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Jul 12, 2016
What's the durability of a folding glass screen … 6 months?

Do you think the quality test engineers who developed a folding display only designed it to last six months? That hardly seems accurate. No one really knows what the longevity is, but by no means would somebody purchase a product with the expectation of only lasting six months for a $2000 price tag. I’m confident Samsung tested their devices ‘beyond normal wear and tear’ to see how long it would last before they release it to the public, don’t you think that seems logical? I know I do.
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Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
I don't think foldable phones will take off period. Samsung is trying to see if there is a market for such a device and they will find out quickly not many want it especially @ $2000. Ultimately, Apple has it right when they say, "Use the right tool for the job!" If I need a larger screen, I pull out my iPad.


macrumors 68020
Oct 12, 2010
I don't think foldable phones will take off period. Samsung is trying to see if there is a market for such a device and they will find out quickly not many want it especially @ $2000. Ultimately, Apple has it right when they say, "Use the right tool for the job!" If I need a larger screen, I pull out my iPad.


I tried posting something similar on 9to5Mac but it seems they are blocking or ghosting negative comments about foldable phones for whatever reason. If you notice here we’re at 380 something comments while there it’s only like 25 comments


macrumors 6502a
Nov 10, 2004
I’m not quite convinced of the use case for a folding phone. I think 90% of the time you’re going to be in one mode or the other... not frequently switching between modes. You’re either on the couch at home in tablet mode or you’re out and about in mobile mode... in which case separate devices probably make more sense. I suppose if you commute it would be cool to flip your phone open to a tablet for a 40 min train ride or whatever. Or if you’re at a restaurant alone waiting for your meal. Or other scenarios during the day where there’s a change of “mode” for some extended period of time. But then you get a call and what... flip it back closed? I guess. But I don’t see flipping back and forth much during a session. Most of the time it’ll either be folded or not... not switching back and forth.


Jul 9, 2013
How? Apple and other companies will be doing foldable screens, that’s the future.
This made me laugh. If you think foldable screens are the future, you’re just blindly hopping on the next tech fad bandwagon.

Innovation for innovation’s sake without taking the customer experience and proper use cases into account will always lead to failure. Always.

You’re also not considering all the downsides and compromises of that design - folding a phone in half increased thickness dramatically, dual screens eat more battery life, the folded display is smaller, the hinge mechanism and foldable display are vulnerable to break - I could go on and on.


macrumors newbie
Mar 3, 2019
How is foldable a future? Its gimmick at best. It may and will be useful for other products but iPhone will not be one of them. Why you may ask? Because of the very nature of the item. Even when phones had full keyboard and were openable to get more stuff it wasn't widely spread because it just wasn't so useful.
The samsung video shows exactly why this tech is not suitable for phones.
Little example - he takes it out the pocket, unfolds it and uses two hands now kinda. Is there a latch that locks the new state of the device or will I be responsible to hold it straight? Also, if there is a latch or mechanism to hold it in place then that is another step to think about. The bigger screen is not worth it and its not practical. It will be niche market and not just for the price. Future will take us in a different direction but foldable phones won't be one of it.


Foldable and transparent screens are the future. It will bring other functionalities, like recognizing whatever you are seeing through the screen (like apple glass, or hololens, which by the way, you are not going to walk around with those glasses on the street like a dumb...), the bigger the screen, the more information you can see, as provided by a foldable phone, or you could use it curved. But, it is too futuristic


macrumors 68000
Mar 12, 2015
and sell them to double the price (or more perhaps?)....imagine to the final costumer.....


Dec 10, 2018
sorry but after reading the comments, i see that there are many bitter users,
jealous of samsung and Huawei innovation
simply because apple didn't came out with that idea first
so now the fordable phones are bad and they are not going to take off
maybe you should get one of those bendable iPad pros

is technically the same, you can fold that iPad easily too :D

cmon is not samsung or Huawei fault that apple can't innovate anymore
because all apple been doing under tim leadership is minimum changes and more of the same every year
we all knew this time was coming, that's what they get for releasing an iPhone very year with minimal updates
and an astronomical price increase

how can I say this in English so people can understand
oh yes, "they dig their own hole"

so they got exactly what they deserve, now this is good for us as costumers because now apple is force to come up with something good and something new

the only thing that worries me is the price

people complaint about samsung and Huawei price but wait until you see apple price
but they will justified apple price with something like, this is new technology
well the same can be said for samsung and Huawei and they were the ones that implement that new technology not apple

apple has to copied someone else idea to say competitive, the only advantage apple has , is the brand and the os
that's why Mac OS is better than windows even Mac comes with outdated hardware and a ridiculous price

the same for iPhone, iOS is keeping iPhone alive
if apple screws any of those 2 then they are in big trouble

have you ever heard, nice computer but sadly it runs windows
that is a nice phone but it runs android

that is the next step for the competition, to come up with an os better than any of those 2 then is bye bye apple

really hope the next CEO who comes after MR Cook can finally bring back apple to their glorious days

cmon guys let's be honest, you guys are dying for a fordable iPhone , stop the madness :D
you can lie to others but not to your self


macrumors 68020
Oct 12, 2010
sorry but after reading the comments, i see that there are many bitter users,
jealous of samsung and Huawei innovation
simply because apple didn't came out with that idea first
so now the fordable phones are bad and they are not going to take off
maybe you should get one of those bendable iPad pros

is technically the same, you can fold that iPad easily too :D

cmon is not samsung or Huawei fault that apple can't innovate anymore
because all apple been doing under tim leadership is minimum changes and more of the same every year
we all knew this time was coming, that's what they get for releasing an iPhone very year with minimal updates
and an astronomical price increase

how can I say this in English so people can understand
oh yes, "they dig their own hole"

so they got exactly what they deserve, now this is good for us as costumers because now apple is force to come up with something good and something new

the only thing that worries me is the price

people complaint about samsung and Huawei price but wait until you see apple price
but they will justified apple price with something like, this is new technology
well the same can be said for samsung and Huawei and they were the ones that implement that new technology not apple

apple has to copied someone else idea to say competitive, the only advantage apple has , is the brand and the os
that's why Mac OS is better than windows even Mac comes with outdated hardware and a ridiculous price

the same for iPhone, iOS is keeping iPhone alive
if apple screws any of those 2 then they are in big trouble

have you ever heard, nice computer but sadly it runs windows
that is a nice phone but it runs android

that is the next step for the competition, to come up with an os better than any of those 2 then is bye bye apple

really hope the next CEO who comes after MR Cook can finally bring back apple to their glorious days

cmon guys let's be honest, you guys are dying for a fordable iPhone , stop the madness :D
you can lie to others but not to your self
Dumb consumer tech.


macrumors 6502
Aug 25, 2016
You understand that Samsung makes all the iPhone Xs screens right? All that innovation "only Apple" could pull of to make the "awesome, magical" iPhone screens is done by Samsung, all Apple engineers do is go shopping at Samsung.

Apple designs and engineers the displays Samsung manufactures them it does not make them. If that was the case the would have to fold at the bottom of the display to house the display drivers.

It's no wonder that Samsung will offer their latest screens for sale. Smartphone sales are a rounding error on Samsung's balance sheet.

Apple designs and engineers the displays Samsung manufactures them it does not make them. If that was the case the would have to fold at the bottom of the display to house the display drivers.

Samsung made more money from selling screens to Apple than it did from its phones from memory something like $580 a display. How we cannot remember the numbers.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2012
Why not just get an SE? It’ll last you a few years longer, it has the same specs as the 6s
I do have an SE, the 5S was the hand me down to the wife. However Apple does not make the SE available in New Zealand. I would have upgraded my SE when the contract ran out, looked at what Apple had to offer and then looked seriously at Android phones. Decided I would just have the money and stick with what we have until they die. I will probably replace the batteries in them at some stage.
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Dec 10, 2018
Dumb consumer tech.
fair enough, is just a matter of taste and opinion
but remember just like you consider that new tech "dumb"
many others will also consider apple tech "dumb"
but I will also add, outdated, overrated and overprice
no one is forced to buy anything they don't like



macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2012
I hope apple will have an iPhone with an expendable display in the future. But it will take them time to get it out to the market. In the meanwhile I hope apple will try to get developers to optimize apps for this device by releasing an 8 inch or smaller high end iPad Pro (oled?) , so they can get iOS and apps optimized for this new device in unfolded mode, before it is released.


macrumors member
Feb 3, 2019
It says "Samsung is offering", not "Apple has ordered from Samsung", so chill.

Galaxy Fold and Huawei whatever have way too many flaws for the price tag, you're much better of getting an Xs and iPad Pro, or whatever Android/Windows equivalents you fancy.

Sure, Apple may have been working on foldable screens for years, why wouldn't they with the money they can spend on R&D? You guys are also aware that not everything that is being researched is coming to consumers, right? Tons of concepts get scraped because they just wouldn't work as expected.

Unless Apple have technology that is years ahead of what Samsung and Huawei showed, I hope they wait until it's ready instead of pushing it out as soon as possible just for the sake of it.

Personally, I'm not interested in foldables at all, especially in their current form because from what has been shown so far, they offer the worst experience of both worlds - tablets and phones.
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