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macrumors G4
The Last Descent (2016)

A tragic tale of just how much life matters, how a simple mistake, a miss footing, a decision taken in haste can change everything for yourself and those all around you in the wrong circumstance. Based on a true story, comes over as being somewhat imbalanced, yet passionately driven, deep with spirituality, equally heartfelt given the facts. Some artistic license is taken, to simplify and expand the story.

May be a hard watch for some due to the intensity and subject matter. I would never want to see anybody's activities restricted, however if adventure is in the blood; be educated, be aware, never go it alone, never act in haste be it on the "hill" or "underground" as nature at times can be very unforgiving...

Free to watch on YT in some regions, not generally my choice of genre, however one that piqued my intertest for several reasons.

TLDR - Reasonable film on a budget, that looks to cover a tragic real-life event with it's own flavour.

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macrumors 65816
May 13, 2012
Six Rivers, CA
Watched “The Devil All The Time” last night with the missus. Usually give a movie 15 minutes to grab our interest, but it’s not a hard rule we follow which was a good thing for this movie. This movie is long, live Avengers long. Nearly 2 and a half hours. It uses the first 45 minutes to introduce all the players and the foreshadowing of the coming conflict between them. Had to pause at this point to see how long this movie is because it spent so much time on character intros. It sets tension and keeps ratcheting it until it inevitably has to release. Not Tarantino-esque but more subtle and nuanced.
A very good story acted out by plenty of talented actors, I recommend giving this one a watch. Plan for an intermission and a leg stretch, though. Also worth noting it is adapted from a novel of the same name and narrated by the author.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
The Last Decent (2016)
View attachment 957587
A tragic tale of just how much life matters, how a simple mistake, a miss footing, a decision taken in haste can change everything for yourself and those all around you in the wrong circumstance. Based on a true story, comes over as being somewhat imbalanced, yet passionately driven, deep with spirituality, equally heartfelt given the facts. Some artistic license is taken, to simplify and expand the story.

May be a hard watch for some due to the intensity and subject matter. I would never want to see anybody's activities restricted, however if adventure is in the blood; be educated, be aware, never go it alone, never act in haste be it on the "hill" or "underground" as nature at times can be very unforgiving...

Free to watch on YT in some regions, not generally my choice of genre, however one that piqued my intertest for several reasons.

TLDR - Reasonable film on a budget, that looks to cover a tragic real-life event with it's own flavour.

The last movie I remember watching about a cave rescue was The Big Carnival (1951) also known as Ace In The Hole, which gave me a sense of hopelessness. Not sure I’d want to repeat that, even though movies in that time frame did not really project suffering like they tend to today.
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macrumors G4
The last movie I remember watching about a cave rescue was The Big Carnival (1951) also known as Ace In The Hole, which gave me a sense of hopelessness. Not sure I’d want to repeat that, even though movies in that time frame did not really project suffering like they tend to today.

I'd advise you to give the Last Descent a miss, although not overly graphical, the film is very intense at times for obvious reasons.

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macrumors member
Dec 24, 2019
Northern VA
The Blues Brothers (1980) by John Landis. Just a great movie, with a great soundtracks, with great musicians that - channeling my inner curmudgeon- makes me wonder what the heck happened to music.

You forgot to mention the greatest chase scene of all time!;)

We recently watched that movie with our 2 adult children. They were not as enamored of it as we were and bailed about half-way through.:eek: We had them come back for the final scene.
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macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
You forgot to mention the greatest chase scene of all time!;)

We recently watched that movie with our 2 adult children. They were not as enamored of it as we were and bailed about half-way through.:eek: We had them come back for the final scene.

Actually - one of the things I am proudest of as a parent, is that my eldest son wanted to watch it, with his girlfriend, so we watched it. Before the movie began, he said : "this movie means a lot to me." (he loves music, and he's a great French horn player). I've done something right. #proudparent
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Jul 12, 2016
Kick-Ass [2010]

I’ve watch this one at least a dozen times or more. It’s one of my favorite comedies/action superhero movies ever. It’s legitimately funny, has a great storyline and even better soundtrack. Nicolas Cage playing ‘Big Daddy’ (A.K.A-Batman) Was perfect, he actually was replicating Adam Wests from the 1966 Batman, and nailed it.

The whole cast is great, Aaron Johnson (Kick-Ass) was awesome. This is just one of those movies that falls in the line of inappropriate behavior coupled with clever dialogue and overall it’s a really well played movie with the whole set-up.

{There was a sequel that debuted in 2013, it fell a bit short as expected, but it still held up decent, with a small role played by Jim Carrey.}
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macrumors member
Dec 24, 2019
Northern VA
Actually - one of the things I am proudest of as a parent, is that my eldest son wanted to watch it, with his girlfriend, so we watched it. Before the movie began, he said : "this movie means a lot to me." (he loves music, and he's a great French horn player). I've done something right. #proudparent

I was amazed that my son bailed since he has a very good singing voice and sang in High School.

I loved the music in "Blues Brothers" so much that I went out and bought the record (those were a thing back in the day before CD's and streaming) after seeing it in the theater. That and "Fantasia" are the only soundtracks I ever purchased.


Apr 16, 2020
Watched a low-key 2013 Canadian movie called The Grand Seduction with Brendan Gleeson, Gordon Pinsent, and Taylor Kitsch about attracting a doctor so that a factory will be built in a small fishing village in Newfoundland. I love the references to "going into town" meaning the big city of St. Johns several hours away. I've lived in a couple of remote fishing villages and I found it to be well done in its small and humorous ways. I'm a fan of Gordon Pinsent's, a Newfoundland native, for his work in The Shipping News, Julie Christie's husband in Away From Her, and Republic of Doyle. It left me with a smile and sweet feeling afterward.


Jul 12, 2016
Nocturnal Animals [2016]


I’m naturally a cynic when it comes Judging movies fairly harsh, and I think that’s probably because I’m such a ‘movie fanatic‘, that I generally have a set expectations with certain actresses/actors in films. This movie particularly has a massive cast of talent with Jake Gyllenhaal, Aaron Johnson Taylor, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Isla Fisher, ect. And those are all great actors, (I think the star of the movie really is Aaron Taylor Johnson, not someone we really see on the ‘big screen‘ all that often, but freakin’ talented on every level.)

I’d rate this movie a perfect 10. The plot, the acting, scenery, all mesh together. Really, this movie is about a ‘story within a story’ about a man who is traveling with his family in Texas and they are abducted and killed, leading into an investigation. That’s all that needs to be said, the rest the viewer needs to watch for themselves.

Sometimes I find myself distracted with movies if they are sub-par where I’m looking at my MacBook, or my iPhone or cleaning a gun😁, but this movie has had me drawn in every single time I watched it where I don’t take my eyes off the screen. That’s how good it really is.
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macrumors 65816
Jan 25, 2008
Watched a low-key 2013 Canadian movie called The Grand Seduction with Brendan Gleeson, Gordon Pinsent, and Taylor Kitsch about attracting a doctor so that a factory will be built in a small fishing village in Newfoundland. I love the references to "going into town" meaning the big city of St. Johns several hours away. I've lived in a couple of remote fishing villages and I found it to be well done in its small and humorous ways. I'm a fan of Gordon Pinsent's, a Newfoundland native, for his work in The Shipping News, Julie Christie's husband in Away From Her, and Republic of Doyle. It left me with a smile and sweet feeling afterward.
Northern Exposure (TV series) gave me that smile too. Loved that show. Also about getting a doctor to the remote town. Quirky show, great characters.


macrumors G4
Jan 12, 2008
Smyrna, TN
Watched a low-key 2013 Canadian movie called The Grand Seduction with Brendan Gleeson, Gordon Pinsent, and Taylor Kitsch about attracting a doctor so that a factory will be built in a small fishing village in Newfoundland. I love the references to "going into town" meaning the big city of St. Johns several hours away. I've lived in a couple of remote fishing villages and I found it to be well done in its small and humorous ways. I'm a fan of Gordon Pinsent's, a Newfoundland native, for his work in The Shipping News, Julie Christie's husband in Away From Her, and Republic of Doyle. It left me with a smile and sweet feeling afterward.

Watched this one a while back. Very good.
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macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
The Black Tavern (1972) This ridiculously violent, excellent Shaw Brothers wuxia has minor ties to Ho Meng Hua’s Lady Hermit (Though Shih Szu plays a different sword slinging disciple here.)

The deceptions from good and bad characters are very clever and many.

Everything revolves around a just official‘s treasure chest which various thieves and other scum & villainy are eager to get their unsavory mitts on.

No one is who or what you think they are, and I’m not going to spoil anything.

Shih Szu is the highlight as this determined, relentless swordswoman, though some other Hong Kong action folks do pop up in fun roles.

I hadn’t seen The Black Tavern since 2015 and it is definitely worthy of the praise it receives. I do hope it gets a blu ray release, very good. Definitely amongst the best of the early 70s Shaws. It feels like something Sun Chung would have filmed a few years later.
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macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
Witness for the Prosecution (1958) by Billy Wilder. Just a great, incredible movie. Great acting, great plot, great twists, amazing and witty dialogue. Most of the movie is located in just two or three places.
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Jul 12, 2016
Brokeback Mountain [2005]

I Remember when this movie debuted back in 2005 and I was living in Eastern- Tennessee at the time, and the amount of jokes that were made about the film was overly abrasive. I personally didn’t see the movie immediately, but it was a lot of sophomoric comments that I’m sure we all are obviously aware of.

But once I had the opportunity to view the film, it really was an amazing story about a strongly bonded partnership about two men, however; it was what most Pea-sized brain critics didn’t understand and/or care to comprehend.

Anyways, I would rate Jake Gyllenhaal in my top three best male actors (Hugh Jackman and George Clooney are the other two), it really is a movie that relies on a sequence of Events over the course of time, but really gives a good perspective of what a ‘Double-life’ looks like in and out outside of a marriage with tangled hardships of who you really are.
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