeing are XOOMs in the wild. :p

Better luck next round, Fandroid Nation. Don't grind your molars to powder in the meantime. ;)


macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2008
Most people were expecting Apple to make an announcement once they sold 1 million, like they did last year.

With all this speculation, the suspense is killing me.

They would have made that announcement around noon the day after they were released!


macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2006
somewhere else
Actually, less than 3 weeks. They were available the 11th of march.
Apple's fiscal quarters always end on the last Saturday of the period (March 26), so we're really just going to hear about sales from the last 15 days of the quarter in their upcoming earnings announcement.
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