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macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2006
United States
It's amazing how different the Internet feels this morning. I got online, everything was....... The same.... Apparently nobody had prepared a huge Internet implosion to go off at the tick of the clock.


Jul 26, 2017
"Only by ignoring your proven republican talking points can I stand to live in California rather than any republicans controlled state."

Fixed it for you.

Herpa...derpa...derp...I am spoon fed my every thought by Fox News and BrietBart...derp...I am never leaving my parents basement...derp

Fixed it for you.
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handsome pete

macrumors 68000
Aug 15, 2008
You selectively deleted parts of my earlier post in your response. You also didn’t understand the post obviously. Go back and read it again, only slower.

Ok, got it. You weren't directly attributing those results to anyone in particular. My bad.

However, it probably would have been more beneficial to try and refute the actual post you were replying to rather than parrot some BS anecdote.
It's amazing how different the Internet feels this morning. I got online, everything was....... The same.... Apparently nobody had prepared a huge Internet implosion to go off at the tick of the clock.

Yeah, only idiots thought the ramifications of this would be felt instantly.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 30, 2014
National Capital Region
You really think that the bandwidth is the problem?

People who control the bandwidth have a lot of power that can be utilized in serveral ways.

Agree. Absolutely, and in the current climate it offers no real recourse.

You misread my comment.
It was directed to a poster that tagged the "liberal" tag to those who support neutrality, that is neutrality of either content (no filtering) or volume (no throttling).

Hope that clears the confusion.
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Jul 26, 2017
It’s called political correctness and liberal intolerance. If you say something not in line with progressive thinking you are banished to the censorship gulag, labeled a racist, bigot, or homophobe. Your employment is put in jeopardy, your privacy is stripped from you, and you are vilified and bullied on social media. Prime example is the CEO of Twitter having to apologize for eating at a Chick-fil-A in recent days.

Oh look another crying snowflake upset when called out for bashing gays or using racial slurs. Your right though it’s a shame when people screaming “blood and soil” or “the Jews will not replace us” while advocating for a race war lose their jobs. I am sure you would have no problem working with a Nazi or a Aryan Nation members...
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macrumors 65816
Oct 22, 2013
You genuinely don’t think obama was arrogant and placating his own ego as well?
I don’t see the president as a superhero or rockstar (Obama perceived by media and Hollywood).

Many people hate the Clinton’s and for good reason. They already had their chance and have done enough harm.

President Obama was "Cock"-blocked by the Republicans led by McConnell at every step - this vow was declared by Mitch at the beginning of Obama's first term and reiterated at the begging of his second term, and they fulfilled that promise to their flock all the way thru'! Every attempt made by Obama's Democrats was immediately shut down. Inspire of this, the economy grew in leaps and bounds.

It continues to grow, the magical Drumpf figures from even a year ago when the unemployment hit the bottom (and continued to dig in lower) did not happen with six months of posturing and tax-cuts to the rich.

President Clinton disappointed everyone of his admirers by lying about his sexual activities - he did not have the balls to tell the special investigator to fork-off. His administration of the nation was excellent, and his economic policies such as reducing deficit actually worked. That wealth was demolished by the Republicans and Bush Jr.

Drumpf is not "getting things done"; he is ruling by executive orders. Even with all three branches under their control, the Republicans are floundering. Their lasting legacy is the good that they are doing to the richest 0.01% of this country, who promptly take the profit away from circulation.

The cost of living has been going up dramatically since 2017, mainly from increasing fuel costs. ISPs and and cellular costs are back on the rise. The Net Neutrality revoking is already making it bad - they did not wait until today to raise their prices in every deceitful manner. Eg. the recent program access fees added to Comcast broadcast channels amounting to $10 plus the old HD fee; add the regional fees and the cable bills have gone up by $16-20, just from last September. You are welcome to research this claim.

The country became racially polarized in November 2008. It is getting worse under this trickster.

I will link the 2015 NN bill again, it is a long read. But, I don't want the buffoon pundits twisting the bill around with catch phrases that mean nothing - we can read it and see how they have explained (almost) every part of the law.

Enjoy -

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macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
It always comes back to President Trump's incompetence and violations of human rights and the US constitution, yes.

Sounds great but you are aware he’s doing the best he can to protect 1st and 2nd amendment,

Without those we dont have a constitution, censorship and stripping citizens of their property.

..But if he’s actually Hitler, liberals still want him to seize everyone’s firearms?
How does that work, when he’s Hitler?


You obviously haven’t done much research on human rights issues since cracking down on human trafficking is a core focus of his administration. This is about as depraved as you can possibly get, trafficking lives.

So let’s circle back:
He’s Protecting 1A and 2A &
Cracking down on pedos, and barbaric MS13.

What an animal that Trump is huh? But... but... “he tweets mean things”


macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
Change won't happen overnight, but big corporations will slowly charge us more for the same things... Especially for those who have no choice but one ISP in their area.
Along with other cases where, if there's more than one, there's still really only one reasonable choice (e.g. first provider offers 100+ mbit/s cable connection, second offers 10-ish mbit/s DSL for not much difference in price, for about a tenth the bandidth) - if the primary choice starts giving preferential treatment to some websites/services, it's an ugly choice whether to stick it out for the (mostly) higher speeds, or go to the secondary choice with lower bandwidth for everything.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 28, 2012
San Jose, Ca
Agreed, but some politicians take lying and deceit to greater extremes than others.

Your right. Big liars and slightly less big liars and all parties tell them at some point. Matter of fact I side completely opposite on this issue than the "mainstream" liars I normally vote for. :D


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
President Obama was "Cock"-blocked by the Republicans led by McConnell at every step - this vow was declared by Mitch at the beginning of Obama's first term and reiterated at the begging of his second term, and they fulfilled that promise to their flock all the way thru'! Every attempt made by Obama's Democrats was immediately shut down. Inspire of this, the economy grew in leaps and bounds.

It continues to grow, the magical Drumpf figures from even a year ago when the unemployment hit the bottom (and continued to dig in lower) did not happen with six months of posturing and tax-cuts to the rich.

President Clinton disappointed everyone of his admirers by lying about his sexual activities - he did not have the balls to tell the special investigator to fork-off. His administration of the nation was excellent, and his economic policies such as reducing deficit actually worked. That wealth was demolished by the Republicans and Bush Jr.

Drumpf is not "getting things done"; he is ruling by executive orders. Even with all three branches under their control, the Republicans are floundering. Their lasting legacy is the good that they are doing to the richest 0.01% of this country, who promptly take the profit away from circulation.

The cost of living has been going up dramatically since 2017, mainly from increasing fuel costs. ISPs and and cellular costs are back on the rise. The Net Neutrality revoking is already making it bad - they did not wait until today to raise their prices in every deceitful manner. Eg. the recent program access fees added to Comcast broadcast channels amounting to $10 plus the old HD fee; add the regional fees and the cable bills have gone up by $16-20, just from last September. You are welcome to research this claim.

The country became racially polarized in November 2008. It is getting worse under this trickster.

I will link the 2015 NN bill again, it is a long read. But, I don't want the buffoon pundits twisting the bill around with catch phrases that mean nothing - we can read it and see how they have explained (almost) every part of the law.

Enjoy -


I stopped reading at Drumpf. I’m sorry your primary source of information is John Oliver. Dude isn’t even funny. At least Colbert (Comedy Central Colbert) and Jon Stewart had some occasional clever humor.

Bush definitely didn’t help with divisiveness, no doubt. But lets stop blaming Obama’s failures on being ‘c—‘blocked and the prior president.

We’re 8 years past ‘but Bush but Republicans!’

Hold onto it as long as you like, tho. Doesn’t seem healthy or effective for arguments sake, but you do you

In my view-
That’s the equivalent of blaming your parents for the failure of your life in your mid 40s. Might work for you, but doesn’t hold much weight for most other people.


macrumors 6502a
May 3, 2014
Salt Lake City, UT
Herpa...derpa...derp...I am spoon fed my every thought by Fox News and BrietBart...derp...I am never leaving my parents basement...derp

Fixed it for you.
You changed your own quote to that? Reach higher, man. I had you pegged as a CNN guy for sure. And I wouldn't go around advertising the fact that you still live in your parents' basement. Not a very respectable position to be in these days, if you know what I mean.


Mar 22, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I welcome you to be more outraged about things not worth being outraged by...

I actually welcome you,

And you are outraged by that post, something that should in all likelihood, be characterized as ‘not worth being outraged by’

The irony is so velvety rich :D

I’m an American too, btw, but didn’t feel the need to preface with that to validate everything I say that follows. Would you like a medal?

And why would you Even think to care about ‘right wingers’ burning Dixie Chick cd’s, dude? What on earth? Is that seriously what’s bothering you?

Look up symbolism.

For now enjoy the denial. Lets talk this time next year.

I feel it would be smart for people to look less at what their party is saying and more at how an issue will affect you. Net neutrality was put in place for a reason. I suggest those claiming the outrage is a false alarm read the history books and see how it came about.
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macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
I actually think it might not be a bad idea to try it out for a few years. It might actually lead to more interesting and useful innovations with less government regulation. If it turns out that we hate it and it sucks, I bet we’d be able to reinstate net neutrality laws and get back to the way things are. Not to mention a lot of people seem to have forgotten that these regulations are still fairly new as it is. Nothing wrong with switching back and forth a few times to see what’s working better and what we like better.
I actually think it might not be a bad idea to try out cannibalism for a few years - after all, if it turns out that we hate it and it sucks, we can always go back.
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Mar 22, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Sounds great but you are aware he’s doing the best he can to protect 1st and 2nd amendment,

Without those we dont have a constitution, censorship and stripping citizens of their property.

..But if he’s actually Hitler, liberals still want him to seize everyone’s firearms?
How does that work, when he’s Hitler?


You obviously haven’t done much research on human rights issues since cracking down on human trafficking is a core focus of his administration. This is about as depraved as you can possibly get, trafficking lives.

So let’s circle back:
He’s Protecting 1A and 2A &
Cracking down on pedos, and barbaric MS13.

What an animal that Trump is huh? But... but... “he tweets mean things”

You do understand that 2A supporters are a core part of his support right? And that the 1A also covers those people he blocked from his twitter account.
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Mar 22, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I'll be satisfied to know that those here on this forum will eventually have to pay more for their internet to continue to stick their heads in the sand, and voice their denial over the issue.

Maybe I am wrong, after all the ISP's did "promise" not to damage our internet experience....

You know how good corporations and governments are at keeping their promises.
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macrumors 6502a
May 3, 2014
Salt Lake City, UT
Look up symbolism.

For now enjoy the denial. Lets talk this time next year.

I feel it would be smart for people to look less at what their party is saying and more at how an issue will affect you. Net neutrality was put in place for a reason. I suggest those claiming the outrage is a false alarm read the history books and see how it came about.
No need for history books. It was only 3 years ago. We can all just think back and remember how the internet was before the net neutrality laws saved us from certain annihilation...... not much different actually.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
You do understand that the 2A is a core part of his support right? And that the 1A also covers those people he blocked from his twitter account.

Not sure what either has to do with anything

That was an absurd activist judge ruling that blocking someone twitter is infringing on 1a

Why isn’t that rule applied to all public figures and politicians? And you really think he reads all the @ replies? Parroting the same stuff? He probably has work to do unlike obama Who was on camera for
Hollywood more than in the Oval Office

And as for cracking down on trafficking? Drawing a blank on a counter point to that?

I think I’m done. Too exhausting. You guys are a bit much


Mar 22, 2016
Dark side of the moon
No need for history books. It was only 3 years ago. We can all just think back and remember how the internet was before the net neutrality laws saved us from certain annihilation...... not much different actually.

So you don't remember the throttling issue. The ISP's giving their services priority. Netflix being limited. Not quite Annihilation, but enough to disrupt service to millions of customers. I guess living in the instant gratification era, a little patience while they sort this out again will be good for us. To think a provider isn't going to take advantage of the end of net neutrality is naive.
Not sure what either has to do with anything

That was an absurd activist judge ruling that blocking someone twitter is infringing on 1a

Why isn’t that rule applied to all public figures and politicians? And you really think he reads all the @ replies? Parroting the same stuff? He probably has work to do unlike obama Who was on camera for
Hollywood more than in the Oval Office

And as for cracking down on trafficking? Drawing a blank on a counter point to that?

I think I’m done. Too exhausting. You guys are a bit much

I agree, it's exhausting trying to figure out Trump's agenda and the reasoning behind the things he does. Trying to defend it must be almost too much to bear.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
So you don't remember the throttling issue. The ISP's giving their services priority. Netflix being limited. Not quite Annihilation, but enough to disrupt service to millions of customers. I guess living in the instant gratification era, a little patience while they sort this out again will be good for us. To think a provider isn't going to take advantage of the end of net neutrality is naive.

I agree, it's exhausting trying to figure out Trump's agenda and the reasoning behind the things he does. Trying to defend it must be almost too much to bear.

Definitely is.

You present evidence this administration cares about trafficking

And the person just moves on, even tho that was their main argument they don’t care

What a bizarre mindset the resistance has. They resist evidence fact and reason. They are fueled by emotions as argument


macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
It worked fine back when AT&T blocked Skype from 2007-2009...
"This isn't really a problem - you can't cite any specific examples of it being necessary!"

(you and others cite specific examples)

"those are just unimportant isolated instances!"

They have a narrative, and they're going to either fit the facts to their narrative, or just throw out the inconvenient ones. The net was heading in a bad direction on the transport side, and Net Neutrality sought to fix that. They're essentially insisting that, pre-Katrina, there was clearly no need to improve the levees, and, besides, if there's ever a storm like Katrina, then we can always put up good levees afterwards. I think it'd be even better to do the work ahead of time, and then not lose a city to the storm.


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
Oh and don't forget his disdain for the free press. Thats doing more damage to the 1st amendment than anything.

“Freedom of the press” doesn’t care about Assange or Tommy Robinson. Virtually completely quiet about both.

They didn’t care Obama cracked down on whistleblowers more than any other administration despite touting being the most transparent.

They all jumped at the opportunity to put in their headlines misleading “trump calls immigrants animals”

So in other words, I ain’t buying it.

Media deserves all the skepticism/distaste they receive.


Mar 22, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Definitely is.

You present evidence this administration cares about trafficking

And the person just moves on, even tho that was their main argument they don’t care

What a bizarre mindset the resistance has. They resist evidence fact and reason. They are fueled by emotions as argument

So I need to supply evidence for what exactly? This philosophy that if it's not hot then prove to me it is cold tactic seems almost unreasonable. What about warm, Luke warm? There are so many things in between. It's not black and white with Trump. Who is the resistance? Are they the people who continuously point out Trumps infraction's when he lies to the public? It's well documented. Is resisting a perpetual liar make people part of the perceived problem?


macrumors 65816
Dec 23, 2016
Austin, TX
Time for city/town governments to roll out their own cheap WiFi services that follow net neutrality rules. If the corporate world wants to claim that they're going to offer something better/cheaper without net neutrality...PROVE IT vs. something that really is cheaper.
Even if they offered cheap wifi, they'd still need the backbone provided by one of the big providers. Many years ago, when electricity and communications became common over the country, utilities were declared to be critical public necessities, and a category of "common carrier" was declared and regulated to prevent price gouging by monopolistic providers. It likely won't happen in our lifetimes, but the communications providers need to be declared "public utilities" just like power providers, and regulated accordingly.
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