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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia, Canada
I seem to be having an issue with wifi speeds on my iPhone 6s+ and I can't explain it. I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem or if you know why it would happen. Its absolutely maddening.

Anyway, I have an iPhone 6s+ and my wife has my old hand-me-down iPhone 5. Sitting in the living room (where my router is) I get blazing wifi speeds compared to her older model iPhone (obviously). But when we're in the bedroom I end up getting 1-3mbit/ sec DL and she gets 28-30mbit/sec DL. It drives me absolutely insane. The router is literally 1 room away. I use an AirPort Extreme Gen 5 with an AirPort Express extending it. Im normally on the 5 Ghz band but in the bedroom 2.4 Ghz takes over (range reasons I suppose). Regardless of router set up, range, or interference, the fact remains:

Side by side, on the same network, on the same frequency, My wife's iPhone 5 beats my iPhone 6s+ every single time. (We're talking up to 10x faster speeds here). I can't for the life of figure out why. Should I bring my phone in for a checkup? or is there a reasonable explanation? My nearest Apple Store is over an hour away. Any advice is appreciated.

Edit: I have searched Google extensively as well as searched the forum here. If I missed a previous thread on this topic I apologize.
Last edited:


macrumors G4
Oct 31, 2009
I hate to go straight to this answer, especially since I haven't encountered this issue personally, but have you tried resetting the network settings on your phone to see whether it makes a difference?


Jun 28, 2015
Western Hemisphere
I hate to go straight to this answer, especially since I haven't encountered this issue personally, but have you tried resetting the network settings on your phone to see whether it makes a difference?
Sage advice!

Actually for those who are maintenance minded, it's not a bad idea to do this every six months or so.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia, Canada
I hate to go straight to this answer, especially since I haven't encountered this issue personally, but have you tried resetting the network settings on your phone to see whether it makes a difference?

I did reset the network settings yes. I read that in most cases it would help (sometimes temporarily but help nonetheless). Unfortunately I had zero change.

Edit: I also tried removing the Apple leather case. With no difference in results.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia, Canada
Is the bedroom the only room that you have this problem? (When you're in 2.4ghz somewhere else in the house, is it a problem?)

I thought it was only in my bedroom but I tried the 2.4ghz in the living room 10ft from my router and......12 mbits/sec. Terrible. So it doesn't seem to be location based. Thank you. I still don't know what it means but it's more information than I had.

I'm not sure exactly how the technology works. Is it possible to have a defective 2.4 band only on the iPhone itself? Or if one was bad would both be bad?


macrumors Westmere
Apr 16, 2008
At the iPhone hacks section.
I'd also try restoring the iphone to rule out any software issues with that phone.
Then try testing it on other wireless networks also with both phones to see if you get the same.
If it does it only with that router then it might be some other issue or incompatibility.
And Btw, if you and your wife are in the bedroom there's other things to do instead of testing your phones wifi speeds:D
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macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2013
US Eastern time zone
What wireless network device do you have. One time I also had an unexplained slowdown in one of my iPhone devices. Other devices were working up to speed, and only the one iPhone wasn't. Resetting the network on the iPhone did not help me either.

What finally fixed it was to reset up my AirPort Extreme wireless router. Took it back to factory condition and reset the same network, password, security, everything the way I had it before. Then when I linked the iPhone to the reset wireless network the problem was solved. All devices were running at their top speeds. including the previously slow iPhone.

For some reason the AirPort Extreme router slowed down data transfer with the one iPhone. Give it a try, it did not take long.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia, Canada
I'd also try restoring the iphone to rule out any software issues with that phone.
Then try testing it on other wireless networks also with both phones to see if you get the same.
If it does it only with that router then it might be some other issue or incompatibility.
And Btw, if you and your wife are in the bedroom there's other things to do instead of testing your phones wifi speeds:D

Restoring will definitely be my last resort. I will try both phones on another network next time I have the chance. I thought I might get a comment about the bedroom :cool:. Thanks for the suggestions.

What wireless network device do you have. One time I also had an unexplained slowdown in one of my iPhone devices. Other devices were working up to speed, and only the one iPhone wasn't. Resetting the network on the iPhone did not help me either.

What finally fixed it was to reset up my AirPort Extreme wireless router. Took it back to factory condition and reset the same network, password, security, everything the way I had it before. Then when I linked the iPhone to the reset wireless network the problem was solved. All devices were running at their top speeds. including the previously slow iPhone.

For some reason the AirPort Extreme router slowed down data transfer with the one iPhone. Give it a try, it did not take long.

It definitely seems odd that one device only would get the slowed down data transfer. But if it worked for you I'll give it a go and report back. Thanks
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macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2013
US Eastern time zone
Restoring will definitely be my last resort. I will try both phones on another network next time I have the chance. I thought I might get a comment about the bedroom :cool:. Thanks for the suggestions.

It definitely seems odd that one device only would get the slowed down data transfer. But if it worked for you I'll give it a go and report back. Thanks
Great, good luck. I too am curious if it will help you. It seemed odd to me at the time. But I definitely got good results immediately.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia, Canada
Great, good luck. I too am curious if it will help you. It seemed odd to me at the time. But I definitely got good results immediately.
No luck with the full reset and restore of the airport extreme and iPhone Looks like I'm taking a drive to the Apple Store.


macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2013
US Eastern time zone
No luck with the full reset and restore of the airport extreme and iPhone Looks like I'm taking a drive to the Apple Store.
Sorry to hear that. Whatever the issue it isn't what I had then. It's not impossible that the phone or airport are malfunctioning. Just seems weird it's only within your network on that select device. Good luck and keep us posted, you have our curiosity aroused.

M. Gustave

macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2015
Grand Budapest Hotel
I know with some routers and hotspots, they have a "primary" and a "secondary" channel. On my AT&T hotspot, only the primary uses the dual band wifi. Might be something to check. I assume you tried just connecting the iPhone alone, with the other phone's wifi off?
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