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macrumors newbie
Jul 11, 2007
Tighter Security & Consequences

With Apple's goal for tighter security, it is curious that the internals show the ID part #. If these are real parts, it should be a relatively simple matter of tracking down who is in the video. Video maker should have obscured the part id # - no?


macrumors newbie
Jul 29, 2012
Looks nicer than it does in the photos as the screen is flush which makes it pretty damn thin! When I think about it it makes sense for this to be the design as its like a refined 4/4s if you look at macs they dont change much.
I think I like it, I just hope that the screen is flush as shown in this video and that there is some os upgrades beyond the previewed ios 6! widgets or an innovative implementation of NFC maybe ? :):apple:


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
I don't doubt that there are some well timed leaks about the design. Apple needs to keep people that are on the fence from moving to the darkside until the release of the next iPhone.
So that's why we see all these posts about "if this is the new iPhone in getting a Galaxy S III"? :confused:


macrumors newbie
May 16, 2012
No one knows, period.

First off, I don’t necessarily mind this new design, but I would have liked something different, but it’s far from terrible. I’ll still get one, but it doesn’t mean that new is always better; I’m not quite fond of the long screen.

However, there are two scenarios that will come out of this. The first is that this is NOT the real design and this is a leak. Not sure if there will be a grand release with Tim on stage throwing this one out- but I also recall on the first iPhone release when Jobs showed a picture of the iPod with a numeric and alphabetic scroll button which seemed to get some laughs! Granted that was only a pic, but still :)

The second is that this IS the design, and Tim has now shot himself in the foot declaring that security has been "ramped up” although this leak has been out (almost?) longer than any other design leak. It seems he’s going to be criticized for either the design or his failed attempt to keep things hush-hush. If this is a leak, he will likely be praised for his protection of parts/design and (hopefully) will unveil a newly redesigned iPhone 5 that truly shows the hard work of Jony and their team for the past 2 years.

Just my $0.02.


macrumors newbie
Apr 15, 2011
That seems like some childish logic. This is the next iPhone, regardless if you like the design or not.

How is this childish logic? Apple is already known for purposely putting out fake prototypes to throw everyone off. It has little or nothing to do with whether or not someone likes the design. Regardless, it is a fact that apple does this and you come off quite arrogant.


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2010
Not all the vision came from Seve Jobs, but about 99% of the clarity obviously did. Had Ive shown Jobs this design he'd have been asked to try again.


macrumors 68020
Feb 26, 2012
Michigan/Ohio, USA
I really like the back of it. If this is legit, then finally they are getting rid of the stupid glass back. It kinda looks like the back of my current iPhone 4S case.

I won't be due for an upgrade when this comes out, so I will wait for the iPhone 5S version :p


macrumors 68030
Dec 29, 2010
I have no issue with the design (if I did, I wouldn't have a 4s to begin with), so for me it is all about what it can do. I'm not sure that LTE and NFC are going to be enough to get me to upgrade. Hopefully there is more than meets the eye from a functionality standpoint.


macrumors regular
Aug 14, 2007
Nashville, TN
I just used a ouija board and communicated DIRECTLY with Jobs. He indeed hates this design and will use his powers from above to reprimand Ive.

Happy now?


macrumors 6502
Oct 1, 2007
People Bringing up Steve Jobs every time they don't like something is plainly stupid. Steve Jobs only died 9 months ago. Certain decisions about this iPhone were most certainly made by Steve Jobs. I can't imagine that the longer screen idea only came about since his death.


macrumors member
Aug 30, 2004
Seriously, we need a tech forum equivalent of Godwin’s Law for any statement like “Steve Jobs wouldn’t have allowed this” or “this never would have happened if Steve Jobs was alive.”

I would like to visit a place where people can remember the "puck mouse" and other poor design decisions that happened under Steve Jobs' watch.

And I think the phone looks quite nice. As for my "lock-in" to the ecosystem... everything I've got works well together. I like that.

Granted, I don't have as much choice as buying two separate Android apps for my Xoom and my Kindle Fire ("<app name> Kindle Fire Edition"), but I get along just fine.


macrumors 603
Dec 31, 2001
Mpls, MN
Poor music choice.

I got it one piece at a time. And it didn't cost me a dime. You'll know it's me when I come through your town.

Quick! Someone with an Android scan that QR code.
Why an Android? But it's too blurry, at least for me.


macrumors regular
Aug 14, 2007
Nashville, TN
People Bringing up Steve Jobs every time they don't like something is plainly stupid. Steve Jobs only died 9 months ago. Certain decisions about this iPhone were most certainly made by Steve Jobs. I can't imagine that the longer screen idea only came about since his death.

"Most certainly"? Please present us with your evidence.


macrumors 68000
Feb 23, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Yawn.. another year another rounded edge rectangle phone with a flat back.. oh' wait this years model is slightly lengthened.. I guess the concept spoiler models from last year with the curved glass and tear drop design is unattainable.. perhaps in 5 years?


macrumors 68030
Jan 22, 2009
How is this childish logic? Apple is already known for purposely putting out fake prototypes to throw everyone off. It has little or nothing to do with whether or not someone likes the design. Regardless, it is a fact that apple does this and you come off quite arrogant.

Where do you hear/read that?

I agree my comment comes off as arrogant but it wasn't meant to be. It's just the fact that people here are blatantly ignoring facts because they don't like what they see (ex. "It must be fake!"). It's reminiscent of younger children justifying something by irrational logic (ex. Santa Claus didn't bring my iPod this year because it probably fell off his sleigh). :p


macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2009
Montreal, Canada
I don't get why people are complaining about the case look, 99% of you will just put a case around it anyways. :p

I for one don't hate it, and will for def be getting one to replace my iPhone 4.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 16, 2011
I don't see how it would be possible to keep the supply chain from leaking components this day and age, especially for an item this anticipated. Someone got paid healthily to leak parts/pictures. I believe we are looking at the next iPhone (I personally like it though). With that said, Tim did say he wants to double down on secrecy, and from what I understand supply chain management is where the man comes from, so if anyone can pull off keeping this thing secret it's probably him.


macrumors regular
Aug 21, 2005
Still not super happy with the design, the part that drives me the most insane is the tangent between the camera lens and the new dual toned back... One of the first things I was taught in color and design was tangents were the spawn of Satan.

ahaaha, for a sec i really thought you were serious! :D

How is this childish logic? Apple is already known for purposely putting out fake prototypes to throw everyone off. It has little or nothing to do with whether or not someone likes the design. Regardless, it is a fact that apple does this and you come off quite arrogant.

please refresh my memory. which fake prototype was confirmed to be thrown in the wild by Apple? :cool:


macrumors 6502
Jul 18, 2002
Not all the vision came from Seve Jobs, but about 99% of the clarity obviously did. Had Ive shown Jobs this design he'd have been asked to try again.

For all you know, Steve personally approved this design. These things just don't appear overnight. They had the basic iPhone 4 design back in 2005. It's not very hard to imagine that they had this design picked out a year ago.


macrumors regular
Feb 14, 2011
Someone mentioned it in some previous comments. A wider phone would be better for surfing the internet. That is obvious. So why not make it wider as well as taller. All the benefit of a taller phone and it would be a better internet browser as well.

The using one hand argument is a bit weak. if it was a little wider you could still use one hand to operate the phone.


macrumors 68000
Feb 23, 2006
Ft. Lauderdale
Someone mentioned it in some previous comments. A wider phone would be better for surfing the internet. That is obvious. So why not make it wider as well as taller. All the benefit of a taller phone and it would be a better internet browser as well.

The using one hand argument is a bit weak. if it was a little wider you could still use one hand to operate the phone.

Yippee.. yet another row of icons!!!


macrumors 601
Oct 1, 2010
So that's why we see all these posts about "if this is the new iPhone in getting a Galaxy S III"? :confused:

Dude...only fandroids are spouting that stuff. I don't care what the GS III looks like. It is still running andriod and that is problem.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Jun 8, 2012
It doesn't look bad. I'm not sure exactly how the phone could be completely redesigned. It's a smart phone. It's a big touchscreen in a case. It's not going to change much. They already moved from the tapered back panel to the current design. The screen is bigger without making the overall size of the phone too much bigger. The hardware will probably get a nice bump. I agree that the OS is a little dull, but it's pretty solid. I can't really complain about it. After trying to pick microscopic glass slivers out of my fingers when I accidentally shattered the back of my iPhone 4, I'll gladly take the brushed aluminum-style back. I'm not a huge fan of the black panels above and below, but I'll have an Otterbox for it anyway, so it's irrelevant. I'm not sure what people were expecting. Should be a solid upgrade for all the original iPhone 4 people.


macrumors 68020
Apr 17, 2011
United Kingdom
Someone mentioned it in some previous comments. A wider phone would be better for surfing the internet. That is obvious. So why not make it wider as well as taller. All the benefit of a taller phone and it would be a better internet browser as well.

The using one hand argument is a bit weak. if it was a little wider you could still use one hand to operate the phone.

I think it would mean an even larger phone though. To me it seems like they were reluctant to change the size however for whatever reason Apple have maybe with IOS6 they feel this new form factor is better.

Also perhaps this blue metal explains why Apple never ditched it in IOS6 for Iphone with the menus? :cool:

However long term it has to be said how long will the Iphone stay 4" and tall? Will they make it larger next year, year after? I think this must be interesting for case makers and so on. If this is the new Iphone surely the ratio has to remain in the 2013 Iphone?
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