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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 4, 2017
Wisconsin, USA
Sure. To make it permanent: edit (as root user) /etc/yaboot.conf and add radeon.agpmode=-1 to the beginning of the "append" line (which will probably have other parameters listed also like quiet nosplash), save, then open a terminal and type: sudo ybin -v to update yaboot. The next time it boots you wont need to type anything.

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macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2021
Kepler 22b
I think it worked! Sorry for the slow response. On the second page of yaboot when I press enter, it still says Linux but so far I haven't noticed it freezing up. I edited the yaboot.conf as root and ran the terminal command so I don't think I missed anything, hopefully.

Thank you for all the guidance for getting this running on my iBook G4. I couldn't have done it without your help and I am stoked to have a good working Linux PPC distro finally. I appreciate all your work in this project!
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macrumors regular
Hi everyone! Repositories seem to be not working.(updates look to be affected) Wanted to update after reinstalling and this happened. Anyone knows working mirror or knows how to report bug?

Updates are crucial for me as original release has some bugs that are fixed by these updates.
16.04 remix.


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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 4, 2017
Wisconsin, USA
Are you sure your network is working? If it is, maybe they moved the 16.04 repo to old-releases like they did with 12.04/14.04/etc. I haven't heard that they did, but if they did just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to there if that's the case. Here's the 12.04 updated repo for reference. Just change out to, save, and apt update.


macrumors regular
Are you sure your network is working? If it is, maybe they moved the 16.04 repo to old-releases like they did with 12.04/14.04/etc. I haven't heard that they did, but if they did just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to there if that's the case. Here's the 12.04 updated repo for reference. Just change out to, save, and apt update.
Network is working. I can still download packages from some repos.

InRelease file seems to have powerpc removed. Was modified recently.

P.S. I cannot see Xenial in old releases yet.

Can you please test it, if it works for you?(from live DVD)

Is there a place where to report this problem?

EDIT: tried it today and xenial-security xenial-backports and xenial-updates are affected
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macrumors newbie
Apr 20, 2022
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hello! I have an eMac G4 (the 17" CRT model with USB 2.0 ports and cpu at 1.25GHz): Radeon 9200, 2GB RAM and 40GB HDD.
I've used the lubuntu 16.04 remix USB image to boot, used the radeon 9xxx parameters but after loading kernel and ramdisk it goes to OF some seconds and then black screen (CRT turned off it seems). Keyboard keeps responsive tho.
I'd search on this thread for help but there doesn't seem to be any case like that, most were solved by updating parameters to use the radeon 9xxx ones (after install) but it doesn't work for me.
The farthest I can get is with the Adelie distro, which after some time boots (can see init log) but also goes to black screen. I know that radeon 9200 support is weird, but that much?
I can't test booting via Live CD because I can't get blank cd/dvds neither a recorder for them.
I would like to give this thing some new life, already use lubuntu on desktop but expected this to be quite hard (being the first time I work with PPC hardware).


macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2022
Any fix for that mess with Xenial, yet?
I Asked here:

And here:

If you want you can join the discussion and report that the bug affects you, too


macrumors regular
I Asked here:

And here:

If you want you can join the discussion and report that the bug affects you, too
Thanks! That excuse with EOL is just awful.(12.04 repos are functional, same for Debian)


macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2022
That's out of my hands. It's a Ubuntu issue.

It seems that 16.04, being only community supported, is definitely dead now, and its repositories just disappeared. Installing 16.04 today means being locked to what was in the installation .iso.
The last one that was officially supported is 14.04, if I understand correctly. Which is the best option for us now, in your opinion?


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 4, 2017
Wisconsin, USA
Depends. You can still use 12.04/14.04/16.04 if they suite your needs. Otherwise it seems debian 11/sid is the best long term solution. Void is dropping support jan of 2023, adelie hasnt been updated since 2020, gentoo is a nightmare, archlinuxppc isn't quite ready for prime time, etc etc. Use whatever you're comfortable with i guess.



macrumors regular
Depends. You can still use 12.04/14.04/16.04 if they suite your needs. Otherwise it seems debian 11/sid is the best long term solution. Void is dropping support jan of 2023, adelie hasnt been updated since 2020, gentoo is a nightmare, archlinuxppc isn't quite ready for prime time, etc etc. Use whatever you're comfortable with i guess.

Adélie is pretty much unusable on G4. Installed it exactly like ActionRetro, but results are very poor. Only SDDM and IceWM without 3D accelearation are working(HW in signature)

Live DVD works normally(3D acceleration and everything), but installed system is completely broken. If only DVD could be copied to HDD as-is.(Like Ubuntu installer does)

For me, only working systems are: Void PPC(Even KDE5 works, but without effects) Mint PPC on top of Buster(primary) and Debian 8.(LXDE)
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2020
(HW in signature)

Radeon 9000 PRO

Well, there's your problem. Somewhere between 2012 and 2016, the AMD driver broke Radeon 9000 support. I'm actually impressed you got any desktop at all, as none of my efforts got even that far, beyond a gitchy mess. I have read that the driver got improvements in 2021, which might be why it actually went as well as it did, but from what I've been able to put together, if you want to keep full OS 9 compatibility, the absolute best card would be the Radeon 8500. The 9200 would be great, but the PCI version has issues in 10.4.


macrumors regular
Well, there's your problem. Somewhere between 2012 and 2016, the AMD driver broke Radeon 9000 support. I'm actually impressed you got any desktop at all, as none of my efforts got even that far, beyond a gitchy mess. I have read that the driver got improvements in 2021, which might be why it actually went as well as it did, but from what I've been able to put together, if you want to keep full OS 9 compatibility, the absolute best card would be the Radeon 8500. The 9200 would be great, but the PCI version has issues in 10.4.
Somewhat more recent VoidPPC works normally. The same with 2019 Sid snapshot.(10)

2021 snapshot(11) works but no acceleration.

It is just with Adélie making bad post-install configuration.(Live DVD has 3D accelerated Kompozitor working in KDE 5)

I just want to know, how Action Retro did it!

When I install Adélie with KDE, it just won’t install Xorg drivers at all. Results in lock up since no kbd/mouse drivers are present.(installer seems to be broken)
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2020
Somewhat more recent VoidPPC works normally. The same with 2019 Sid snapshot.(10)

2021 snapshot(11) works but no acceleration.

It is just with Adélie making bad post-install configuration.(Live DVD has 3D accelerated Kompozitor working in KDE 5)

I just want to know, how Action Retro did it!

When I install Adélie with KDE, it just won’t install Xorg drivers at all. Results in lock up since no kbd/mouse drivers are present.(installer seems to be broken)
I mean, he installed it on an iMac G4. Radeon 9000 support has definitely been broken in Debian since 2016, and there's a small reference to it here:

Other distros aren't necessarily going to have the same set of problems. And there are definitely signs that things may improve for that Radeon:

The Adélie issues do sound unrelated and I wish I had more experience with it.


macrumors member
Sep 24, 2020
I just installed OpenBSD on my iMac G3 350MHz with IceWM and I was astonished about how easily everything works
A lot of old OSes work fine. I really liked Yellow Dog Linux and Xubuntu 10.04 (works very fast) on my G4, but only about half of the internet pages work.

I've been using the Lubuntu 12.04 from here for 2 years and it works great because the necessary browser updates are added for internet to work, and you can use the hacks from this forum to watch youtube. 16.04 didn't work properly. You also don't need to do the extra online updates for 12.04. I think I did that one time and it screwed something up as far as I remember, I did a couple of installs 2 years ago to try stuff out.

There seems to be a clear advantage over MacOS in that my computer doesn't overheat, although I've been trying to limit the tabs I keep open, so it could be the latter, but in any case it's running pretty smoothly, even if not that fast compared to slightly newer computers.


macrumors newbie
Jul 28, 2022
And with additional multiple steps we have a 20 years old iMac G3 with ATI Rage 128 (16M) with HW acceleration enabled!!
I did also several testing to optimize its poor performances passing from 260fps to 370fps in glxGears.

View attachment 1700541

Also some games with openGL <= 1.2 work smoothly:

View attachment 1700542

Happy with the progresses so far.
Next step will be to move away from XAA and to enable "modern" EXA acceleration on the r128. However to do that I need newer drivers requiring tons of newer libraries, so I think I will be forced to test more recent OSes like the 16.04. Let's see..

Have a nice Xmas.
Hey fra9000, I read your commends about getting accelerated r128 drivers to work with Linux on the iMac G3. I know I'm super late to this conversation, but I've got an iMac G3 that I'd love to game on with Linux, but I just can't get accelerated graphics working. Do you have any information you can give me to get me going in the right direction? I suspect there might be kernel modules I'll have to mess with, but I'm generally comfortable doing low-level stuff on Linux. Thank you.
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 4, 2017
Wisconsin, USA
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