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Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
Thanks for your attempts at clarifying your position. I don't think we need a messianic leader to save us from anything. I like the freedoms of thought and speech the constitution affords us. We need more critical thinking, and for that we need better information and more clarity. Most of the manipulation happens through obfuscation of facts and through emotional manipulation. My analysis of Trump is mostly based on his whole life. I have never seen him doing anything nice for anybody but himself through his life. Seems to me the embodiment of megalomania and egomania. That he is showing some love recently for veterans doesn't help much. I am a person who can change his mind about people.

There was a time years ago where I thought Bill Gates wasn't doing enough good with his money. Now if I saw him I would probably get on my knees and kiss his feet. I understand that some business people they first have to make the money before they can spend it in philanthropy. Trump doesn't strike me as a person who has any empathy for other human beings. I beg you to look at his life a bit critically. I think he is just stoking hate and fear on people to serve his own personal goals. There is not much in his life that shows me he really cares about other people outside his family or the country in general.

Again, you have not educated yourself that is why you think that. You have fallen into his trap like other people. You got the wrong idea about him because you "judged a book by its cover" like most people have. Which is hypocritical to say the least.

Watch that video I posted earlier, there is a whole section where people talk about how giving he is, how he would go out of his way to give a 100$ tip to all the cooks and service men literally everywhere he went.

There is a reason he was considered the King of NY in the 80s.

He is one of the most inspirational and giving people out there and is well known to have a secret side to him where he is very polite and caring and civilized as a contrast to his "media" side.

Also here is another one. This dude is a living embodiment of every motivational book ever made.



macrumors 6502a
Apr 16, 2012
Most of you come across as racist and anti-white.

So. 90% of information that goes into our brains is controlled by 6 companies in this country, and the majority of executives and owners/founders of these companies are Jews. Of the twelve senior executives of the “Big Six” media corporations, nine are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 75%.

Claims others are racist and anti-white.

Proceeds to go out of his way to highlight that Jews run the media.

Seems legit.

So. Tell me again why you felt the need to single out the fact that these folks are Jewish? What does that add to the conversation?


macrumors demi-god
Aug 1, 2008
Cary, NC
Half the country? Pff, Trump wishes he was that popular. In reality his approval ratings is AT BEST 41%, and possibly as low as 26%.

I don't have to respect anyone. Least of all a disgusting demagogue.

Agreed. Half? Seriously? At this point, Trump doesn't even have half of the Republican party, let alone half of the US. Anyone who wanted the Republican party to win and still voted for Trump made a monumental mistake.

I've noticed lately that the fringe people who hate huge, entire groups of people who happen to be not like them, also seem to think they are the majority.

I think it is caused by two things. They surround themselves by others like themselves, down to the neighborhoods they live in. And, they never go far outside those neighborhoods.

Luckily, they are not the majority, and their numbers have dwindled to the point now where even desperate attempts to redraw districts and scare people away from the polls are not enough to make a difference.

Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
Agreed. Half? Seriously? At this point, Trump doesn't even have half of the Republican party, let alone half of the US. Anyone who wanted the Republican party to win and still voted for Trump made a monumental mistake.

I've noticed lately that the fringe people who hate huge, entire groups of people who happen to be not like them, also seem to think they are the majority.

I think it is caused by two things. They surround themselves by others like themselves, down to the neighborhoods they live in. And, they never go far outside those neighborhoods.

Luckily, they are not the majority, and their numbers have dwindled to the point now where even desperate attempts to redraw districts and scare people away from the polls are not enough to make a difference.

Your numbers are grossly inaccurate.

According to the latest polls Trump will win by a landslide.

VS Hillary:

April - down 13%
May - down 5%
June - up 3%
July - up ???
August - up ?????
And like most motivational books, he's mostly shallow, feel good tripe dressed up to look appetizing to hungry, desperate people.

On a deeper level, his ego and Americas "success" are tied together hand in hand.

So if you say he was a narcissist ego-maniac (the most powerful motivator)

Well imagine that his legendary status is now dependent on his performance as president. So he is hyper driven by his ego, and his ego relies on the success of all of us.

So that is a good thing.

Trump already won long ago, when he was looking down on NY from his private Jet in the late 80s having just hit 1 BILLION and setting NY on a resurgence with his real estate maneuvers, he conquered the earth.

From then on it was a game, and the Fortune 500 was his competition. That was his only motivator, not money, but fame, success.

Now that same drive will become the benefit of the USA.

Thats a GOOD thing.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 20, 2009
And being conservative is actually about family and the nuclear family.
Hmmm, nice myth. One problem...all those conservative divorces, multiple marriages and cheating. Yeah, people like Newt Gringrich are just a pillar of conservatism.

Along with the internet, liberal theories have destroyed the concept of marriage and the sanctity of the family unit in exchange for pandering to special interest groups.
And here you are using.....the Internet. Whoops.

So how is destroying the family "smart" or forward thinking? Liberals don't actually think far ahead, they just do what is correct/incorrect on paper, at face value, but don't analyze the trade-offs and consequences of their sociological influence on a macro scale.

You say "destroyed" as if no one gets married and stays together anymore, which couldn't be further from the truth.
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Cpt. Gilgamesh

macrumors regular
Jun 8, 2013
I think most Apple customers would just prefer Apple to make products and to make them better. Politics does not need to infuse the brands that we buy.

It all started with the pride stuff. As a gay man, I started to get sick of the pandering. Like I get it, your company is so progressive. Get over yourselves. And now, presuming this story is true, this crap. I find it strange that this information has come out at all. Almost as if it was intentionally leaked to make a point.

I want to buy Apple's products because I like them and they supposedly aren't harvesting my data. Not because Tim Cook knows all the good social justice buzzwords.
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macrumors 6502a
May 7, 2006
Excellent and brilliant reply.

I have noticed this about peoples opinions; they are always limited by the experience they have in their own class.

Like people don't realize their experience is different than everyone else. And some people can be chronically disconnected.

Especially white liberal cucks who bend over and try to put down their own race, because they secretly feel pity on a whole race of people.

Meanwhile on the other side of the country is some white kid who goes to an all black school and people treat him like crap because the media says its time to be reverse racist. Or he cant get girls because all the girls at his school are brainwashed into thinking he has a small pee-pee by the media or commercials and TV shows always showing the "dumb white guy" character.

And this is all the world as seen by people who hate us.
Man, just, man. Thanks. #silentmajority

Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
Hmmm, nice myth. One problem...all those conservative divorces, multiple marriages and cheating. Yeah, people like Newt Gringrich are just a pillar of conservatism.

And here you are using.....the Internet. Whoops.

You say "destroyed" as if no one gets married and stays together anymore, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Conservative divorces actually is an argument that benefits what I am saying. The fact that liberal influence is taking away all the social cues that people used to have to want to be married and the social norms of it all.

To my parents for example, being divorced in Europe would have meant the end of your social life, being shunned and your reputation diminished. Everyone as a society encouraged it and rewarded people for fulfilling that role in life, knowing that a nuclear family is contributing to the future development of civilization.

Contrast to today where women have "divorce parties" and celebrate it with their feminist friends as "empowerment"

Do you know the statistics on children who grow up without a father and a mother?

We are literally becoming more like animals instead of civilized and going back to a polygamous society.

As a single man I cant complain, but as a guy who wanted to have kids one day, I could never justify it in 2016.

But ignorant liberals never look this deep into the effects of their theories. They don't realize that everything is symbolic and people don't just automatically decide to get married it takes a whole community to encourage it, and now the media is doing everything possible for everyone else, which are all things that go against support for the family unit.

Trump is the exact opposite and symbolized the American Family. The ones that have the type of views that built this country and them doing their best to erase that identity. While simultaneously erasing our future civilization.


Jun 28, 2015
Western Hemisphere
More social conditioning from the liberal left wing political agenda.

Why don't any conservatives have any socially influential technology empires and entertainment monopolies?

I guess they want to turn off half the world to buying their products.

The attempt at social brainwashing doesnt fool me and it strikes me as unprofessional from a tech company. They have lost a lot of my respect due to inappropriate political agendas.
I'm disappointed but not surprised, Apple is a company that I know very well.

It's culture, it's history is something I've witnessed first hand, as it's happened, since they were founded. As such I have both respect for their accomplishments, and disdain for some aspects of their current operation.

Deeply addicted to feeding their narcissistic craving for attention, they've crossed the line in several areas outside of their realm in the tech sector. This public foray into the political arena is inappropriate, foolhardy, and a power play they have no business launching.


On a deeper level, his ego and Americas "success" are tied together hand in hand.

So if you say he was a narcissist ego-maniac (the most powerful motivator)

Well imagine that his legendary status is now dependent on his performance as president. So he is hyper driven by his ego, and his ego relies on the success of all of us.

So that is a good thing.

Trump already won long ago, when he was looking down on NY from his private Jet in the late 80s having just hit 1 BILLION and setting NY on a resurgence with his real estate maneuvers, he conquered the earth.

From then on it was a game, and the Fortune 500 was his competition. That was his only motivator, not money, but fame, success.

Now that same drive will become the benefit of the USA.

Thats a GOOD thing.

See, there's a difference between having good, solid self esteem, and being an ego driven narcissist. One is healthy, the other is a Cluster B Personality Disorder.

And of course he's going to say things that make you want to vote for him. He'll make America great again. He'll give you a country worth believing in. He might even smile at you, and tell you you're pretty. That's kind of what narcissists tend to do. The vast majority of people who end up getting suckered for their charms end up regretting it later.

So tell me, Bobby. Explain to me why a self absorbed ego driven character, almost entirely devoid of empathy, with thin so skin it tears open at the slightest breeze, and tends to overreacts grossly when challenged should be considered a stable enough individual to concern himself with the welfare of 300 million people? Those might make for good qualities when running a business, where being out for No.#1 could be considered an asset, but usually make for disasters of biblical proportions when placed in positions of real power, like at the heads of governments.


macrumors 65816
Apr 20, 2009
apple get outta politics and start innovating again!
People keep saying that as if the one precludes the other. A company CAN focus on both things at the same time. The reason a company like Apple has to be involved in politics, is because ignorant politicians who know nothing about technology, keep trying to make laws that affect the industry. So a company has to keep their nose in the business of government. Microsoft and Google do the same thing.


Dec 10, 2009
You're taking a compliment from someone who thinks Jews are out to get him, just FYI.

I think (hope) that person's reply was sarcastic. One thing I'm amazed at (given that I have a foot in both the UK and US) is that there is so much similarity between Trump followers and Brexiters. It's like someone drew up a template, created a mold, filled it with primordial goop and out popped a radically inspired fearful nationalist threatened by their own shadow.

Bobby Corwen

macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2010
You're taking a compliment from someone who thinks Jews are out to get him, just FYI.

1. Is Jewish.
2. Hates me, says F whitey.
3. Says Im crazy for thinking he hates me.

Anti-white? LMAO! Well, according to the white supremacists, as a Jew I cannot be white no matter how pale my skin... trust me, I could be mistaken for a Vampire if I didn't tan.... and if Trump is supposed to be the representative of white people, then **** whitey. :p


See, there's a difference between having good, solid self esteem, and being an ego driven narcissist. One is healthy, the other is a Cluster B Personality Disorder.

And of course he's going to say things that make you want to vote for him. He'll make America great again. He'll give you a country worth believing in. He might even smile at you, and tell you you're pretty. That's kind of what narcissists tend to do. The vast majority of people who end up getting suckered for their charms end up regretting it later.

So tell me, Bobby. Explain to me why a self absorbed ego driven character, almost entirely devoid of empathy, with thin so skin it tears open at the slightest breeze, and tends to overreacts grossly when challenged should be considered a stable enough individual to concern himself with the welfare of 300 million people? Those might make for good qualities when running a business, where being out for No.#1 could be considered an asset, but usually make for disasters of biblical proportions when placed in positions of real power, like at the heads of governments.

Again, watch that video, he is not as bad as you imagine.

The regular Trump is very down to earth and charismatic.

He did some calculated things to cause controversy but he really is a genius.

Literally all people who pursue leadership are ego driven narcissist to varying degrees.

Ego itself is not "bad" by itself. Its only considered "bad" when it gets in the way of doing your job.

So obviously the type of ego he has is very successful.

Its also a myth that we have to be super sensitive and nice to everyone and everything because other countries never cared for US, they never gave a damn no matter what we do, they hate us pure and simple through and through because we are the best, jealousy, and no other reason. Plain and simple ethnocentrism you cant cure, every country think they are the center of the world. But its hard to think that when USA music and movies and culture dominate a foreign countries' youth, they will hate us.

No apology tour from Obama, no being nice, none of that works, look at the increase in terrorist acts from now, VS when we were "tough" with other countries like Bush was.

Its as simple as: we cross a line in the sand, and they have to respect it. Thats all other countries know or respect.

There is no such thing as being nice or "political"

Career politicians are a cancer and they went too far, none of that type of behavior or vibe of being PC is necessary to do the job of president.

Its just a preference. I for one prefer a stronger president who is tough and will get things done via hardball negotiations. I want him to talk crap and get everyone irate because he is telling the hard truth.

I want people who hate Americana to be afraid of Trump the Patriot coming to power, and I WANT him to call out the retards in the media and the liberal press and to criticize the status quo because those retards are the ones that let this country fall in less than a decade.
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People keep saying that as if the one precludes the other. A company CAN focus on both things at the same time. The reason a company like Apple has to be involved in politics, is because ignorant politicians who know nothing about technology, keep trying to make laws that affect the industry. So a company has to keep their nose in the business of government. Microsoft and Google do the same thing.

The US government represents everyone, including large corporations. While I could argue against the extent of influence they exert on our politics, especially here recently, they are allowed to voice their opinions.


macrumors 68020
Apr 23, 2015
What's in your head? Concrete? Because only with a head full of concrete you can say with a straigth face that Apple is wrong here.

Trump is worse, more populist than Berlusconi, with the difference that Mr. Berlusconi did not have access to a nuclear suitcase commanding thousands of nuclear warheads.

Take a long look at your children before supporting that man.

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
And some people can be chronically disconnected.
I dunno, people have been complaining that Apple's displays are too glossy, but I'm starting to think they're not reflective enough. If someone saying the things you've been saying can't see themselves well enough to have any sort of epiphany when typing this sentence there's a definite design flaw.
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