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My iPad Pro screen is:

  • Evenly colored across the screen

    Votes: 54 62.8%
  • Warmer or yellow-tinted toward one side

    Votes: 22 25.6%
  • A different color tint toward one side

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • Yellow across the entire screen

    Votes: 5 5.8%

  • Total voters


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 4, 2011
Nashville, TN
I've been through a few iPads that have had uneven tints across the display. My current display is slightly warmer/pink toward the top of the display in portrait. I'll probably keep it because I'm tired of the lottery (and this one doesn't have any dust or dead pixels) but I'm curious to know how others' look.
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128gb wifi iPP here and I can say that my device is in tip top shape. Maybe my eyes don't notice it, but none of my many Apple products have ever had a screen color problem.
Mine was pinkish towards the home button and yellowish towards the FaceTime camera. I say "had" because for this and other reasons, I decided to return it for a refund yesterday. I noticed it each time I used the iPad when looking at something with a solid color background or the on-screen keyboard and found it distracting. It was the cellular space grey model.

For now, I'm back to my iPad 2 (as in second generation, not Air 2), which has no screen issues.
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For now, I'm back to my iPad 2 (as in second generation, not Air 2), which has no screen issues.

I miss pre-retina screens. I've only had one device with a retina screen that I liked, an iPhone 6+. Most others I've exchanged multiple times or just returned and gave up on.
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Here's my current display. Runs much warmer/pink toward the left side of the screen (toward the camera)
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I'm going to take it in for an exchange tomorrow, but I'm really thinking about just returning it altogether. The only bad part is that my Apple Pencil and the case and smart cover are past their return date, so I'd be out about $250 if I gave up on the iPad Pro.
That screen looks pretty bad. The one I had looked similar. I wouldn't keep it. I'd maybe try one more and open it up in the store and have a good look at it.

Out of curiosity, what model is yours and what does the serial number start with? Mine was DLXQRE...

It's a shame that these screens pass QC.
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That screen looks pretty bad. The one I has looked similar. I wouldn't keep it. I'd maybe try one more and open it up in the store and have a good look at it.

Out of curiosity, what model is yours and what does the serial number start with? Mine was DLXQRE...

It's a shame that these screens pass QC.

It's a 128GB space gray cellular model. DLXQXVE... (though serial numbers have never been an indicator of 'good' iPads in the past)
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This is my screen and I think it looks fantastic but I don't know if you'll see any uniformity or defects.
This is my screen and I think it looks fantastic but I don't know if you'll see any uniformity or defects.
View attachment 608805

If you're happy with it, then by all means, don't come here looking for people to find problems. ;) No screen is perfect, though there are definitely some that are better than others, so it's just a matter of whether you like your device or not.
I agree with ^^^^ . Some folks are really picky with their screens, not knocking that, it's their perception and that's what matters.

If you are satisfied with your screen, then don't worry about it. If you can't detect an issue, then there is no issue.

No screen is 100 percent perfect except to the person who thinks their screen is 100 percent perfect.

My IPP screen looks great to me but if I put a camera shot of it on here I can guarantee that someone will say that it's terrible and should be exchanged, then I will look at my screen that I was perfectly happy with and not be happy anymore thinking I have a defective product.
I'm an Apple dev. Have one of everything. Got an iPad Pro 128Gb LTE for Christmas. Has noticeable screen grey dulling/blooming on one side and top corner. From edge to an inch in. Apple Store immediately agreed. We opened another at Genius Bar as replacement. Same issue. We then had a look at the display models. About half had same issue. Apple girl said "we may have a bad batch, order it online". I disagree with assumption that not all screens are perfect. They had better be. We pay a big premium for Apple equipment and to me that includes perfect screens with no blooming or missing pixels. That's what QA is for. When Apple tech agrees with what I was seeing then it wasn't just me and it leaves me wondering how these got through. I'm not sure if I want another now. Maybe wait and see.
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So prior to you going in the store, the entire Apple staff never noticed that over half of their displays had defective screens? That's what I'm saying about perception, until you pointed out the defect, no one else noticed it. One person sees defect, but another misses it, but when you point it out...bam, then it becomes noticeable.

I agree with you that we pay for "perfect", and I hope you find one that is perfect to YOUR perception, just saying that in my opinion if you are satisfied with your screen then it's not a good idea to post a pic online and ask others if it's fine, someone will find a flaw, and then it becomes difficult not to notice said flaw.

QA has certain guidelines that they follow, does every screen have to be perfect...nope. Just has to fall under the set guidelines.
So prior to you going in the store, the entire Apple staff never noticed that over half of their displays had defective screens? That's what I'm saying about perception, until you pointed out the defect, no one else noticed it. One person sees defect, but another misses it, but when you point it out...bam, then it becomes noticeable.

I agree with you that we pay for "perfect", and I hope you find one that is perfect to YOUR perception, just saying that in my opinion if you are satisfied with your screen then it's not a good idea to post a pic online and ask others if it's fine, someone will find a flaw, and then it becomes difficult not to notice said flaw.

QA has certain guidelines that they follow, does every screen have to be perfect...nope. Just has to fall under the set guidelines.
I have no idea if they saw it at all in their floor stock or saw it and ignored it in their floor stock because , well it's floor stock. And I don't know if others returned theirs. I do know I have one of every iPad and iPhone since inception for dev purposes and this is the first time I wasn't happy with a purchase from Apple. And I love Apple equipment. All other screens perfectly uniform. This one, and the next we unpacked visibly not. At these prices it had better be perfect for me because I have to use it all day. I expect nothing more and I'll accept nothing less.
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Sorry but this is just bullpucky. I've had most iPad models and I've never seen a single LCD screen that was perfectly uniform (or any Apple product, not just iPads). I'm typing this on an iPad Air 2 and it's fine. But it's not perfectly uniform. I had an iPad Pro and it's screen was better than this Air 2, but not "perfectly" uniform.

I love these posts about paying for perfect. No, you're not. Back when a laptop cost $5000 you were. Now you are paying for "excellent" but not "perfect". Such a thing doesn't exist in LCDs. Although most are plenty good.
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I love these posts about paying for perfect. No, you're not. Back when a laptop cost $5000 you were. Now you are paying for "excellent" but not "perfect". Such a thing doesn't exist in LCDs. Although most are plenty good.

I agree. I don't expect perfection from a $1000 device. My pro monitor is nearly perfect, and I paid considerably more for it than an iPad (and most laptops) - and I could still find an imperfection in it, if I wanted to nitpick. For an iPad, I just want a display that doesn't have dead pixels/dust under the screen and isn't distractingly uneven. I'm having a hard time finding that ... and oddly Apple is the only tech company I ever run into issues like this with.
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This points to one of the issues with using an iPad for serious photo processing - the lack of ability to calibrate the screen. May not matter in many cases but may in others. Even high-end monitors require calibration for color, contrast, and highlight and shadow handling.
I judge a screen to be fine when there is no distracting characteristics of it when used under normal conditions, be it uniformity, color shift, light bleed etc.

Case in point, I bought a Sony 60 inch LED edge lit LCD TV a couple of years ago. When I started watching it, I noticed a very prominent light bleed along the bottom edge of the screen. Especially noticeable when watching sports like hockey. It was causing that "flashlight" effect where it looks like someone is literally shining a flashlight along the screen surface causing an extra bright line of light. Very annoying. So, I exchanged it for another and the second unit was fine. It has a slight color shift from left to right, but it isn't distracting when watching content. So, I kept it and it's been a great TV so far.

My iPad 2 has a great screen with solid white right across with no color shift at all. This color shifting effect seems to have started with the retina screens. I also think a lot of these problems have to do with the crazy obsession for thinness in these devices and form over function design. I'd rather have a thicker device with a better screen than a paper thin devices with a poor screen. Thankfully, TV manufacturers seem to be backing away from the thinness trend by starting to offer models with slightly thicker screens that have full array LED lighting with local dimming.

The color shift and uniformity on the iPad Pro I had and the ones in the photos above are distracting to me. Look at the nasty dark patch on the right edge in the second photo. How is that considered good? If that's truly what it looks like in person, it would have gone back to Apple immediately were it mine. Others may not notice it, but I certainly do.

I'd gladly pay more for a device with assurance it has a great quality screen. Instead, we must play the exchange game until we get one that is acceptable. These things aren't cheap toys, these are expensive devices whose primary function involves staring at it for extended periods of time.
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My iPad 2 has a great screen with solid white right across with no color shift at all. This color shifting effect seems to have started with the retina screens. I also think a lot of these problems have to do with the crazy obsession for thinness in these devices and form over function design. I'd rather have a thicker device with a better screen than a paper thin devices with a poor screen. Thankfully, TV manufacturers seem to be backing away from the thinness trend by starting to offer models with slightly thicker screens that have full array LED lighting with local dimming.

I think it has more to do with the laminate screen tech they started using with the Air 2 as my original Air also has a perfectly uniform screen. I love that there is no parallax at all, it feels like you're touching to OS, not a screen. On the flip side, I think it has to be resulting in some of these issues. Mine also has the graying effect along the top edge by the camera, although it's not as severe as the pics above. I generally don't notice it but sometimes it seems more pronounced and other times imperceptable. Not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me. Since so many are having the issue I'm not going to bother with returns and exchanges since it's not that bad.

What I think is strange though is that NONE of the reviews seemed to address this, or the yellow tint issue on some of the 32GB models? Did they just get better units, or is the tech blogosphere really so useless?
What I think is strange though is that NONE of the reviews seemed to address this, or the yellow tint issue on some of the 32GB models? Did they just get better units, or is the tech blogosphere really so useless?

I find that typically, most "professional" reviewers seems to gloss over things like this. It's not just iPads, but everything including TVs and cameras too. I find it very frustrating that they don't mention issues that are quite obvious.

I think part of it is if they are sponsored by manufacturers or receive devices for free to review, they tend to say mostly nice things about them so as not to upset the supplier and/or lose sponsorship. Plus, I wouldn't doubt that manufacturers cherry pick units to ensure they are sending their best out for review.

Only when you read reviews from average "real" people who have to pay for their devices that you see things like this mentioned. As a result, I don't really trust the pro reviews. I put more value on the average person's opinion with real world usage. And, in the end, the only review that really counts to me is my own. :)
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I went and bought another one at the Apple Store today. That one has a bookspine/shadowy effect on the top as well as some other shadowy areas near the the edges - and it has a pink/yellowish hue similar to the one I posted above. I'm going to return it, because it's a worse screen than the previous. I think I'm out. It's been fun. o_O
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Plus, I wouldn't doubt that manufacturers cherry pick units to ensure they are sending their best out for review.

I think this is probably true. I have seen one gorgeously colored screen on an iPad Pro - which unfortunately was marred by some dead pixels and dust under the screen. So I know that really great screens exist. I returned it and have had two with entirely subpar screens since. I have another week to decide if I'm going to return the IPP pro that I have currently. I'm trying to decide if I could get by with a Mini. (iPad Air 2 isn't an option, since it's too old for me to spend money on.)
128gb wifi iPP here and I can say that my device is in tip top shape. Maybe my eyes don't notice it, but none of my many Apple products have ever had a screen color problem.

Mine experience is exactly the same. One exception was my Late 2012 27 iMac, which I always thought may have had a slightly yellow tint to the bottom half of the screen. This was confirmed when applecare replaced the LCD after sending it in for an unrelated reason (i hadnt mentioned the cast). I see lots of threads on the topic on apple devices, but have never noticed it myself (on my units or store units).
Mine experience is exactly the same. One exception was my Late 2012 27 iMac, which I always thought may have had a slightly yellow tint to the bottom half of the screen. This was confirmed when applecare replaced the LCD after sending it in for an unrelated reason (i hadnt mentioned the cast). I see lots of threads on the topic on apple devices, but have never noticed it myself (on my units or store units).

I do wonder if I'm just unlucky enough to get bad screens every time I buy an Apple product, or if my eyes just pick up on things most people don't. The weird thing is that I have a handful of computers/tablets from other brands that I have no problems with. The crazy thing is that I keep buying Apple stuff. haha
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