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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 16, 2016
So I just installed the dev preview on my MacBook, and I noticed that Mission Control now responds to where your fingers are on the trackpad when you activate it with a 3-finger swipe!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, remember how in OS X Mountain Lion and Lion when you spread your fingers on the trackpad out to show the desktop the windows would just fly to the sides, even if you moved your fingers ever so slightly? But since OS X Mavericks onwards, the windows would move relative to where your fingers are?

It's kind of like that, except for Mission Control! It's pretty cool to see your windows and documents just fly, like you're Tony Stark or something. Also, now there is a small message which says "No Available Windows" when you summon Mission Control with no windows open.

Sorry if this has been posted before, I'm new to the forums o_O


macrumors 6502a
Nov 4, 2012
Difficult to describe, but do you mean how it adjusts the speed of the action on screen to the speed of your gesture on the trackpad? If so: yes this is pretty neat. It has been posted about before, but may be a bit buried.

Another user noticed a cool window-related thing where if you drag a window to the left or right edge, you get a bit of resistance before it will go offscreen. This is also speed-sensistive, where if you move slowly and deliberately it will activate, but if you are just dragging windows across the screen willy-nilly it won't stop you. Pretty thoughtful stuff!


macrumors member
Jun 24, 2011
Difficult to describe, but do you mean how it adjusts the speed of the action on screen to the speed of your gesture on the trackpad? If so: yes this is pretty neat. It has been posted about before, but may be a bit buried.

Another user noticed a cool window-related thing where if you drag a window to the left or right edge, you get a bit of resistance before it will go offscreen. This is also speed-sensistive, where if you move slowly and deliberately it will activate, but if you are just dragging windows across the screen willy-nilly it won't stop you. Pretty thoughtful stuff!

The speed sensitivity is cool and looks cool, but I hope the physics are tweaked a little bit before the final. It takes a lot more finger motion to be as quick switching between apps as in El Cap.

Also, my favorite little trick with Mission Control is gone. If you hover over an app in the MC view and swipe up again with three (or four) fingers, you can switch to that app instantly. Super fast, no clicking necessary. I really really really hope this returns.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 4, 2012
The speed sensitivity is cool and looks cool, but I hope the physics are tweaked a little bit before the final. It takes a lot more finger motion to be as quick switching between apps as in El Cap.

Also, my favorite little trick with Mission Control is gone. If you hover over an app in the MC view and swipe up again with three (or four) fingers, you can switch to that app instantly. Super fast, no clicking necessary. I really really really hope this returns.

Huh. I had never noticed that before. Pretty cool. When I want MC to be evoked quickly and efficiently, I still go for the F3 key, personally. But I do like that they keep adding little touches. Hopefully the one you mentioned does return.


macrumors 6502
Nov 25, 2004
Oh god this has been driving me insane, haha. I had no idea that's what it was connected to. Can you turn it off??


macrumors newbie
Jul 26, 2016
What I don't like about this change is that it used to be possible to initiate the F3 action with a tiny 4 finger gesture. Now I have to bother to press F3 or make a very quick but longer 4 finger gesture than before so my UI experience doesn't suddenly feel like treacle. I initially reported this as a bug! Really don't know why they felt they had to modify the existing behaviour.
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