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Sep 16, 2014
None of this interests me, and usually i'm all in on their stuff. They need a lot more to call any new device "pro". Next year's device rumors are a million times better then the current stuff. Obviously playing the waiting game for another year stinks but again when you are just adding some speed and a new camera.. I just can't see dropping another 1k down as quickly as before.
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macrumors 604
Apr 11, 2005
A shatter resistant iPhone would equate to no tempered screen protector or case for me.
I have never used a screen protector but now a case is almost a necessity due to how slim and slippery the phones are. However, I have used Spigen’s Thin Fit ultra slim/minimalist case for several generations now.


Sep 19, 2013
None of this interests me, and usually i'm all in on their stuff. They need a lot more to call any new device "pro". Next year's device rumors are a million times better then the current stuff. Obviously playing the waiting game for another year stinks but again when you are just adding some speed and a new camera.. I just can't see dropping another 1k down as quickly as before.
In the same boat. I usually upgrade my iPhone every year, and I'm one of those that wait up to 3am to do so on day 1. This is the first year I actually am thinking long and hard about waiting a bit. I say this often, but this year I feel more strongly about it than ever before. My XR is a great great phone, and 2020 sounds more worth it to me.
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macrumors 603
Apr 2, 2008
New York.
In the same boat. I usually upgrade my iPhone every year, and I'm one of those that wait up to 3am to do so on day 1. This is the first year I actually am thinking long and hard about waiting a bit. I say this often, but this year I feel more strongly about it than ever before. My XR is a great great phone, and 2020 sounds more worth it to me.

Something tells me when you watch the presentation and hear all the oohs and aahs you’ll change your mind.

I read these comments every year Lol, but the fact is that you reading this article about some potential features is NOT the same as Apple revealing the phone, demoing the features and going through their elite marketing.

You’ll want the new phone. I guarantee it.

I upgrade every year since 2007. There’s really no reason not to IMO. They get better every year and I just sell the old to make up the cost of the new. Easy.


macrumors 68040
Apr 14, 2010
Washington State
That’s what I expected though. All year people have been saying that this launch would be weak because not much info has leaked and that Apple is “waiting for 2020.”

I guarantee when they get on that stage everyone on this forum will be like “TAKE MY MONEY.”

I will be... but only cause I'm not willing to wait another year with how downhill my phone went (quickly too. Was doing great for five years until one part broke and then we tried to fix it cause it was unusable with the broken part and now it's "usable" but it's really driving me nuts).

If nothing else I'm a little worried how slow LTE will get when 5G comes out (always seems to happen) and how it will affect older phones that don't have 5G (I honestly have managed to update everytime they updated connection speed but I've always noticed the previous speed becomes unusable afterwards. No idea if it will be like that on a phone that doesn't have the new tech on it).
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Sep 19, 2013
Something tells me when you watch the presentation and hear all the oohs and aahs you’ll change your mind.

I read these comments every year Lol, but the fact is that you reading this article about some potential features is NOT the same as Apple revealing the phone, demoing the features and going through their elite marketing.

You’ll want the new phone. I guarantee it.

I upgrade every year since 2007. There’s really no reason not to IMO. They get better every year and I just sell the old to make up the cost of the new. Easy.
I hear ya, and you have a point, that's for sure. Let's just say I'm less excited than I used to be. Then again, I am 45, the euphoria has worn off of a lot of things, but I digress.

It's easy to upgrade for me too, with AT&T next, I can upgrade every 12 months. So far I'm just......meh about it all.


Mar 8, 2019
That's a tough one to solve without weakening Face ID security even more as gravity changes the shape of your face depending on position (standing upright vs laying down). That's why Face ID is inferior to Iris and fingerprint.

FaceID is superior to Iris and fingerprint. You repeating the same FUD over and over again doesn’t make it true.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 14, 2010
Washington State
I bet you don’t even use up 32 GB

But let’s go ahead and give Apple an ultimatum and demand that they impress me as I type away furiously on my 2008 iMac in my parent’s basement

I don't know about him, but I need 128GB at least cause I already have more than 64GBs on my phone. Do the base models actually come as low as 32 GBs these days?

(I'd be fine with just 128 but magically the jump is from 64 to 256... I agree with the guy you responded to they should make the base model 128 but Apple doesn't do that to be able to give a "cheap" price and make you upgrade when you realize the base model is too small).

And I mean I have 128 on my current phone that is 5 years old! Is it too much to ask the base model offer at least as much memory as you could get on a 5 year old phone?


macrumors regular
Aug 22, 2007
London, UK

No 5G - so the second iPhone update I'll be giving a miss. Post Jobs and Ive, the magic has died. Bought an iMac a couple of weeks back though and very pleased with it.

Bloomberg's Mark Gurman and Debby Wu have shared expectations for Apple's fall product lineup and beyond, revealing new details plus existing rumors about upcoming iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, HomePod, and AirPods models.


Starting with the iPhone, the report claims the widely rumored triple-lens rear camera system on the higher-end models will enable a larger field of view for capturing ultra-wide-angle photos and videos, in addition to improving low-light photos. New editing tools while recording video are also expected.

The high-end iPhones will look nearly identical to the current models from the front, but at least some colors on the back will have a new matte finish, according to the report. Interestingly, he adds that the new iPhones should better withstand drops due to an unspecified "new shatter-resistance technology."

The report claims a new multi-angle Face ID sensor that captures a wider field of view will enable users to unlock the next iPhones more easily, even when the devices are laying flat on a table for example.

Other features outlined for 2019 iPhones include "dramatically enhanced" water resistance and faster A13 processors with a new co-processor known internally as "AMX" or "matrix." As for the next iPhone XR, the report corroborates rumors of it gaining a dual-lens rear camera and a new green color option.

As for the iPad, the report claims both the 11-inch and 12.9-inch iPad Pro will be refreshed in 2019 with improved cameras and faster processors. The report also backs the rumor of a 10.2-inch iPad launching later this year.

Turning to the Apple Watch, this year's changes are said to be "more muted," revolving around watchOS 6 and new case finishes. Last week, iHelpBR's Filipe Espósito discovered new titanium and ceramic 40mm and 44mm Apple Watch models based on hidden assets in the watchOS 6 beta.

The report concludes that Apple plans to launch a new 16-inch MacBook Pro with slim bezels later this year, as well as new AirPods with water resistance and noise cancelation and a cheaper HomePod with reduced tweeters as early as 2020.


Tuesday, September 10 is the widely predicted date of Apple's traditional iPhone event, just under three weeks away.

Article Link: 2019 iPhones Said to Have Improved Shatter Resistance, Multi-Angle Face ID That Works Flat on Tables


macrumors 68030
Oct 21, 2009
I decided to switch to Android. Not because I don't like my iPhone but because my macbook pro 13" ntb is a piece of crap and when I replace it it will not be with another mac. Having integration with mac was the only think keeping me on the iphone bandwagon. If only they had a system wide ad blocker on iphone!


macrumors newbie
Sep 8, 2014
Wake me when the base model comes with 128GB of storage (like most of the Samsung phones now do). Then, I may consider upgrading.

If there is a size that suits you, why does it need to be the base model? Just get the 256GB if thats what you need. Or say "Wake me up when it's cheaper", if that's what you really mean, because that I can get on board with!


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2018
This is probably the easiest "skip year" on an iPhone for me. The others were the 7 and the X. 5G is what I'm holding out for.

This is really for people who's devices will be left behind with IOS 13 and, of course, the annual buyers.
Last edited:

Mr. Awesome

macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2016
Idaho, USA
Does anyone know where MacRumors got that iPhone 11 Concept pic? It's the most attractive rendering I've seen yet and I'm wondering if there's a link to a full version?


Mar 8, 2019
Can you feel the tension in the air? Happens every year around this time.

It’s iPhone keynote season and keyboard warriors are already getting prepared. They’re dusting off all their tired old memes from years past so they’re ready to wield at a moments notice. It’s one of the highest Internet traffic days of the year, and it ain’t gonna be pretty.


Sep 21, 2008
Something tells me when you watch the presentation and hear all the oohs and aahs you’ll change your mind.

I read these comments every year Lol, but the fact is that you reading this article about some potential features is NOT the same as Apple revealing the phone, demoing the features and going through their elite marketing.

You’ll want the new phone. I guarantee it.

I upgrade every year since 2007. There’s really no reason not to IMO. They get better every year and I just sell the old to make up the cost of the new. Easy.

Yeah no. I have bought every iPhone since the 3G, every year. I have the XS Max now. I won't be "upgrading" this year. Spec bump and camera bump don't warrant another $1,200 dollars. Even selling the old phone, there will be tons of people doing the same thing. No. I am not dumping anymore money into Apple for the same damn design for the last 4 years while they call it "the best iPhone YET!"

When I realistically look at what I do with my device, it's more than capable. I am pretty sure yours is too. I have yet to meet anyone that has been held back by their mobile device ... they couldn't post to facebook or instagram because their iPhone was too old. Lol.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older or because I am tired of pissing my money away but I'm done with the yearly game of "must have latest and greatest" - without any real game changing features. We've reached a peak. Until that changes, it's not worth it to me.


Jul 12, 2016
The multi angle-Face ID improvement is massive if True. It’s one of the biggest downfalls when laying down, is Face ID is inconsistent with unlocking. Depending on what Model somebody is upgrading from, this could be a really nice upgrade with the triple lens camera and face ID improvement.


macrumors 603
Dec 14, 2007
I would prefer they improve the cellular antenna and use a good chipset. Are the new iphones using Intel (boo)...or Qualcom (Yeah).
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2010
Multi-Angle Face ID That Works Flat on Tables

Still though the argument for the sensor being stationary is about as equal as the argument about FaceID being unable to unlock the device from obscure directions. The current issue with that is being fixed next year with a very nice 180 degree field of view receiver lens with specific distortion calibration software to decode the IR map printed off the face. Likewise the dot projector will be more complex with more of a pyramid distribution to achieve the necessary range.

I had already revealed this information almost a year ago........
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macrumors 68000
Jul 23, 2002
That's a tough one to solve without weakening Face ID security even more as gravity changes the shape of your face depending on position (standing upright vs laying down). That's why Face ID is inferior to Iris and fingerprint.
I've had both and I'll take face ID.
You can set face ID to recognize you with sunglasses on or bedhead.
Is it perfect? nothing is but if the next iteration it even better thats a win.


macrumors member
Aug 26, 2010
Keen to upgrade my 7 finally!
Everyone seems to think the upgrades this year won’t be worth it but I guarantee they’ll be heaps better than comparing the X to Xs...
Hopefully won’t have wifi/cell issues like the Xs either, which is part of why I held off from upgrading

I’m planning to upgrade my 7 too. A 3 year jump should be pretty decent for us.
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