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macrumors 603
Feb 22, 2009
As a huge Apple fan, I have to say this is the worst roll-out of products and services in the company's history. And right when they needed to blow the world away...

Me too Brotha!
As also a huge Apple fan, this is just embarrassing! :eek::eek::eek:


macrumors 65816
Jun 8, 2008
Bay Area,Cali
I had pairing issues too with my iPhone 6 plus. I even did the whole "erase network settings" and it still didn't work correctly.
A few days ago I exchanged my plus for a regular 6 (found the plus too big for me) and I haven't had a problem since. My car is a 2013 Hyundai Elantra.


macrumors newbie
Oct 1, 2014
only problems with airplay

not having any bluetooth issues but I am getting kicked off of airplay frequently.


macrumors member
Mar 11, 2013
I noticed that issue, although it takes two seconds to get it back to work by simply disconnecting and reconnecting the device under bluetooth settings. However some apps are failing to broadcast to my wireless earbuds, I dont know if this is due to iOS 8 or if this has always been the case.

Regardless stop making it sound like it is the end of the world. This kind of bug belongs in Apple's support forum not in the news, like are we really going to start grabbing every bug and make an article out of it? Apple has always had issues with every single update, I just find it funny that all of a sudden it became cool to write on every single possible bug detected.

Whatever, this only means that Apple will react faster to the reported issues unlike Android where you are pretty much left to figure it out on your own when things start to fail.
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2007
This again goes back to Apple not releasing enough beta versions before the GM, in my opinion. I feel that at least 1-2 more betas before the public release would have made a huge difference in the number of bugs found and fixed.


macrumors newbie
Oct 1, 2014
I used my phone this morning to make calls and listen to audio using Bluetooth. No issues at all. :)


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
I've noticed that the aftermarket Parrot BT adapter in my car will pair, and calls work with my iPhone 6, but I haven't gotten BT audio working. I haven't looked into it yet, but perhaps it is iOS 8-related. I travel a lot for work but unfortunately my last 2 rentals haven't had Bluetooth so I haven't been able to test it out on other cars.

This will likely get fixed in a point release. BT is a shaky enough standard where these kinds of issues aren't uncommon. I had a Nokia N97 back in the days that would pair with just about everything except the BT adapter in my car.


macrumors regular
Apr 23, 2014
Issues with cellular and touch ID are still here too. Last night on my iPhone 6 plus, I had no service and my touch ID wasn't working. It fixed with a reset, but the problem is still there..


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2010
Omaha, NE
Had this issue with an aftermarket JVC head-unit. Worked perfectly fine on my iPhone 6 before 8.0.2. Since then, I can't make or receive calls in the car.

No combination of rebooting and resetting the phone or head-unit got it to work. Updated to 8.1b1 (yay developer account0 and I was able to make and receive calls again.

So the good news is, 8.1 doesn't have the issue.

Don't worry, the bug will be put back before 8.1 GM :)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 13, 2012
Steve Jobs should have had a rotisserie installed in his casket for all the rolling over in his grave he has been doing.


macrumors 65816
Mar 28, 2007
You should probably use a few Windows machines and devices to experience the hell that comes with them before you start chastising Apple over something minute.

I'll take these minor issues over that ANY day. ;)

So stopping phone from making calls is minor etc?

Windows isn't the problem, it's the morons who use the machine that are.

Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
.0 releases are generally problematic. This is not unique to Apple. There's just no way for a developer to catch all problems that could manifest in the wild. For this reason, I wait at least one month and for 2-3 updates before upgrading to a .0. The problem here is that Apple posts releases for automatic update as soon as they GA. I think that is a bad idea-- unless there is some urgent security problem, I think it would be wiser for Apple to delay a week after GA before notifying users that an update is available.


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2013
Connecting and pairing perfectly using 8.0.2 via Bluetooth on my 2011 Elantra Limited's Nav System.

Oh wait...I'm using an iPhone 5! :p


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
As a huge Apple fan, I have to say this is the worst roll-out of products and services in the company's history. And right when they needed to blow the world away...

I'm not so sure. I think these kinds of things happen fairly frequently with major updates. iOS 6 and iOS 7 had their share of issues, too. What's happening is that they did drop the ball (iOS 8.01), plus had the overblown "Bendghazi" issue and so everything is getting scrutinized. Look back on the posts from 2012 and you'll see that "iOS 6 was the worst rollout ever." I'm sure in 2015 iOS 9 will be the "worst rollout ever."
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