[center][img]http://images.macrumor...02/122424-title screen_240.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://images.macrumors.com/article/2010/04/02/122316-app list_240.jpg[/img][/center]
iPhone developer Nate True has announced his latest project called Wormhole Remote. Nate True is most well known as the creator Tap Tap Revolution during the days before the App Store. Tap Tap Revolution was later acquired by Tapulous and has evolved into the successful Tap Tap Revenge franchise. True has also authored many other jailbreak apps, but this project represents his first official App Store release. Wormhole offers seamless wireless remote access to your desktop Mac using a Wi-Fi connection. The promise is the ability to move from your desktop computer to your iPad and back seamlessly and quickly while working.
While several VNC remote desktop solutions have been available for the iPhone, Wormhole seems to apply it in a more iPad/iPhone friendly way with individual window views of each of your apps. Instead of navigating an entire Mac OS X desktop interface on your iPad, however, you are able to switch to specific application windows. The application supports all the expected desktop keyboard (control, alt/option) and mouse (single, double, drag) functions. Click for full screenshots:
[center][img]http://images.macrumor.../02/122423-gestureinfo_240.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://images.macrumors.com/article/2010/04/02/122424-keynote_240.jpg[/img][/center]
The first version of the app will be iPad-only and will launch for $5. The iPad version will later be updated for free to a Universal iPhone/iPad version ($7) while an iPhone-only version ($3) is also in the works.The following developer video shows it in action. The video parodies Apple's own iPad videos. While it was posted on April 1st, we've been assured this is a real product:
Article Link: Wormhole Remote to Offer Seamless Desktop Access From iPhone/iPad