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macrumors G3
Jul 24, 2009
Looks like a couple of things could be taken from this.

1. The extra lip makes for a more stable button less sticking.

2, looking at the close ups the actual button has a shallower depth so it helps support this thinner glass from rumour.


Aug 10, 2010
macrumors apparently
"Introducing the iPhone 5, with an all new, completely redesigned home button."
"Going home has never been so easy."
"We decided to match the innovation of Siri with our revolutionary new home button."

It's not an easy marketing angle, but I think Apple can handle it.

Best comment I 've read the past few weeks!!!!


macrumors 68040
Oct 25, 2004
Ugh, I am not looking forward to reading MR if this is how iPhone 5 rumors are going to be...

I knew I was going to buy the next iPhone leading up to the 4S release (I had broken my 3GS and didn't want to switch to Android) and I could barely stomach the desperate, over-analyzed rumors about trivial and tiny details.

I have no interest in the next iPhone so these kinds of rumors are even more nausiating.

OK, I know I could just skip rumors like this, but MR is how I like to waste time! Guess I'll have to find some other way... Maybe I'll try fantasy baseball or something.

Best comment I 've read the past few weeks!!!!
OK, now that I read the post that the this post links to I'm glad I clicked into this thread after all.
+1 posts are dumb and it's even dumber to +1 a +1 post, but the original post was that funny. Capital L. O. L.


macrumors member
Apr 17, 2012
Why are these sites are posting the most retarded ****, they even be purchased. Where are the other parts?


macrumors 68000
Mar 6, 2008
I actually would love to see an improved home button, I'd say about 30% of the time I click the button It doesn't seem to register..

I've heard of other people experiencing similar issues.. I think It has to do with hardware rather then software..


macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2008

What's with the awful plastic bleed?

Looks like a Chinese knock-off. Or a button from a bad batch. Even if that were the case, the original 4S button still looks a hell of a lot cleaner then the "iPhone 5" home button (just design wise).

I find it hard to believe that this is a legit Apple part. Maybe it was, but they dumped them all. Who knows. I just know that it looks like ****- it *looks* like a Chinese knock-off. Apple's manufactures know how to make stuff, so I don't know how on earth a whole run of buttons would land up in such a sorry state.



macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2011
C'mon guys, you didn't figure it ou yet ?

After introducing amazing and resolutionnary ipad, now the home button becomes RETINA compatible...

There will be no wrong way to use it... Just press it again and again, you will never come back to another home button...

Your finger fit perfectly and due to the retina technology, now it's a gorgeous button that will lead you to the home screen like it has never been done before....

This butto has been created after years of brillant engineering and design researches and due to the retina technology it is made of an unibody liquid metal structure the first home button using that amazong industrial process to achieve this gorgeous piece of art....

Due to moisture sensors incorporated into the button IOS 6, the notification center will now be able to display a warning message when you have to put a case to avoid any death grip issue.

And finally but not the least, with IOS 6 and this amazing button you will be able to dial any phone number using morse code in case of your lcd is broken after falling from 5 inches...

well ok, hmm what else... I'm waiting the rumor to that says this butto will finally go to the new 4S devices upon the new iphoe is out or it will go to the new iphoe nano...

So i just expect better home button quality or no more home button and bigger screen like 4 or 4.2 and please better battery... ;):D


macrumors newbie
Aug 10, 2011
Back-lit home button?

I really want them to back light the home button to indicate notifications. It could fade in and out like the sleep indicator on a MacBook. Maybe its just me, but the pictures of the new home buttons almost look like they could have that function.


macrumors 68020
Apr 17, 2010
I'm all for a home button re-design, even if it is unnoticeable to the user. Every iPhone I've ever owned had a home button that went south after a few months of use, and from reading on here I can tell I am far from the only one.

I am a big fan of the home button/notification light idea but I don't see Apple doing that any time soon.

And can we please chill out with the irrational debate over what they will call the next gen phone? Love it for what is on the inside. Like an ugly wife who can cook good.


macrumors regular
Aug 2, 2011
Water ingress

Hopefully this protects the front of the phone well from water ingress.


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2009
Wait, are these Chinese companies selling these home buttons legally? They look fairly unlicensed :rolleyes:


Hopefully this protects the front of the phone well from water ingress.

A touch-sensitive home button would do that. I think they should add one as long as they make it not too sensitive.


Pointless information

apple will fail big time with the iPhone 5
they don't give a **** just want the buck

What makes you think that? Very little has been leaked about it, so how would you know?


This is news why?

It was unknown before, and it debunks another rumor.


Shall I get excited about the shape of the home button?

Is this the beginning of the end of the iCraze?

After LTE, this will be near the end. Obviously, Apple has been keeping a stockpile of new things to add to the iPhone so they can keep the excitement high.

The only thing I really want now is Nintendo games to be officially supported (no emulators) and the ability to make plugins for other apps and put them on the app store.
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