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macrumors newbie
Sep 4, 2017
Ugh, annoyed to hear that!

Call me sensitive, but a $2500+ device should in my opinion never have issues like this. Personally, I will go down to the shop today for a third time and request a swap.

I am having the same problem but when I brought it in i was told they would have to send it in to be repaired which can take at minimum 7 business days and because i customized my unit it they can't just swap it for one in store.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 5, 2008
I am having the same problem but when I brought it in i was told they would have to send it in to be repaired which can take at minimum 7 business days and because i customized my unit it they can't just swap it for one in store.

The repair involves the replacement of the entire top case including the batteries, speakers, trackpad, etc.. I the US the turn around is about 3 days including shipping.


macrumors newbie
Sep 12, 2017
As I type, I'm experiencing this same issue with my MacBook Pro that was SUPPOSEDLY fixed earlier this spring. I don't understand how they cannot fix the issue after the first attempt. I'm very unhappy with their new MacBook Pro. I would think for $2,500 this would be a quality product. Plus, I now have to leave my computer at the Apple Store for 5 days to wait on the repair. Not good when your business is 100% ran from this computer. As soon as I fix this spacebar issue AGAIN, I'm selling it and going back to an Air with the old keyboard or another brand. Waste of time to continuously fix the issue.


macrumors newbie
Sep 25, 2017
macbook pro 2016, same problem here, looks like the space bar is jammed.
this is very annoying!
i'm caling apple tomorrow!


macrumors newbie
Sep 28, 2017
Friday Harbor, WA
I am having the same problem --okay on the left, but not on the right. I've already taken my 2016 in to have the motherboard replaced; I really hate to have to do it again. But adjusting my typing style isn't working so well either...


macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2017
I can confirm this is also an issue on the 2017's. Coming from a 2015, the keyboard immediately felt different and cheap. Far inferior typing feel than my old MbP. Sure enough within a couple of weeks the spacebar stopped working. Then the tab button. Then other random keys sporadically go in and out. Why on earth did they swap out the old keyboard for this junk that obviously wasn't tested enough?


macrumors newbie
Nov 4, 2017
Yes just noticed it this week.

Same here with 2017 14,3, 2 weeks old, right side of space bar obviously physically broken. Anyone know an official source and confirmation, I would like to avoid replacing with same fault keyboard. However it looks like it is an issue for some time already!

Beside of this, I really like the keyboard as a software developer, the small hub is feeling very good but hopefully it is not a generic quality problem of this keyboard at all.


macrumors newbie
Nov 17, 2017
And just had this happen to me moments ago in the middle of what I’m writing. I’m on a deadline and have no other computer. Have kept it in perfect condition since purchasing it in February. So angry right now.

The Samurai

macrumors 68020
Dec 29, 2007
Same thing with mines, its happening on the left hand side of the touchbar.

Bought mines from Currys / PCWorld (2016 model)


macrumors newbie
Jan 18, 2018
I wish I would have known these issues before spending so much money on a 2017 MacBook Pro. This is shameful and unacceptable for Apple to continue selling these machines with such an aggravating defect!
I wish I would have known these issues before spending so much money on a 2017 MacBook Pro. This is shameful and unacceptable for Apple to continue selling these machines with such an aggravating defect!
It's gradually gotten worse and I have had it less than 2 months!
Yes just noticed it this week.
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
whsbuss wrote:
"Same here. Started about a month ago. My 13" MBP is a year old. Has anyone taken it to the genius bar @ Apple?"

(all shouting intentional).

You have "KeyGate™".
If you're close to being out-of-warranty, Apple will replace the keyboard/topcase.
This is a $700 repair!
Even if you're just-out-of-warranty, they -might- do it "in good faith".

But one thing is for certain on this:
If you snooze, you'll lose!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2015
Welp... I posted earlier, so here's the egg on my face - my spacebar has been acting so sporadic over the past week. I have a 2017 15" Pro and once every ~3 sentences, one space just automatically becomes two. It used to just be stuck keys from time to time, but this is infuriating! I have AC+, just don't want to be without my computer again....


macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2018
Update: Swapped it a second time – on my 3rd device now and the spacebar works perfectly this time around. Thanksforyourinput (jk)!

I picked up the new MacBook Pro 2016 model (15 in, Touch Bar) at Saturday. I felt something was clearly off with the spacebar and got it replaced with a new unit today. To my surprise and misfortune this new unit has the exact same issue with the spacebar --- being sticky/spongy in the right side and only registering clicks every third time or so.

So, 2/2 machines I've tested had this issue. Is this normal behaviour with these new machines or should I keep swapping it until I get a functioning unit? sigh

I recorded a quick video demonstrating the issue.
Turn up your volume and notice the major difference between clicking the left and right side.
I'm afraid there are a lot more issues on these new MBP's than the keyboards and keys. Please have a browse through this thread ( as it lists a number of known faults that people are experiencing from around the world. Some people are on their 3rd and 4th replacement, I myself am on my second machine which only lasted 3 months before a new hardware issue popped up. The thread lists, keys and keyboard issues, thermal issues, speaker issues, touchbar issues, software issue, quality control issues and worst of all - Apple has not openly acknowledged these faults. Please list your faults on this thread if you haven't already. Thank you.

Koh Phi Phi

macrumors regular
Nov 15, 2017
I had the exact issue on the "b" letter.

Upon researching the net, it appears to be a common issue on 2016 MBP 15" TB. Obiously a design flaw.
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macrumors member
Mar 20, 2009
Bradford, ON, Canada
It's funny how I often see so many issues with the hardware - specifically TouchBar and/or keyboard issues - with the 2016 MacBook Pro, yet I have a 2017 edition (not sure what major differences there are?) and mine has been flawless the entire time I've had it - not a single issue to speak of. I love the machine for both OS X as well as Windows 10 (via Bootcamp) and it's been perfect for me so far.

- Space Gray
- 15", 2017 (Purchased November 2017, MFR Date October 9th, 2017)
- 3.1GHz i7
- 16GB RAM
- Radeon Pro 560 4GB VRAM
- AppleCare
- P/N for customized rig: Z0UC0LL/A

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