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macrumors 68020
May 28, 2009
Montreal, Canada
What do you think Steve Jobs was working on right before he died?

Of course he approved this design. The 4S was finished and in production since a while when Steve died.

Basic stuff like shape and materials are chosen pretty early in a phone development process.

Not only would have Jobs have approved the design of this, but he would probably have approved more advanced development steps like new software features, UI changes, marketing, NFC support and all that stuff

I wouldn't be surprised if a basic roadmap including form factors and designs would have been made while Steve was alive even for the iPhones after that one.

Phones take time to make. They don't come up with a design 2 months before they're released.


macrumors member
Sep 17, 2007
I've had each iteration of the iPhone and this will be the first that I will want to cover with a case. The duotone back is hideous. Very apparent that this design is post-Jobs. He would NEVER approve an aesthetic like that.

LOL. The original iPhone had a two tone back, so what does that prove?


macrumors regular
Oct 6, 2005
I really hope this isn't it. It's too similar to the 4s and 4!

The iPhone 4/4S has a built-in stand for watching videos -- the side without the buttons. Assuming I'm not the only person who stands the iPhone on its side, this poses a problem for Apple in eliminating this feature. Please vote if you use the side of the iPhone as a stand. Fewer than 100 votes then perhaps it's no big deal and most people don't consider this an important feature.


macrumors 68030
Jan 11, 2007
No added benefit for the customers, just the cheapest way of achieving 4" screen size (which is a must on the paper these days) without introducing a completely incompatible screen resolution or rewrite the ppi definition of "Retina".

Yes, there are more pixels, but not where they are needed (both in height and width) and I'm pretty sure that most Apps will solely use them for permanent iAds.

Sad to realize this, but your theory is a solid one! I originally thought about notification / status / gesture bar (scrolling / swiping) - but your idea sounds horrible in that I could easily see that being its use! I've always been able to tune out iAds due to their relatively small size, which was a necessity to avoid content loss. This added real estate is damn near ideal as a billboard. I hope you're wrong here!


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2007
Apple must be out of ideas. Just catching up to Android feature wise... They better have something else planned or they are going to slowly decline in sales. The Galaxy S3 is an amazing phone with a 4.8 inch screen, and smaller in size than the nexus... Camera is also really good on it.


macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2012
There has been a few tall phones actually.

From what I can see the benefit will be turning the phone on it's side. It will have an amazing screen for taking pictures and video and watching video.

A larger screen side ways is only good for browsing the internet.

Maybe a bit better for watching wide screen movies but NOT for taking pictures. Wrong aspect ratio for that.


macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2011
What do you think Steve Jobs was working on right before he died?

Of course he approved this design. The 4S was finished and in production since a while when Steve died.

Basic stuff like shape and materials are chosen pretty early in a phone development process.

Not only would have Jobs have approved the design of this, but he would probably have approved more advanced development steps like new software features, UI changes, marketing, NFC support and all that stuff

I wouldn't be surprised if a basic roadmap including form factors and designs would have been made while Steve was alive even for the iPhones after that one.

Phones take time to make. They don't come up with a design 2 months before they're released.

Thank you. :D Couldn't have said it better. Technology like LTE and NFC aren't something you can suddenly re-jigger into a new phone body in a matter of six months. I'd be willing to bet the basic design of the phone has been sketched out since the release of the 4S.

I'm personally in the red herring camp, as I suspect Apple learned well from the iPhone 4 / bar "oopsie" fiasco. There is NO way Apple would allow a third party manufacturer to obtain a gutless prototype, and would be climbing up someone's ass if such a thing DID occur. But even if this is roughly the shape and layout of the phone, I sincerely doubt this is a finished product. It looks like someone glued two extra pieces to the top and bottom, which isn't Apple's style. Every existing product from the iPod to the MBP have smooth, uninterrupted surfaces. I could see a final back looking more like an iPad but keeping the same dimensions.


Mar 15, 2009
I've been thinking along the same lines. Really hope Tim Cook walks on stage with this prototype, laughs and then throws it in a trash can before revealing the real deal! :)

That would make for an awesome presentation!

"Announcing the new iPhone..." then this hideous thing pops up on the screen with big red X through it!


macrumors regular
Jul 7, 2007
This is how Apple have dealt with this in the past. No letter from Apple legal means they don't care what's being shown.

Maybe they got smarter in any case legal=confirmation, or maybe for once apple will really surprise us with something different, time will tell.
"this is how apple have dealt with this when Steve was there" here fixed it for you.:D
BTW anyone noticed that the metal is blueish the volume buttons black and the button for silent mode is silver/metal?


macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2012
Apple must be out of ideas. Just catching up to Android feature wise... They better have something else planned or they are going to slowly decline in sales. The Galaxy S3 is an amazing phone with a 4.8 inch screen, and smaller in size than the nexus... Camera is also really good on it.

They aren't even catching up with Android feature wise.


macrumors member
Mar 2, 2009
The only we can hope for at this point is if the September 12th rumor is true, and that there will be an event.


macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2010
Washington, D.C.
Looks great in black. Love the new gun-metal shell.

In white, it's going to look like ass.

Maybe a bit better for watching wide screen movies but NOT for taking pictures. Wrong aspect ratio for that.
Because the photo must be the same aspect ratio as the screen? Just like all video on the current iPhone is native 3:2?


macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2012
There are too many things that annoy me about this design to still suggest a fake, either a fake leak from apple or Chinese copy fake.

1. Dock connector getting shrunk? really the current design is not taking up that much internal space.

2. Headphone on the bottom, real dislike this as in the pocket the phone will be upside down and apple hasn't changed this in all phones so far. Seems like it would just upset the design.

3. camera position. Now i'm no design guru but the lens isn't equally distanced from the central part and looks awkward to say the least.

4. The speaker grill, i've never seen any apple device with a hole this size, if anything the holes should be ipad sized not this weird big size that can let dirt if it's not covered by a fine grill inside? I mean the current design is fine with a grill but it makes no sense to go with a hole size that has zero dirt repelling features.

5. Lack of apple squashing it. I mean come on, they raided the houses of journalists last time and went to lengths we really couldn't believe.

6. Again speaker holes, why are there more on one side than the other that's very bad feng shui. I mean apple doesn't do uneven designs.

7. Apple logo is very dull, i mean apple logos are contrasty, sometimes glowing and often very obvious. They're mirrored on the current model and almost all older iphones.

8. Lack of full FCC stuff, from what i've seen there is very little about GB size and FCC and it's very unlikely to be real without it. They are definitely not spares if they don't have these parts.

9. Screen ratio, now again never has apple deviated from 3:2 and I doubt they ever will, the jump from normal to retina is big enough to have cause a lot of ugliness on a beautiful device so why would you go in again a change it up.

No apps are going to be able to use any realestate gains vertically, it's just pointless. Even if apple has a use for the extra hundred vertical pixels it would mess with ios so much if they let one pixel be used by an app rather than a new ios feature.

10. Build quality, although i must admit it's very close to a real apple products like the small bevelled edges and tight fitting areas BUT the chasis has always been aluminium, this is some coated weirdness that looks more like a cheap samsung product! The high res photos look weird too, the back plates with plastic and metal look like they don't fit. I'm sure apple would have seamless joins on the back plate if this was a true apple product and the edges would have the play/space to take up the gaps like in the current model.

11. They have a device with a screen but no one mention of screen res or even the software running. I don't know about anyone else but i'm not interested in the ****ing phone, it's the software. In fact last time the iphone was leaked it was the first thing the guy did, turn it on and see it's been wiped! They don't even show the screen as on.

12. The mute button, now this really makes me think it's a fake. In the spares back only shot the mute button is all loose and at a slant. I've never seen this in an apple product.

13. Again the lock button on top! Now if you have music playing and the phone is upside down in your pocket or you have it upside down just to plug in later, and bam you get a call, you want to silence the phone by pressing the lock button as many do to avoid the ring tone going in a meeting if you forget to silence. But you can't if you have it in a case. This is what annoys me most, I can see no reason for apple to move this it's not logical ever!

So my conclusion is this is a fake or a apple decoy for sure. Even the inside milling is dodgy as having screwholes where the battery goes is very not apple. They use glue and hardly any holes for any of that stuff.


macrumors 6502
Apr 15, 2012
I do know one thing the front glass sits real flush in the vid and the metal band has a slight taper leading to the rear of the phone this I like. Now this whole thing could be the real deal or an advanced prototype at this point anything would surprise me.

What I wanna know is what specs will this puppy be rocking, resolution processor and the like that's what has my attention because they can only go so far with the design of this thing


Mar 15, 2009
So nobody finds it even remotely strange that we have had over a dozen of leaked parts, cases, complete phones, renders, .. coming from nowhere, not taken down by Apple. I'm not the conspiracy guy, but i'm finding this way too easy to believe.

Given the high pent-up demand for iPhone 5 and the fact that Apple acknowledged during their most recent earnings call that people stop buying the current product 3-6 months before the next release, I would hope that Apple would be trying to squash these sorts of leaks immediately. Combine this with the fact that they missed earnings due to low iPhone sales which knocked their stock down 5%.

Just speculating, but I'm still betting this leaked design is fake.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2006
San Francisco Bay Area
I've had each iteration of the iPhone and this will be the first that I will want to cover with a case. The duotone back is hideous. Very apparent that this design is post-Jobs. He would NEVER approve an aesthetic like that.

Right, post-Jobs. Cuz they just slap together designs between November and June. The original iPhone was duo tone BTW and it was still awesome.


macrumors regular
Feb 4, 2011
I've had each iteration of the iPhone and this will be the first that I will want to cover with a case. The duotone back is hideous. Very apparent that this design is post-Jobs. He would NEVER approve an aesthetic like that.

If I remember right from the bio, this iPhone was the last one with his influence so if these rumors are correct, he definitely had a hand in on it.

As far as the design goes, I do like it but there are two things that really bug me. For one the taller screen just looks...odd...especially when in the hand. Maybe if they did widen it slightly it would look better. Second the facetime camera located above the earpiece, that looks odd as well. However I'm sorta digging the two tone backside. It gives it a little character. :)


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2008
Still not super happy with the design, the part that drives me the most insane is the tangent between the camera lens and the new dual toned back... One of the first things I was taught in color and design was tangents were the spawn of Satan.

I actually kinda dig it...and I'm pretty sure Jony and his staff were taught some of the same principles you were in 'color and design'. It's cool though...everyone is entitled to the designs they like. I'm not sold that this is the final product at this point though.

Really? You knew him personally and spoke with him in detail about his design preferences and artistic tendencies did you?

I'm sorry to be a bit snarky, but all these "Steve would never have done this" comments are simply ridiculous!

I'm with ya. In fact, as has been eluded to in a couple earlier posts...I think Steve had a LOT to do with the design of this phone. The 4/4s had already been there for almost 2 years (possibly longer pre-release) prior to his death. I think this new iPhone (and the latest iPad release) were a couple of his projects that he actually DID have say in...and helped to develop.

Why is that a bad thing?

I find it strange that people demand change for the sake of change in mobile, but not in the desktop. The iMac has seen few refinements since 2007, yet few complain. Even the new retina MBP differs quite minimally from previous unibody models in appearance. People find iOS "stale," but no nobody complains the same about OS X (which is admittedly a much more mature OS.)

I would not be surprised that Apple has decided it's arrived at the ideal form factor for the iPhone and iPad, and they change very minimally for the foreseeable future.

Again...I completely agree with this statement. The 4/4s are the MOST successful smartphones in the history of smart phone sales. Period. They've moved more of those (Each) in the first month (after release) than any other phone...from any other manufacturer in their lifespan(s)! It's an incredible design...however, the glass back does break. I can see it being replaced my some sort of metallic/carbon fiber/new-age plastic design that's more or less 'shatter' proof. I've owned both the 4 and 4s, each since launch day and never broken one. I've also got a 7 year old son that enjoys playing with it. No dents, dings or shattered glass. I love the design...however, I also own a Galaxy Note (for my business specifically)...and I dig it's design as well. As an all-rounder, I'm still enjoying my 4s as much as ever!

Yes I knew him personally. We use to drop acid together.

Of course not. Sigh. But as designer and "student" of Apple's design it is fair game to speculate (yes speculate sir) that he would not approve of this. This has COO turned CEO written all over it. Cook doesn't have vision. But damn right he's the guy to temporarily fill the shoes. Sadly if products keep looking like this Apple will lose some if their cache.

Cook doesn't invent. He doesn't need design 'vision'. Jony takes care of that end of the business. Cook is a supply chain Wizard! That's his gig...there's a LOT more to Apple than Mr. Cook...and there's a Reason Mr Jobs put Mr Cook in to the position he did. As anyone who's read Steve's biography, or studied the man's traits in KNOW how incredibly impassioned he was with Apple...AND it's team! He wouldn't have put someone in charge that wasn't capable. He's not as charismatic...but he's a Damn Fine leader.

I suppose there's a reason you're a 'student' of Apple's design :rolleyes: ...and not actually an Apple designer?

While it can't be confirmed for certain, this is going to be the new iPhone for better or worse. Think of it like a scientific theory. All evidence is pointing to A, then it is highly unlikely that it is going to be B. With that said, I actually kinda like it, looks a bit more sophisticated in design. Even if it means holding a touch screen remote control length phone. Don't like the rumored specs, though. And yes, I'm a specs guy so they are important for me. Makes my phone less future proof.

Looks like you're a relative newbie as well (at least to the site?)...and as a 'Spec Guy' bought the 'lowest' spec'ed iPhone? (16GB in your sig). If you are new to'll soon find out it's not about 'specs'. Apple controls both the hardware assembly AND the software...hence the interaction between the two is their forté. The processor/RAM/GPU, etc...all finely tuned to the operating reason to be a 'spec guy' anymore! My wife's iPhone 4 is still humming along just fine with the latest games and apps available. My 4s seems a bit quicker...but even the now over 2 year old phone is still just fine for any and all apps and OS upgrades (*with the exception of Siri).

So much for cracking down on security. Tim's about to look like the biggest loser in Apple history, coming up with a crappy iPhone and not just failing to crack down on leaks, but having the biggest leak ever.

Tim fails hard this time. Wouldn't be surprised to see him in the news with a bullet in his brain.

On the other hand, if this IS fake, huge credit to Tim. He goes down as the greatest genius ever, which I really hope will happen. But I strongly doubt it...this is the new iPhone guys. :(

It's been noted already...but I just wanted to re-affirm what a crappy post this was.

Well, one thing's for sure - when we actually see the next iPhone, whatever it's called and whatever form it takes, there will be a lot of gloating or humble-pie-eating from both sides here.

Here, Here!

It is a clone or fake part. Even previous prototype leaks had model numbers and other text where Apple places the regulatory text on finished models on the back. The iPhone text is also the wrong font.

There is a lack of symmetry on the bottom and moving the headphone jack would gain you nothing.

We will have to see come september who is right but I am predicting that I am right. This is either a red herring to catch a leaker, fake created based on rumours or a chinese clone part.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2010
I like the new design, with the black bar at the top and bottom. At least you can tell if someone has an iPhone 5. I haven't seen any other phone with that design.
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