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Should long term members be given "veteran status"

  • Yes, show the old timers some respect

    Votes: 48 41.7%
  • No, its not worth it

    Votes: 37 32.2%
  • Everyone on the forums should be treated as equals

    Votes: 30 26.1%

  • Total voters


macrumors Core
Original poster
Jan 4, 2002
~Shard~ said:
I agree, but I think this thread should be closed now - it's served its purpose... :cool:
Im trying to figure out what that purpose it served was. Time to pull the plug I guess.:eek:

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
It's perfectly fine to continue talking about the 500-post limit, avatars, and whether years of service should change the decorations.

If nobody has anything further to say about it, that's fine too, but no need to close the thread.


macrumors Core
Original poster
Jan 4, 2002
~Shard~ said:
Fair enough Doctor Q - let the thread remain alive and decide its own fate! ;) :)
If a healthy discussion can come of it then let it continue.:)


macrumors member
Mar 16, 2006
solvs said:
Sometimes I even have a life and go out and do stuff instead coming here. Shocking I know, but it happens. :p
Agreed, thats why im not even thinking about an avartar, who cares, mac knowledge is mac knowledge although commitment is another thing.:)


macrumors 6502a
Dec 30, 2000
California, Austria, Arkansas
I have been a member since 2000, and only have about 250 posts. I guess some people like to talk a lot, and others don't talk as much.

I feel the 500 level is about right. It gives us people who don't spend all our waking hours on MR but have been loyal members for years a chance to be recognized parts of the MR community, too.


macrumors 6502
Jul 2, 2002
I have been here a few years, I haven't hit 500 yet. I don't think the number of post makes you worth a tar. I do alot of reading along with the occassional chuckle. I post only when I feel I should. I have a lot to say like everyone does, but I chose to reserve myself. I would love to get a tar after being an active member for 5 years, but I guess only input counts, good or crap. Which I disaree with.

EDIT: ...have to add though, I get a kick seeing all the newbies come in, post alot of crap, get a tar, then consider themselves veterans. Kids.... It becomes even more of a joke when they become demis.... Hey true777, good to see that I am not the only old timer who is reserved.


macrumors Core
Original poster
Jan 4, 2002
Im not sure if this have ever been discussed in detail or if it is worth further discussion but should there be a veteran status and what should qualify. I would think some amount of posts is needed and a join date going at least 3 years back? Any thoughts.


macrumors 604
Sep 11, 2004
Canberra, Australia
To be honest, I still don't know what the big deal is. :eek:

Sure, people can be considered "veterans", but so what? I don't mean this maliciously at all, but I just really don't see how somehow acknowledging "veterans" will effect the forums or the way they are run in anyway.

Metatron said:
it becomes even more of a joke when they become demis....
A little harsh perhaps. The "kids" that actually contribute, should be commended for supporting the site, considering they probably have less money than most of the adults who don't contribute.


macrumors 68020
Dec 29, 2003
West Coast
MacNut said:
Im not sure if this have ever been discussed in detail or if it is worth further discussion but should there be a veteran status and what should qualify. I would think some amount of posts is needed and a join date going at least 3 years back? Any thoughts.

If being a MacRumors veteran means access to the MacRumors VFW, I'm all for it!


macrumors 68020
Dec 29, 2003
West Coast
max_altitude said:
A little harsh perhaps. The "kids" that actually contribute, should be commended for supporting the site, considering they probably have less money than most of the adults who don't contribute.

Sure, people can be considered "Demi-Gods", but so what? I don't mean this maliciously at all, but I just really don't see how somehow acknowledging "Demi-Gods" will effect the forums or the way they are run in anyway.



macrumors 604
Sep 11, 2004
Canberra, Australia
Unspeaked said:
Sure, people can be considered "Demi-Gods", but so what? I don't mean this maliciously at all, but I just really don't see how somehow acknowledging "Demi-Gods" will effect the forums or the way they are run in anyway.

Well, it's an indication that that person has contributed to the site. In a way, it's a form of advertising to remind/encourage people that they can contribute.


macrumors Core
Original poster
Jan 4, 2002
max_altitude said:
To be honest, I still don't know what the big deal is. :eek:

Sure, people can be considered "veterans", but so what? I don't mean this maliciously at all, but I just really don't see how somehow acknowledging "veterans" will effect the forums or the way they are run in anyway.
There are people that have been here a long time that don't have avatars but are dedicated members, should they not be acknowledged for their years of service to the site. Same thing goes for those with avatars who were here since the beginning who have stuck around all these years. I think the founders should be given some respect and not taken for granted.


macrumors 604
Sep 11, 2004
Canberra, Australia
This thread is starting to go in circles, but does it really matter if someone joined before I did? The first page of the thread pretty much sums up it up nicely if you ask me.

Also, I don't think anyone here is taken for granted. If you contribute to the forums, help people out, make a joke here or there, whatever, you'll become a respected member of the forums anyway.


Dec 12, 2005
I would do away with all of the rankings and if you want to have a pretty picture then you can have one. But I don't really care one way or the other. It does worry me that some folks are so hung up on status issues.


macrumors 6502
Jul 2, 2002
max_altitude said:
A little harsh perhaps. The "kids" that actually contribute, should be commended for supporting the site, considering they probably have less money than most of the adults who don't contribute.

I don't think it is harsh at all since most kid get their money from their parents. While I thank them for contributing to our site I think a veteran status would be a good thing to help seperate out the chaff. I don't think it should be awarded for a certian number of post at all. Anyone can ramble. Time should be an important factor. Being an active member for a time span is more important than then how fast you can click "submit reply." For the legit poster, take no offense in my statement of the number of post. You know who I am talking about when I say chaff.


macrumors 68020
Dec 29, 2003
West Coast
As far as I'm aware, most other sites that host forums follow a similar setup, where people who reach post levels get certain privileges, but length of membership means nothing.

Of course, then there's sites like Fark, where each user has a chronological ID number, and there's a big difference between - say - member 1,452 and member 265,784...

But really, what difference does it make if someone's a financial contributor or not, if someone joined 12 months before someone else, or if someone has 300 posts more than their friend?

As long as people are sharing info and contributing to the site, I think we're all on the same level...


macrumors 6502
Jul 2, 2002
max_altitude said:
Actually, I think you'll find that most of the kids that have contributed have earned the money on their own.

Why don't you start a poll and find out?


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
Metatron said:
Why don't you start a poll and find out?
well, i am almost positive that both lilstewart and amacgenius payed with their own money, and i am saving up to become a demi myself.


macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
Just let everybody have a 'tar from the getgo, and that would cut down on all the pointless discussions that go nowhere. Let's face it, the old timers are getting younger and younger and most of them could care less about the status symbol anyways - it's about personal expression.

By the way, does anyone else notice how a post with a 'tar takes up three times the space on a page then some newbie or regular's post does, unless he/she rambles on incoherently about nothing that matters anyways...

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
How did we start talking about where demi funds come from?

Anyway, do we want a poll to gauge whether recognition for long-term members is a good idea? I'd start one myself but my poll-making rights were harshly (but fairly) taken away after that time I tried creating a pyramid permission repairing scheme.

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