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macrumors 68020
Dec 9, 2004
Please stop with the nonsense about it being "fast" or "snappy." Hello, it is a unitasker. You know what that means? Only one program open at any given time.

You have no clue what you're talking about. OS X is inherently multi-tasking, and that's what the iPad is running. At any given time there are a number of processes (OS services) running simultaneously. The fact that Apple is currently allowing only one third-party app at a time to run is basically irrelevant; the iPad is still multitasking at all times. If I shut down all the apps on my Mac except for Safari, that doesn't make the computer stop multitasking, and in fact having many apps running at once doesn't make Safari any slower, either (unless I have high-priority apps running full-out 200% CPU or something).



macrumors 6502a
Jan 27, 2009
NW Indiana
I've gone from "WTH were they thinking?" to "It could be great for toilet reading!". Still holding out until we get the iPad revA / 2.0 with a camera, usb and SD slot. ;)

I'd love to hear feedback from designers/illustrators if they think it will somehow fit into their work flow.


macrumors member
Apr 2, 2010
Heh, feels that way to me too.

How? You need to pay for apps anyway if you buy them, right? Same goes for media, right? You can add your media you already have or buy from other sources and rip it to compatible format, right? Maybe I'm blind, but I'm pretty sure I can use iPad with free apps or apps I get when they are free for a limited time without paying a dime. I can listen to music or watch videos without buying it from iTunes. Where I'm wrong and how it sucks your coins from your pants?

Richard Kimball

macrumors newbie
Mar 23, 2010
I've gone from "WTH were they thinking?" to "It could be great for toilet reading!". Still holding out until we get the iPad revA / 2.0 with a camera, usb and SD slot. ;)

I'd love to hear feedback from designers/illustrators if they think it will somehow fit into their work flow.

Dropped by Best Buy. They have demo models and are taking orders. One thing the guy pointed out is that there's a photo app on the Demo iPads, but when you start it, it says "Camera not found." Not sure what to make of that.

As a photographer, there are some areas where it could be useful, primarily in doing presentations. It's an incredibly elegant way to show people photos while sitting at a desk together. You can hand it back and forth, and zoom and sweep with it. One thing I was hoping for (I'm probably the only person in the US who was) was that you would be able to build the photo books on it. The answer is "Not now. Maybe later." These books are pretty good little money spinners, but you have to be able to sit down with the client and let them make a lot of the choices about which photo goes where. The iPad would have been perfect for that.
I could also see it as being useful as a way to upload photos to some of my sports clients during halftime of a football game.
For presentations, combined with a pico-projector, for small groups you're in and setup in about two minutes.
I don't see it as a serious editing tool, and I don't think Apple sees it that way either. If they did, iWeb would have been an early App.


macrumors regular
Feb 22, 2010
My Macbook Pro needs to release, before i cave and buy this ipad, i really like it but i need the laptop for other reasons, but if it comes to the points were i cant wait anymore ill probably cave and get an ipad + mac mini


macrumors 6502a
Feb 16, 2010
The book store just has the leisure books. No tech books. This is my only negative. Loving browsing the web with it. Works as advertised.

I also buy mainly tech books. Those are usually in the 30$+ range, I guess because they must make the quick buck before the content becomes obsolete/dated (very soon in this age), and their audience/volume is much smaller than the average fiction/best-seller. Heck, I remember reading the 9.99 vs. 14.99 controversy not long ago and thought "WTF!?".

I wonder what's gonna be of those in an iBook store...

Not that I care, these days I get 90% the info in Stack Overflow :D


macrumors 6502
Jul 26, 2005

In a sense, it's like spaces for OSX, with fullscreen apps so each app gets its own space. The apps in other spaces don't actually have to be running, so long as they resume their state quickly.

That's what I mean by no real multi-tasking for most users. What we really do is pause one app to go to another and then back. On the iPhone it is pretty awkward, and often it stops the app rather than pausing it. As long as it holds the state I left it in while I'm using another app, I am fine with the iPad. I had to look something up in safari while typing an email on my iPhone and it closed that window. Gone. It should hold that open email while I am in safari. I don't really consider this multi-tasking, just temporary file saving. I guess Apple does consider this multi-tasking. No big.

Going to try to attempt a demo visit to my Apple Store right now.


macrumors regular
May 6, 2006
It DESPERATELY needs speakers on TWO sides of the device, not just smushed into one corner. Turning it sideways to watch a movie or play a game and then hearing the sound all coming from that bottom or top corner is just awful and distracting.

They say it has stereo sound because it has two speakers but imagine watching your TV with both speakers on one side.


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2008
OC Baby!
I think that was a good summary - I agree with everything stated.

I'm still getting use to it - but so far I'm liking it. :D


macrumors 6502
Jul 26, 2005
U gotta pay for something?

How? You need to pay for apps anyway if you buy them, right? Same goes for media, right? You can add your media you already have or buy from other sources and rip it to compatible format, right? Maybe I'm blind, but I'm pretty sure I can use iPad with free apps or apps I get when they are free for a limited time without paying a dime. I can listen to music or watch videos without buying it from iTunes. Where I'm wrong and how it sucks your coins from your pants?

I believe the primary complaint regarding the need to use iTunes is that it limits piracy. Now, I don't like being limited in loading legitimate media that belongs to me onto my devices any more than the rest of u geeks, but to complain about a product and then also complain about the company trying to keep the product profitable by controlling some of the content is just foolish. How is Apple to pay for the R/D on all these devices if they cannot make money on the media end? The iPad would not even exist is it were not for the iTunes Store. One did pay for the other.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2004
SF Bay Area
Stop typing with two thumbs! Put it in your lap and type proper, it doesn't skip a beat! Make sure you trim your finger nails first though.

There was a rumor that the back of the iPad was going to be touch sensitive, too...

Mmmm... When you put the iPad in your lap, I wonder if.....



macrumors 68000
Mar 15, 2010
My Macbook Pro needs to release, before i cave and buy this ipad, i really like it but i need the laptop for other reasons, but if it comes to the points were i cant wait anymore ill probably cave and get an ipad + mac mini

Ipad and Mac-Mini is what I decided instead of a new macbook as well. I unfortunately have to carry my work PC when I travel , so the iPad will be an easier add on than the second laptop.


macrumors 6502
Nov 29, 2005
I'm sorry that you have other financial responsibilities, but you don't need to be thinking-out-loud on the forum about your bad financial situation. It's annoying.

If you had a couple of decent paragraphs with something actually to say and then had to opine your decision to wait until funds surface, that would fine, as you would've contributed to the thread's focus.

I would prefer to see "FIRST POST!!" than this.

Goods news for you: if you wait long enough, they'll be cheaper or better (or both).

This is an open forum. The OP deserves to write whatever he feels. It is clear that on a day like today many posts will add a bloated waste of text to wade through on the forums. But such are the realities of a launch day. Quite frankly, I find your gripe towards the OP disgusting.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 5, 2002
This is an open forum. The OP deserves to write whatever he feels. It is clear that on a day like today many posts will add a bloated waste of text to wade through on the forums. But such are the realities of a launch day. Quite frankly, I find your gripe towards the OP disgusting.

That's not a license to be an ******.


macrumors 603
Jul 5, 2004
That's wonderful, now where's my iPad Nano :p

Right here.

On another note, I still haven't seen any detailed comment about how you can transfer files back-and-forth on the iPad. Let's take PDF files as an example since that's something I would be carrying (technical reference documents for ICs, etc).


macrumors 6502
Sep 4, 2006
Palo Alto, CA
Crisp screen?????

I went down to best buy this morning. Only a few people there so I got to try out a display model ipad...

Yes, it felt nice in my hand, etc...

but the screen SUCKED

When viewing a reading app, such as the NYTimes, the text was very blurry. A complete joke when compared side-by-side to my iphone 3GS

This thing might be good for surfing and watching video clips, but anyone hoping to use this as a ebook is going to be sorely disappointed.

These reviewers either need to get their eyes checked or come clean about shilling for apple.

Apple Corps

macrumors 68030
Apr 26, 2003
My purchasing experience.

We have both Best Buy and an Apple store in our city - Best Buy is closer - so what the heck, I'll drop by 1:00 pm and see......

A small group of about 8 people talking with the Best Buy Apple "specialist". Most appeared clueless as to what it does, how to use it, features, etc.


I finally waved my credit card and the specialist motioned me over to a different area and the 64 GB iPad was purchased within 2 minutes.

Now to experience it :)


macrumors 6502
Feb 9, 2008
London, UK.
Imagine when you're using Safari, that Mail is in the background. You get a new email, an unobstrusive notification comes up (from a local app, not the cloud), and you switch to Mail directly and instantaneously - i.e. no looking through pages of all the apps you have for Mail. Multitasking lets you group programs you're using for a particular task(s) and switch between them instantly without searching through every app or loading times.

If Apple were going to make this work, I'd imagine they give every session a task, which is a group of applications. When you launch any application, it's added to your current task in order. So, let's say I open Mail. Now that's in my current task. I go home and open Safari. Now Mail and Safari are both in my current task. Now I want to open Mail again, so I do a long horizontal swipe across the screen to switch to the previous app in my current task (or do some other gesture to see a grid of thumbnails of all the apps in my task).

I think you just lost 99.9% of your potential customers by the second paragraph and that's a great example why the iPad will sell like hotcakes, where existing devices with more functionality haven't. The more functionality you give people, the more confusing it is to do simple tasks and the more time that the average consumer spends on phone calls to helpdesks.

For the vast majority people, hearing the noise of a new e-mail, pushed from mobileme, hitting their home button and then mail (which is going to be on their bar at the bottom of every page) and then doing the same to get back to Safari when they are done, is all the functionality they need/can cope with. For everyone else, perhaps they have unrealistic expectations of what this device is supposed to offer them?


macrumors 65816
Feb 7, 2007
Lots of positive comments so far. Why are there so many negatives on the articles? This one already has 7 negatives but all the comments are positive? Odd.

Not odd at all, simple answer, Why beat a dead horse?
But since you asked, I'll recap...
Still doesn't have:

Full web access to most popular websites (NO FLASH)
a real operating system like a netbook
iPAD specific apps (very few so far at least)

That's why I'm waiting, in a nutshell. Version 1 lacks too many features I want and doesn't replace anything I already own. Very simple.

It does appear to be an amazing device, but I'm waiting for Revision B or C.


macrumors 6502
Feb 20, 2009
Indiana, USA
I went down to best buy this morning. Only a few people there so I got to try out a display model ipad...

Yes, it felt nice in my hand, etc...

but the screen SUCKED

When viewing a reading app, such as the NYTimes, the text was very blurry. A complete joke when compared side-by-side to my iphone 3GS

This thing might be good for surfing and watching video clips, but anyone hoping to use this as a ebook is going to be sorely disappointed.

These reviewers either need to get their eyes checked or come clean about shilling for apple.

apparently you had a bad iPad to review - the wide consensus (even from the haters and the trolls) is that the display is magnificent - although i would agree not in bright sunlight.
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