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macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2010
Not sure if this is a joke or not but i've got a lot of time for Ashton Kutcher and would love to see this happen.

Good on him.


macrumors 6502
Jun 28, 2011
In the words of Jobs, "This is ****." The official biopic won't be out for a few years because they want to refine the script and get the best cast and crew in place before producing it. So here this movie comes to do a half assed job with it to take in the dollars of people who are looking forward to the official version in the mean time. Many people will also likely think this is the official version they have heard about and will go and see it because of that.

Playing Jobs should also help bring Kutcher's overblown ego to heights not yet seen.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 16, 2010
They may look similar, but Ashton is such a bad actor that this is a big disappointment


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2008
Oslo, Norway
Wirelessly posted

I like ashton. But regardless of what you think of him, this should be a pleasant surprise. Two Jobs movies is better than one. Can hardly wait.


macrumors member
Aug 31, 2011
Maybe he looks a bit like him but I don't think he's a good enough actor. You need someone like Johnny Depp who can play very different characters very convincingly.


macrumors 65816
May 1, 2005
Sounds incredibly boring. Don't get me wrong, Steve Jobs did some great things, but nothing that can't be summarised quite happily in a few good articles; books and movies seem wildly unnecessary.


macrumors 6502
Jun 28, 2011
Two Jobs movies is better than one. Can hardly wait.

I disagree and think this is comparable to how Dreamworks/Katzenberg pushed "Antz" out there to steal the thunder away from Pixar's "A Bug's Life". Even though "A Bug's Life" was of superior quality in almost all regards, it coming out after "Antz" left some of the critics and audience thinking "Oh great, another 3D movie about bugs."

This seems more like a cash grab than an attempt to make an accurate and worthy portrayal of Jobs' life. Between Kutcher, the director, the writer, and the producer this looks like it will be of subpar quality across the board.


macrumors 601
Nov 5, 2007
Bad choice. Kutcher may look like Jobs from a certain perspective, but his acting absolutely tanked a top rated '2 and a Half Men' show. He's also typically type casted as a goofy, comedic type in just about everything he has done. They should have gone after Noah Wyle again, who played Jobs in the Pirates of Silicone Valley in 1999. He looks like Jobs to an extent, and did a great job with Steve's mannerisms in that particular movie.

Two and half men was (a) terrible and (b) a Charlie Sheen vehicle. Charlie told the producers during his meltdown, "I'm taking your crap and turning it into gold." He was. No one can be faulted for not being able to follow that up. The producers should have either made up with Charlie (no matter how crazy he is) or just cancelled the show. Trying to reinvent a one joke show where the joke is just look at Charlie Sheen be a jerk was impossible.

Kutcher's experience with technology and startups is actually pretty good for this stuff. I suspect the goofy way that he is typically cast is just acting part and that he can play Jobs very well.

Not that Noah Wyle wouldn't be good. But the show will have more buzz with Kutcher.


Maybe he looks a bit like him but I don't think he's a good enough actor. You need someone like Johnny Depp who can play very different characters very convincingly.

Depp would be great because he is a great actor, but he is in 50's and way to old to play College Jobs, which seems to be part of the focus of this show.


Mar 26, 2008
another retelling of jobs early days i assume cuz i cant see ashton kutcher as old steve during a keynote presentation ^^

Vantage Point

macrumors 65816
Mar 1, 2010
New Jersey
I'm not a fan of his at all. I loved 2 1/2 Men but just couldn't watch a single episode since the real star left and he came in.

I did like the Noad Wyle movie when he played jobs. Anyway, I guess I will pass on this one


macrumors 6502
Aug 11, 2011
Scottsdale, AZ
Geez, how long do we have to look at this professional boy toy. Shouldn't he be cleaning someone's pool and trying to bang his old lady? Oh wait. That's how he got started. The attempts of Hollywood to legitimize this guy just leave me cold. Find an actor if you want to make a film.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011

MacRumours does not care sadly.
And I'm torn by this. I would like to see this movie. But I have to watch Ashton Kutcher. He was the reason I stopped watched 2 and a half men. Now It's only 2 men. Charlie was the half.

Personally I'd much rather watch a doco about Johnny Ive. I think there was one made, not so sure. I'd love to know what was going through his mind when at the Apple design table when designing all those products.

I just think they made a bad choice with Ashton. Maybe they should have re-hired Noah Wyle. As he's already played Jobs before.


macrumors 68000
Jul 14, 2008
Charlotte, NC
He is probably the worst actor out there, this movie is ruined for me. He is horrible on Two and A Half Men as well, ****** acting and no skill. Great VC though!


macrumors member
Jan 23, 2011
That's sad IMO.... Noah Wyle nailed this role, and it would have integrated well into this film...


macrumors G3
Feb 26, 2011
New England, USA

I'm not clear, and maybe I misunderstood your post. But I infer from the post that making a negative critical judgement about the the talent, or lack thereof, of a particular actor constitutes "hating".

I realize that the word "hate" is used colloquially to indicate someone whose opinion differs from the word's user. (That I find the use of the word in that manner disquieting and that it vitiates the strong meaning of the word is fodder for a different thread)

It is possible to dislike, or in this case consider an actor as lacking in talent, without "hating".;)


Mar 11, 2003

To Ashton: if you wanna know what you'll look like in 20 years look at Steve Jobs' most recent pics

hahahaha its crazy how closely both look alike!

.... Appearance wise, he is a good fit....

Bad choice. Kutcher may look like Jobs from a certain perspective, ....

you guys are kidding, right? Kutcher has a very abnormally shaped face. Very off-putting. That huge square shape with the big pointed chin and the sunken cheeks? Yikes. IRL he is even more odd-looking.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 4, 2011
I don't get what people see in Steve Job's personality or behavior that makes it hard for a good actor to portray and I think Ashton is a good actor even if many of his roles have not been that great. And when I think of Steve Jobs, the first quality that jumps out is that he's charismatic. He can sell you any line. Ashton is a charismatic guy also.
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