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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
They seem incredibly late to this party. And it's not like new tech that they needed to wait and mature. Better late then never still I guess.
But those suffering from PWM won't appreciate it.
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macrumors 68020
Dec 19, 2009
u like your current mba ? nice,but how about buying our 15" we just released !

then one year later : you like your 15" mba ? how about getting OUR BRAND NEW oled mac ,contrast is awesome,so is brightness !

etc etc
well, I mean like there are these rumored OLED notebooks, then 15 inch Airs, then 12 inch Macbooks revived, just too many possible models


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
As long as PWM flicker remains, OLED is still inferior. I'll take a quality LCD from Apple any day over a headache-inducing OLED.
You would have to find a quality LCD display from Apple these days. The miniLED tech they are using in iPads/MBPs have some of the worst response times in the industry (ref and then there’s the iPad Mini 6. Now, Apple has one of their former shamed suppliers coming back to the build the new MBA so can’t wait to see that display.
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macrumors member
Feb 27, 2011
Will the 14" MBP remain with the OLED transition? That's my favorite size for a laptop display and Apple finally adopted it after so long, I would hate to see it go again.


Aug 5, 2010
"in 2024"? I had to double check my calendar for this rumor, I thought covid distortion of space time may have fast forwarded me into 2023, but no, it's still 2022.


macrumors 6502
Oct 7, 2013
Eastern US
I really love how Apple Silicon has basically allowed me to choose a device with the best display tech. For me these chips are so performant that they are almost an afterthought. You *know* it's going to be a screamer, just pick your toppings.


macrumors 68000
Sep 1, 2017
About darn time. Been expecting an oled MacBook since the retina MacBook Pro.


macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
I wonder why moving away from MiniLED and also not straight to MicroLED?

Consumer-grade MicroLED modules are not yet readily available in the sizes necessary for portable devices. At the moment modules are very large and very expensive so they are only used in 100" or larger TVs with $100,000 or higher price tags.

Is OLED still better than MiniLED on XDR display?

The Pro Display XDR is not technically MiniLED, though it does have 576 backlighting zones.

OLED will not currently reach the peak brightness of the Pro Display XDR nor the MiniLED displays on the iPad Pro and the 14"/16" MacBooks Pro, but it is getting closer.
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Mr Fide

macrumors member
Aug 29, 2007
A lot of people on here have really great technical knowledge. I don’t.

I just know that I spend a lot of time just holding my XS Max and marveling how nice the screen looks.

My wife just bought an iPhone 13 and I was quite taken aback with how much less sumptuous her screen is.

I planned to enjoy watching a lot of media content on my new 16” MacBook Pro, but I don’t, because the screen is not compelling enough. Whereas our TV is incredibly enthralling.

The only thing my phone and TV have in common is that they are OLED.

So yes please, give us macs with screens as exquisite as the top iphones and LG TVs. (But not Samsung’s QD OLED, which I find not quite as engrossing as other OLEDs.)

I don’t know if my take on this has any basis in technical facts, but that has been my viewing experience. Thanks for your patience in reading this.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
I would pay significantly more to not have OLED. It might be a good choice for a phone you plan on keeping for a year before you hand it off to someone else. Laptops should last longer.
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macrumors 68000
Jan 14, 2013
The display situation with apple is a bit sloppy...
I'd focus on consolidating the mini-led offering first.

A full macbook air/pro lineup with mini-LED and then a full OLED lineup.
Same thing with the iPad Pros, which I'd like to see with mini-LED on all sizes.

To conclude, I also find the whole lineup, once again, a bit sloppy.
It's not that elegant to keep the M2 Macbook Pro with the old design, same thing with the old air.
I understand it's a temporary measure, but I hope they'll soon be dropped from the catalogue.
I'd love to see a simpler lineup.
My dream would be to see an apple lineup like this:

  • Macbook
  • Macbook Pro
  • Mac Mini
  • iMac
  • Mac Studio
  • Mac Pro
  • iPad
  • iPad Pro
  • iPhone
  • iPhone Pro
  • iPhone SE
  • Apple Watch
  • Apple Watch SE


macrumors 601
Mar 3, 2008
OLED is no blooming, but prone to burn-in.
Yeah, I’m confused why they would switch to OLED after developing out mini-LED. Continuing to evolve mini-LED seems to me like it would offer the perfect balance of minimal blooming and no risk of burn-in. Maybe they’re having trouble bringing mini-LED to their lighter weight devices.
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Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
Copyrights can only be transferred, by law, in writing and when signed by the copyright owner. I'd hope he doesn't change his mind.
There's no copyright involved here, there's no copyright material being duplicated, and there's no infringement. MacRumors didn't even need permission; they just did it out of professional courtesy, in order to give him a proper acknowledgement.
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