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macrumors 6502a
Apr 16, 2009
I like the expanded features, but seriously, how can anyone be expected to remember all these gestures? It's hard enough to remember 3D touch sometimes.

It's all about muscle memory. Keep in mind these are Pro features, that is who this is aimed at. For the average user, nothing changes they can still interact with the tablet the same way they have. But for the Pro's, these gestures will be easily adopted and used. Think about all the trackpad gestures, keyboard shortcuts, etc.. that people use and remember.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2006
Beta runs very nicely on IPP. Kind of hard to get used to having to continually drag over an app into Split View when in IOS 10 all the available apps where already accessible by swiping on the right side of the screen from right to left. Granted, finding the app in the list of apps was clunky but this seems like an extra step to do the same thing. I would have though leaving it the way it was but adding more customization would hv been better, but this is a UI decision they made.


macrumors 68040
Mar 23, 2011
Leeds, UK
iOS 11 is looking like a fantastic upgrade.

But one thing I haven't seen demonstrated in any iOS 11 videos yet is opening split screen apps that are NOT on the dock. I heard that the swipe from right app picker is gone, so now to open any apps that are not on the dock, you have to first close the first app, and when you are in home screen you hold down the icon of the second app, open app switcher, and drag it onto the first app you had open. That seems very convoluted, and it seems to require two hands. That can't be right because iPads are meant to be held and used simultaneously. I think maybe I just need to see it in action. Anyone know of a video where it is demonstrated?
I actually didn’t notice you could do it that way! Just tried it, you don’t need two hands, you can use two fingers of one hand.

The way I had been doing it was to open the second app separately, then switch back to the first app and now the second app will be on the right hand side of the dock.
Just installed the iOS 11 beta on an older iPad, tried it for about an hour and now I am restoring back to iOS 10.

Nothing much to write home, IMO. It's slow, it really lags for me -- but I understand it's a beta.

Not really in love with the new store, but maybe I'll get used to it.

Overall, I am starting to think that Apple is falling further behind Android, sadly. The UI is getting busier, although the design is in a way sleeker than Android. Maybe I'll like it when it gets a little more polished.

About the only new feature I found useful is the updated keyboard with secondary symbols accessible by pulling down on a key. Android has had this for ages and I like its implementation a bit better (hold the key for a second).

For now, not real reason to update, particularly since a few of my apps are not updated to work with iOS 11 and fail to launch.

Unfort7natwly the keyboard makes it really easy to type a n7mber or s6mbol instead of a letter. Y accident. Autocorrec5 needs updating to handle this.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 8, 2015
I'm so excited about this.

There was nothing wrong with the old iOS interface, but it just couldn't handle multitasking easily and it didn't have folder options. Now it does!

Can you drag and drop easily from Google Drive anyone tested this?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 29, 2008
What are the sharing options in the files app? For example if I have video locally stored on my iPad where can I share it? Right now in the TV app there are no sharing options.
Of course air drop has been built in for a long time. It should work with files, but I haven't tested it.
Why would a small time developer spend time updating an old app? And it isn't just clicking recompile.
Besides, that dev isn't going to rebuild an app that you will complain about if you have to pay $2 for it. Why would they bother? You got what you paid for.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2013
Leesburg, VA
Just installed the iOS 11 beta on an older iPad, tried it for about an hour and now I am restoring back to iOS 10.

Nothing much to write home, IMO. It's slow, it really lags for me -- but I understand it's a beta.

Not really in love with the new store, but maybe I'll get used to it.

Overall, I am starting to think that Apple is falling further behind Android, sadly. The UI is getting busier, although the design is in a way sleeker than Android. Maybe I'll like it when it gets a little more polished.

About the only new feature I found useful is the updated keyboard with secondary symbols accessible by pulling down on a key. Android has had this for ages and I like its implementation a bit better (hold the key for a second).

For now, not real reason to update, particularly since a few of my apps are not updated to work with iOS 11 and fail to launch.

Really - the android tablet experience actually is pathetic. The choice and quality of apps on the larger screen is no where near what it is on the iPad. Apple's investment in their own chips and the integration of their software makes an iPad experience superior to any Android tablet. I own two Samsung tablets and cannot get anywhere near the productivity I can on my iPad Pro (12.9)

An iPad will not replace a MacBook pro or an iMac/Pro or Mac Pro. However -- it is evolving into that device that will handle the most common set of needs for casual users. My 73 year old mom being one. She ditched a Dell desktop with Windows 10 and feels far more comfortable with an iPad. I think these new capabilities will make it easier for her to use. The touch screen envrionment is far less intimidating to her and Apple has set it up that she can't break anything.

In my opinion - Apple's mobile iOS has surpassed that of Android's fragmented mess.


macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2008
Is the Apple Smart Keyboard really not usable on the lap? I have read several articles where the writers felt it was indeed comfortable to use on the lap. I've only played around with the iPad Pro/ASK at the store, and I was really tempted to hop up on the table and try it in my lap! I don't think I'd be interested if it's not lap-capable.

it's not. It's too light. And it desperately needs a backlight. Works great on a table or airplane seat tray though.
[doublepost=1497105480][/doublepost]and an iOS11 question: does it support audio from two or more apps at a time? I would like to have spotify running in the background playing my music on low while I watch tutorial videos or news or do other things.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
I actually didn’t notice you could do it that way! Just tried it, you don’t need two hands, you can use two fingers of one hand.

The way I had been doing it was to open the second app separately, then switch back to the first app and now the second app will be on the right hand side of the dock.

The two hand/two finger method still confuses me. So you have to touch and hold an app icon in home screen, swipe up from bottom with another finger to open app switcher, then drag the icon to the previously opened app in the app switcher? Doesn't holding down an icon in home screen cause the icons to go into move/delete mode?

That's good you can use two fingers instead of requiring two hands. But still I think requiring precise independent movement of fingers is something that should be avoided if possible. There has to be a better solution. I can think of one off the top of my head.

So the last used app always shows up on the right side of the dock? So you can actually open the second app separately, then drag the first app icon from the dock to split view, right? That seems like the easiest method. But I don't like the fact that you have to completely close the first app to open up the second. There needs to be an obvious visual reminder that you are still working in the first app while you look for the second app in home screen. The icon in the right side of the dock isn't obvious because that icon is there whether or not you plan on going back to that app (I'm assuming).

Apparently you can also use spotlight to open a split screen app. I have no idea how that works. I can't believe there are no videos of anyone demonstrating all the different ways to open split view apps (that aren't in the dock). Maybe because they're so unintuitive, they don't even realize they exist.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2012
I like the expanded features, but seriously, how can anyone be expected to remember all these gestures? It's hard enough to remember 3D touch sometimes.
True, but the way I pitched to my customers the great gestures that truly separated the Magic Trackpad from the crap offerings on PC's was that it responds to something like fifty different gestures. You'll use maybe only five but they will be the five that dramatically improve your workflow. The same applies here.

Moi Ici

macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2012
I'm really excited about iOS 11. Files, especially, is going to be extremely useful. And now with the larger storage sizes on the new iPads, it will also be practical. The drag-and-drop action is well-implemented too.

I create a graphics-heavy monthly newsletter, and I'm going to attempt to create an issue entirely on my iPad. With Affinity Photo, Pages, anyFont and the new iOS features, I think it's going to be doable.

Keep us updated.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2015
Make no mistake, Apple is betting that the iPad Pro is going to be the future of computing. Calling it a super computer, incremental iOS updates that are used on (dock, file system), changing of OSX to macOS, furthering their own chips. I don't think it will be too much longer before they wave goodbye to their UNIX base, say goodbye to Intel, and get rid of the traditional laptop as we know it.

I'm pretty sure you're right. Look at the attention and updates Apple has giving the iPad recently while screwing around gimping Macs which have been getting progressively worse since 2012.

At this point, I think what's left of the Mac line is just a gambit to extract a last pile of cash from people in denial about what you're saying.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 6, 2011
Make no mistake, Apple is betting that the iPad Pro is going to be the future of computing. Calling it a super computer, incremental iOS updates that are used on (dock, file system), changing of OSX to macOS, furthering their own chips. I don't think it will be too much longer before they wave goodbye to their UNIX base, say goodbye to Intel, and get rid of the traditional laptop as we know it.
They are not going to say goodbye to UNIX base because, as you know, IOS is Unix based.


macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2011
Toronto, ONT
I'm pretty sure you're right. Look at the attention and updates Apple has giving the iPad recently while screwing around gimping Macs which have been getting progressively worse since 2012.

At this point, I think what's left of the Mac line is just a gambit to extract a last pile of cash from people in denial about what you're saying.

I have an iPad Pro 12" and a 2016 15" maxed out MBP. The iPad is NO replacement for what I need my MBP for (earning a living). In my case the iPad compliments the MBP, but until an iPad can run 200 tracks in ProTools and support both a 5K and 34" widescreen display + 12TB disk arrays - NO CHANCE.

If all you are doing is email, surfing the web and a bit of light content creation the iPad works fine. There are still MANY of us out here that need a heavy lifter to get our work done.

Diving Capers

macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2017
Does anyone know if the files app is a real file system ?

What I mean is, if I have a word doc that I created in Pages and then I want to edit it with a different app, will the file be duplicated and imported into the new app, or will it be a single copy that resides in the files app regardless of which applications I chose to open it with?

I really hope that it is more than just a way to see your google drive, Dropbox, Evernote, etc etc


Jul 12, 2016
Now, if only they'd make a smart keyboard with backlit keys and a function row.

It'd be nice to be able to use it on a lap comfortably too.

Yes please. The Smart Keyboard is a nice attachment. But to have it lighted would be a huge advantage. Although Apple uses a fabric type material on the keyboard, which would likely have to change the overall material used to incorporate the lighting for it to be transparent.


Oct 2, 2010
Yeah...because iOS is not UNIX based

Well really it is based on UNIX, kindof.

"iOS is based upon NeXTSTEP, which did exist before Linux did, NeXTSTEP is based on Berkeley Unix, which is also called BSD. Back in the day, a Unix license did cost thousands of dollars, which is one of the reasons why Linus Torvalds created Linux."

It seems to be forgotten that when Jobs returned to Apple he brought with him Next and the OS for Intel processors. That was when Apple changed from Motorola to Intel processors and the programming language became Objective C. Since iOS uses an ARM processor the Mac Os would not directly transfer over to the iPhone and iPad.
What I mean is, if I have a word doc that I created in Pages and then I want to edit it with a different app, will the file be duplicated and imported into the new app, or will it be a single copy that resides in the files app regardless of which applications I chose to open it with?

Good question!

Right now with iOS 10 the app has to be built to run the file type, i.e. .doc and such, for it to be opened and used. The current version of iOS allows the programmer to use iCloud and not have multiple copies stored on the device. But, many apps actually save the file after it is opened in its own sandbox and thus have multiple copies stored.

What will be interesting to see is if apps have access to other apps files (their sandbox) in this version of iOS. This will be totally new and a nice feature, but I will bet the app still has to be programmed to open the document/file extension.


macrumors 603
Jun 13, 2016
Does anyone know if the files app is a real file system ?

What I mean is, if I have a word doc that I created in Pages and then I want to edit it with a different app, will the file be duplicated and imported into the new app, or will it be a single copy that resides in the files app regardless of which applications I chose to open it with?

I really hope that it is more than just a way to see your google drive, Dropbox, Evernote, etc etc

Its been possible to do that (open in another app without duplicating) using the share sheets for ages. It’s just on the app developer to use the correct set of APIs. I imagine it still will be in ios 11 too. Craig desribed it as “punching a smallk hole in the sandbox” based on user intent.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 19, 2012
New features look pretty useful, never really liked my iPad much, i much prefer my MacBook.

If apple can improve safari for iPad considerably to make web browsing more enjoyable, instead of it feeling like a workout, i might be tempted to use my iPad a lot more. You never know i may even ditch the MacBook.

Diving Capers

macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2017
Its been possible to do that (open in another app without duplicating) using the share sheets for ages. It’s just on the app developer to use the correct set of APIs. I imagine it still will be in ios 11 too. Craig desribed it as “punching a smallk hole in the sandbox” based on user intent.

Thanks for the reply, I had no idea it was possible. Just to clarify, are you saying that I can create a doc in pages, then open and edit it with QuickOffice, then open and edit it with GoodReader and the changes will be made to a single existing file? There will not be a copy in each of the individual apps I used?

And now for the really important question.... what are the share sheets ?


macrumors 603
Jun 13, 2016
Thanks for the reply, I had no idea it was possible. Just to clarify, are you saying that I can create a doc in pages, then open and edit it with QuickOffice, then open and edit it with GoodReader and the changes will be made to a single existing file? There will not be a copy in each of the individual apps I used?

And now for the really important question.... what are the share sheets ?

Share sheets are the UI that is presented when you tap share (the square with an upward arrow) in an app.

Its on the receiving app to implement the correct method. This is why sometimes you see an app twice in the share sheet, one that says “Copy in” and another that doesnt. I have neither quickoffice or goodreader so I dont know what they implement.

Diving Capers

macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2017
Share sheets are the UI that is presented when you tap share (the square with an upward arrow) in an app.

Its on the receiving app to implement the correct method. This is why sometimes you see an app twice in the share sheet, one that says “Copy in” and another that doesnt. I have neither quickoffice or goodreader so I dont know what they implement.

Oh , I see... up to about 15 minutes ago I thought I new a lot about using iOS !

Thanks for replying.


macrumors 603
Jun 13, 2016
Oh , I see... up to about 15 minutes ago I thought I new a lot about using iOS !

Thanks for replying.

Its a confusing thing as its implemented now and I think many people dont understand the difference between the two types of sharing. Hopefully it will be a lot more of a transparent and familiar workflow in iOS 11. Heres the kicker though, and something that causes a lot of people to complain about new features during beta periods. 3rd party apps will not be able to release versions with these features until public release - it usually results in many people saying “This new feature doesn’t work!”
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