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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 30, 2011
Everyone thought that when the iPhone 5S had rumors about a finger print sensor everyone thought it would take 3 seconds to scan your print but in reality it took less than half a second and everyone was surprised.
I believe that Face ID will be magical and revolutionary. I think it will work better and faster than touch id
I wouldn't really miss the finger print scanner.
NOW Iris ID sounds very unrealistic for now. I believe what's coming is the Face ID
with night vision sensor to scan your face when it's dark and 3D lens to scan everything accurately during the day time.

I am excited for the iPhone 8
I believe the iPhone 8 WILL be bigger than the update from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 4
It will be the biggest upgrade in 7 years and great enough to be called revolutionary.
Even the design will be a upgraded throwback to the iP4
No way the iPhone 8 will cost less than $900 at the smallest storage.
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It won't work as well because ...


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I can't imagine it works as well, your fingerprints don't change much (there obviously are burns or injuries) but people's appearance changes, for example you can grow or shave a beard, women will wear makeup but may want to use their phones with or without it. people may switch between glasses and contacts, part of your face may be covered with a scarf in cold weather...
Even if all that is true, there are cases where it's move convenient with a fingerprint sensor, than something where the camera has to point at you. For instance Apple Pay. Or unlocking it while it's laying on a table.
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Touchid works great.

Apple should rethink if they might remove it from the mystery phone.
Yes I would miss it because I don't want Face ID for a multitude of reasons. If they allow one an option between the two, then fine. If it replaces Touch ID, then I may sadly start looking elsewhere for a mobile.
I don't think there is anything to worry about.

I don't like this time of year when members here, as well as other sites, are constantly posting the latest gossip, for peopler to ruminate and worry over.

Touch ID is (at this point in time) largely integrated into the ecosystem as well as many other apps. As such, I don't believe is is reason to worry over it being done away with.
People will use whatever they will find useful to them and they are comfortable with.
I had a note 7 with iris scanner. I wrote it off as something I would never use, but it actually came in handy a lot.

When you have wet hands, or you have one hand occupied it does really come in handy.
My prediction is the iPhone 8 will have face ID and touch ID. It will work great but some people will still be comfortable using touch ID. Then Apple will do what they do and get rid of touch ID next year once we all get a bit used to face ID. I've heard face ID does work in the dark, with or without makeup (haha), and with or without glasses. I agree it will be a learning curve since my screen is on and ready to go as it comes out of my pocket.
I would think they almost HAVE to still have touch ID, as if face ID does not work well it would be a disaster that Apple does not want!

I'm looking at the long-term decision...will Apple ditch touchid, like the 3.5mm jack?

Before you say 'No way'...think on it. Cause I think they might at some point in the future.
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I'm looking at the long-term decision...will Apple ditch touchid, like the 3.5mm jack?

Before you say 'No way'...think on it. Cause I think, they might at some point in the future.

If the could make the Face ID bullet proof, there is no doubt they would drop the finger ID. Time will tell, so many rumors, I am looking forward to seeing the new hardware.
I had a note 7 with iris scanner. I wrote it off as something I would never use, but it actually came in handy a lot.

When you have wet hands, or you have one hand occupied it does really come in handy.

I Definitely see Iris scanning being a huge part of our future. I don't know how this will play into effect, but with touch ID and Iris scanning, I wonder if they both could coexist.
Touch ID is almost as finicky as Siri. Often it doesn't work because my hands are dry, or have cracked skin due to the hand sanitizer sucking the moisture out of my skin. I was surprised that it actually worked once this past month.

Iris scanning is probably more 'James Bond' than a workable product for a cell phone. The light and sensors necessary sound like a PITA... Facial recognition isn't likely yo be a barn burner product enhancement either due to people's glasses, hats, etc... Maybe an RFID implanted chip, but that makes people all heeby jeeby...
Go check out Samsung S8/+ threads.

Unless you have had facial SURGERY your "face" is the same.

Wet hands, sweat, oil, those ruin TID or FPS.
If it's anything like the Note 7, it is terrible. It had issues recognizing me half the time. I just turned it off and used the fingerprint instead.
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