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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
From Action Retro....
Picture 1.png


Dec 18, 2010
Wow, a few more things like this, say the BBC or CBC news websites, and a stripped down version of the PowerPC and the early Intel Mac forums on here and I'd be pretty much set. Seriously considering taking a lifetime break from youtube, its a major time suck and I only really find one or two videos a week that I actually enjoy. Mostly it's pillocks trying to monetize their shallow pathetic lives. Unlike mine, which is rich, deeply spiritual, full of racial/cultural harmony and boundless adventure (not).


macrumors 68040
Jun 2, 2017
Incredible; what a cool utility! With each new retro website published, the Internet steadily regains a little bit more usability for our (and others') old machines.

On that note, I wonder what would happen if it was integrated with the Wayback Machine for maximum authenticity ...

In any case, thank you for sharing! :)

Project Alice

macrumors 68020
Jul 13, 2008
Post Falls, ID
This is incredible! I’m going to try to self host something like this in case it disappears.
Could you possibly explain how to do that? I assume you mean self host it on your own network, so that Macs on your own local network will be able to render pages in a similar way.
I would also be interested in doing that, I keep a 2009 Mac Mini running SL server running most of the time that I think would be a good machine for this.


macrumors member
Jan 6, 2019
This is great for my iPhone 4S running iOS 5; it returns Wikipedia results and lets me view the Wikipedia page! Just wish it had an icon for the Home Screen.

I second that, considering that my iPhone 4 is still my daily driver if Action Retro could add a small icon for iPhones it would be great (if it can be done without messing with the compatibility with other browsers)
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macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2021
Could you possibly explain how to do that? I assume you mean self host it on your own network, so that Macs on your own local network will be able to render pages in a similar way.
I would also be interested in doing that, I keep a 2009 Mac Mini running SL server running most of the time that I think would be a good machine for this.
Yes. Running it on my own network, or putting it on a VPS for others to use. Frog Finder is great but if it goes away then we have lost a resource. I want to be able to keep a service like this going if the original goes away.
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Jan 1, 2018
The only downside to this is no graphics - for example if you goto system 7 today website, not graphics and my titanium isn’t that weak to display graphics. :-(


Dec 18, 2010
The only downside to this is no graphics - for example if you goto system 7 today website, not graphics and my titanium isn’t that weak to display graphics. :-(

Beggars can't be choosers. There is always Links 2, backported all they way to Panther if you need inline graphics.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 2, 2017
I've just remembered; if your browser can handle it, there is also, which we've had for several years now. Instead of converting DuckDuckGo's results to basic HTML, Wiby uses its own website index and aims to recreate the search experience of the old Web by prioritizing smaller, lesser-known sites that use less JavaScript and CSS rather than ad-riddled behemoths like Amazon, YouTube, and Twitter.

Picture 1.png

Picture 2.png

Unfortunately, this also means that the search results are slightly less precise to the entered query, thanks to the smaller pool to draw from. Fortunately though, websites can be submitted to be included as part of a query, helping to make future queries more precise. :)

It is tested working in Safari 4 on Tiger, and also works in Firefox on Jaguar. It will probably work with Classilla in OS 9.2 as well.


macrumors 68000
Jul 1, 2010
I wonder how may people can remember or even know that at one time that internet browsing was simple and clean without all of the advertising, picture saturation etc. Yes, maybe not so detailed in searches like today, but good enough for most.

Hope we get a retro mentality, but modern design in the next trends... :)

Look forward to trying the search engine.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 18, 2020
Glad you all like it! The main goal was to be able to browse full modern websites from ancient browsers like Netscape 2 on 68k Macs. When you open a link through FrogFind, the website is proxied through a reader mode and stripped to basic HTML, and all the links on the page are also updated with the proxy - meaning you can click any link in the page and browse as if any site was basic HTML

I also did the same to Google News:


macrumors member
Jan 12, 2019
Thank you. Both are very useful for us neo-luddite vintage computer users.

I will also recommend as an alternative to reddit or even Strips away most of the ads and extraneous stuff of reddit.
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Jan 1, 2018
proposal 1: what would it take as a community effort to either code TLS 1.2 into Classila and or to translate the .DLL files from Vogons to get get Netscape working again ? Do we really need YouTube in OS 9 on Classila or Netscape ? No.. the good news is YouTube would not have worked anyway since it came out 2-3years after OS9 stopped development, so no real big loss and by 2003-2004 it would have ran like crap anyway.. but if we can all try to add TLS 1.2 to Classila, that can help..
Proposal 2: Revive Netscape with the code we have since it’s now open source.. update with new coding the rendering engine, and also place TLS 1.2 into it.

this is NOT about YouTube in OS 9, but anything is possible..

thoughts ? Suggestions ? You see, when I am not upset, I can come up with wonderful ideas.
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