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macrumors 6502
Jan 2, 2015
Dimension C-137
Umm... That was the plan. Media should give about a few million worth of promotion tonight on the news.

Hey macrumours,
How much did you get paid to run this ad?

Just googled it and only found a Business Vancouver Canada website with the article, but the rest were tech sites like this. It's not going to be featured on the news…they wish.

The listing of sites with this story didn't even make it past the first google page of returns. A cat playing a piano on YouTube got more coverage than this story.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 6, 2013
Cheeky. I like it.

(And I like the "Dear Universe" version better.)


macrumors 6502
Jan 2, 2015
Dimension C-137
Yes, "The Universe" version is far more confusing.

Like…what!? Now they are calling upon the "Universe"!!??? Does the Universe own Apple? What the heck are these people smoking at that Marketing firm?

I know it's all tongue in cheek, but it's not all that clever IMHO.

Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2011
New Zealand
They probably would've survived but now they've main themselves known to Apple, it's only a matter of time before Apple shuts them down.


macrumors newbie
Jul 23, 2015
What a lame way to try to drum up attention.
I think this I think it's rather good, 6s is now an internationally recognized marketing company. It saw the opportunity and it's working. This is what marketing is all about.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
Yes, "The Universe" version is far more confusing.

Like…what!? Now they are calling upon the "Universe"!!??? Does the Universe own Apple? What the heck are these people smoking at that Marketing firm?

I know it's all tongue in cheek, but it's not all that clever IMHO.


You're overanalyzing in my opinion. And being nitpicky because you simply don't like the campaign. Apple may name the product, but it's the world that refers to it. What phone is that. It's the 6s. How often to people really say it's the iPhone 6s?

You don't think it's clever. Also - consider that the reason they spend the $ in NYC is because perhaps they are trying to gain brand recognition IN NYC... Perhaps this company doesn't have the footprint or recognition in NYC that they want compared to their competitors. This would certainly get people to notice them. They're also a digital marketing company - so they are leveraging the right medium(s) to send their message.

But you know everything about advertising, right? And marketing? And PR? I know - 30 years. Award-winner.


macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2007
Inside the Machine (Green Bay, WI)
Now they've main themselves known to Apple, it's only a matter of time before Apple shuts them down.
Why would Apple shut down them? Their ads could be considered Fair Use, if not a Parody.

Yes, "The Universe" version is far more confusing. Like…what!? Now they are calling upon the "Universe"!!??? Does the Universe own Apple? What the heck are these people smoking at that Marketing firm?
Fair use dictates not to use any more of the mark than necessary so I'm wondering if Apple said "We don't mind using iPhone in the name but you can't use Apple." It still gets the point across.

So this is just a case of 6S Marketing firm riding the coat tails of the _FAR_ larger company Apple. It's a great opportunity for 6Sm but no infringement is occurring.... Great marketing opportunity for the 6S firm. And they're not surprisingly taking full advantage of it.

If anything, their SEO google juice just ramped up a bit with all those sites linking to them now. Sometimes you have to be as shrewd as possible. I'm guessing, if it were me running this, to take full advantage, you'd want to run something after Apple officially announces the 6S as well. Something like, "Well, we tried but you named a phone after us anyway" or something.


macrumors regular
Apr 4, 2011
Yes, the "Hopefully, this message will reach you in time" part even seems sarcastic.
Seriously! This line reduces the tongue & cheek campaign to just lame. Did this just occur to them the week before launch? Where have they been the previous four or so years? Did they never get an iPhone and understand the naming convention? The impossibility of that makes that line too stupid, and ruins a campaign that was already riding the rails.


macrumors regular
Apr 4, 2011
I think the line saying they hope they are in time is where they ruined their campaign. Only someone under the proverbial log would have missed that a) there would be an iPhone 6S coming and b) it is coming next week. It killed even momentary plausibility.


macrumors newbie
Mar 27, 2011
Lynwood CA
Ha! Apple would squash these guys like a bug in court or out. But they seem like good sports and just want 15 minutes of fame for their company.

And it's not like it isn't working. Before today none of us knew who the hell 6S was...

They are a marketing company in Canada, which is why most people here don't know who they are.


macrumors newbie
Jul 23, 2015
This was a well thought out idea, they even used clean white , just like apple parckaging. It benefits both the apple product and especially 6s marketing. Sitting across the ocean, in the southern tip of Africa, I now know about the company called 6s. I know it's basic history, that is has years of experience and most importantly, they know how to time and parckage their message very well. White clean billboards (like apple parckage ng) are just a cherry on top. This is a well timed campaign. It's impossible for apple to change its marketing strategy and parckaging now, and they know it. They don't want it to change either hence there is no court interdict to try and stop apple from using the name. GOOD PR! Doing so would have made 6s appear as if they are attacking apple. It would have distored the message the company is trying to send across (by using white branding as apple does), that they, 6s , are actually apple friendly.they have placed themselves in a position where there could be futhi working relations between themselves and apple.


macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2010
I don't like marketeers that create buzz marketing for themselves like this...
They're a marketing company.... I think it's quite clever and harmless

What do you think is the harm in it, like what problems do you think it creates?


Sep 7, 2013
Quite possibly the stupidest article ever posted to macrumours. Lolz.

I can't help but feel this will backfire for them. It just seems all to forced to cash in on the 6s release.


macrumors 65816
Feb 22, 2010
Northern Ca.
Quick! Start a company named "7 Marketing" and we can all get rich by suing Apple

The point is their name predates Apple iOS devices.
While I don't think they are seriously asking Apple to dump the "6S" name, they do have a right to their brand.
Quite frankly, it does cause some confusion when people use the moniker "6S" by itself.

They can't rightly sue for brand confusion unless there is a product. So the question is... What will Apple do?


Aug 29, 2014
That's a bit presumptuous and arrogant to assume most other people exactly the same opinion as you. I don't think they are lame at all. I think they would have been utterly stupid NOT to have done this. I don't see anything wrong with it myself. Good for them for taking this opportunity.

Lol, my "most people here" comment comes from actually reading this thread.... so chill with being presumptuous at the same time you're accusing others of the same.
Also, I will happily concede that the impending arrival of an awesome product with the same name of your company IS a fantastic time to do some coatttail riding.
HOWEVER (& this really is the crux of my point...), I believe you could do it in a silly, funny, clever, non-douchey way; like they could say: "6S is an INCREDIBLE name.... it's surprising it took Apple this many years to think of it!! ;0)" or something that DOESN'T involve them pretending like there is an actual legal issue, etc.
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macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Where by "asking Apple to rename it" they mean "hoping Apple instead sends us a load of cash to make us go away".


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2010
They probably would've survived but now they've main themselves known to Apple, it's only a matter of time before Apple shuts them down.

What do you mean shuts them down? Apple could pressure them to drop that campaign. You would be out of your mind if you thought they could pressure a name change from a company with that name.


macrumors 6502
Oct 13, 2013
They know it's too late for Apple to change their name, but not too late to get free marketing from macrumors and the rest of the internets! :D Clever.


macrumors member
Apr 24, 2009
And why should Apple change the name anyway? The 6s/6S is a device. 6S Marketing is a marketing company no one's ever heard of anyway.
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