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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Artist depiction of new speaker in iPad 2​
Japanese blog Mac Otakara claims that the next generation iPad will have a slightly smaller bezel, a flat back and a new "wide-ranged speaker unit". The report (via AppleInsider) cites an anonymous Chinese source.

The changes would be welcome by some as it addresses a couple of criticisms of the original iPad design. The outer plastic bezel surrounding the LCD screen of the iPad was seen as excessively large by some. The new design would address this by slightly narrowing this bezel by 3x3mm. The final design is said to retain the same size LCD screen but the overall unit is claimed to measure 239 mm by 186 mm as compared to the current iPad's size of 242.8 mm x 189.7 mm. Next, the back of the iPad is reported to be "flat like an iPod Touch" which would allow the new iPad to sit flat on a desk surface. The current iPad has a rounded back.

Finally, the source adds a detail that would explain the large opening seen in some early iPad 2 case designs.

According to the Japanese blog, the new iPad has a large "wide-ranged speaker unit covered with metal mesh". A computer generated depiction is pictured above. The new iPad is said to be starting production with a ship date in mid-to-late January. Mac Octakara has no history of providing Apple rumors, but the details seem plausible and fit with the leaked iPad case designs.

Article Link: Next iPad with Smaller Bezel, Flat Back, and Wide-Range Speaker?
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macrumors 68020
Aug 17, 2010
In America
If these rumors are true, then i might just get an iPad once it comes out.
Although i never imaged of a wide-range speaker on the iPad.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 28, 2009
United Kingdom
I prefer the current design I like the shape of it, because its a bit unusual with a curved back and stuff. I am expecting the second gen iPad to really not be worth the upgrade for previous owners, I expect the updates hardware wise will be minor and will most likely just get a slight redesign with a camera that'll perhaps be it.

It'll be like the iPhone i'm guessing
'07 Original iPhone loads of people bought
'08 iPhone 3G (same hardware as original, just using 3G and new designed back
'09 iPhone 3GS (a large upgrade for first gen iPhone users, not so much for 3G
'10 iPhone 4 massive upgrade for iPhone 3G users

so I expect the third iPad will be worth the wait for us first gen users

I'm really not bothered about a camera sure I can see facetime working and being useful on an iPhone/iPod touch, but i'd never use it. I only really use my iSight for dailybooth snaps and messing with photo booth, love that application


macrumors member
Sep 27, 2009
Improved speaker indicates video conferencing... some next gen Facetime software and a camera are certs.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Nobody is going to miss 1.9mm of bezel. You'll still be able to grip it without covering the screen. It'll be a tiny fraction lighter because of that, but probably impossible to tell the difference without weighing them on an accurate balance.

A flat back might make it possible to set it down without it changing orientation or it might make that even harder. I can't understand why the lock switch moved from something you could flip without even thinking about to something you have to enable through a series of taps. Once his Steveness decreed that we need a mute switch because nobody can be expected to hold the down volume button for 1.1 seconds I lost faith in his ability to decide iDevice features.

If a speaker and a new shape are really the "features" of the new iPad then I have to agree with the people who are saying to wait for the third gen model.

Maybe by 2012 Apple will have also produced the 5.5", 3G enabled iNotePad that I want. Or maybe not. Unless and until I can get a device that's big enough to read text on, yet small enough to go everywhere Apple's iDevice department won't get another penny from me - not that anyone at Apple is losing sleep over that :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Sep 6, 2008
You guys have it all wrong.
That is not an iPad 2. If you look at the size of the connector and closeness to the speakers and to the edges it clearly cannot be iPad 2.

Based on the size of the connector that is definitely iPad Mini.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
Just give it more RAM and I'll buy it. Anything else is gravy.

The instant I saw the iPad I said "That is SO awesome I totally want the 2nd generation of that!" The closer we get the happier I am that I waited. (I just can't afford to upgrade my stuff every year so I have to time my jumping-in point better than some folks around here!)

That is not an iPad 2.

Which is probably why the article says that too.


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2010
Same LCD Screen? Please Don't!

The current iPad LCD screen is great for games and videos. However, for reading it just sucks. I can see more white in the letters than the actual letter. It definitely needs a higher resolution. I am not expecting a retina display, but it definitely needs more PPI.


macrumors 604
Jul 29, 2002
Vancouver, BC
I doubt the speaker would have a mesh design like that. That's not an Apple design these days. They would laser-drill holes directly in the case. I'd be very surprised if this mesh was used.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Nobody is going to miss 1.9mm of bezel. You'll still be able to grip it without covering the screen. It'll be a tiny fraction lighter because of that, but probably impossible to tell the difference without weighing them on an accurate balance.

Probably true, but if holding with one hand, it might be noticeable as it brings the weight center closer to the fulcrum (the hand).


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
The current iPad LCD screen is great for games and videos. However, for reading it just sucks. I can see more white in the letters than the actual letter. It definitely needs a higher resolution. I am not expecting a retina display, but it definitely needs more PPI.

actually, they just said same physical dimensions, but not necessarily same specs.



Jun 22, 2007
I don't understand why people are bitching about the bezel. The bezel is there so you can hold the iPad without your thumb covering the screen real estate and interfering with the capacitive touch screen.


macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2010
Detroit Suburbs
But the leaked case has a rounded back, not flat. So the case is wrong or the leak about a flat backed iPad is wrong, but they certainly don't match.


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco, CA
A January ship date just doesn't feel right. Why would Apple release an upgrade so close after Christmas ? The iPad is one of the top items on everyones list, so they will sell a boat load of them. Why would they want to risk having all of those returns ?

If they do decide to do it, the 20% restocking fee would discourage most people from returning it. In this case, I don't believe there will be a price reduction. I could see it being the exact same price or maybe even slightly higher.

I keep my iPad in a case at all times (The official case) so the flat back doesn't mean much for me. The wide range speaker does sound like a good call. Hopefully its far louder than the current iPad speaker.


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
You guys have it all wrong.
That is not an iPad 2. If you look at the size of the connector and closeness to the speakers and to the edges it clearly cannot be iPad 2.

Based on the size of the connector that is definitely iPad Mini.

If you care to read underneath the photo it says "Artist depiction of iPad 2". Of course dimensions are off. And it's someone's IDEA of the iPad 2. In no way does it resemble what it will actually look like.
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