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macrumors newbie
Sep 22, 2011

If the Iphone 4 is the only one they're showing on Tuesday, Wouldn't they need to keep it at least for Tuesday surprising? Otherwise, nothing special on Tuesday.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2005
The simplest explanation is usually the truth.

1 iPhone. iPhone 4S.


macrumors 65816
Jan 19, 2008
Love how everyone here feels entitled to something without even having heard the keynote. :apple:


macrumors 68040
Oct 9, 2008
The most plausible.

Released today October 4th - iPhone 4S

Released January - March 2012 iPhone 5

That way Apple can still make money off of old hardware.


macrumors regular
Mar 30, 2010
"4S" just doesn't flow.
5th generation iPhone, iOS 5, a5 processor.

Fine, keep the current form factor - but call it iPhone 5

Hear Hear! 3GS, ironically, flows. But 4S, like you said, doesn't. I had a hard enough time getting used to saying Windows 7, I don't want to get used to 4S. Call it the freakin' 4G, HD, 5, ANYTHING but 4S.



macrumors member
May 20, 2009
San Diego, CA US
does it really matter what its called !

Market research suggests that it does matter to consumers. It compels current customers to upgrade by including a new version number in the name.

When someone asks you what phone you have, you might respond with, 'An iPhone.' But the follow-up question is always, 'Which one?'


macrumors 6502
May 17, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

Right, that's what I am saying, it had a 1 (one) in the phone icon. Again, I am assuming it means 1 phone, if it had a 2, then maybe they would be launching a 2.

Like everyone, I will completely disappointed if they don't launch the 5...

For the first time ever I think I would skip an Apple iPhone release, if the rumours are true and it is only the 4s coming out then I won't bother with it as the A5 and dual core and everything are in my iPad 2, there would be nothing that makes me want to commit to a new 18 month or 2 year contract, i would skip the 4S and wait for the next iPhone with A6 chip


macrumors newbie
Jun 20, 2003
Northern California
If this is the only iPhone coming, then why does the cdma version just say 4 and not 4s? That suggests no update to the cdma version at all. This seems to confirm an iphone 5 to me.

Or that the CDMA version for Verizon or Sprint is coming later than that of the GSM version.

The current Verizon iPhone has a dual-mode CDMA/GSM chip from Qualcomm, but differences in antenna design and lack of a SIM chip don't allow for it to be used on GSM networks.

Perhaps we are wrong and Apple will NOT merge the hardware lines into a true world phone.


macrumors member
Sep 21, 2011
Good, that settles it. Only marginally improvements mean i can keep my iPhone 4 without feeling totally behind the curve and wait for iPhone 6 next year, when my contract's up for renewal anyway. :cool:

I wondered why someone would want to disprove the idea of a redesigned iphone 5 coming out despite all the recent evidence supporting it and then I figured it out. Comments like this prove what I've already said multiple times on this site. Stop hating on the phone just becuase you're not due for an upgrade yet! It's not Apple's fault, it's your own for being broke and not being able to afford it at the MSRP, haha!


macrumors 6502
May 17, 2010
I just got my first tattoo at this great studio. I will be glad to give you the name and address late Tuesday afternoon. ;):D

LOL I am based in London UK, plus I got a strong feeling that I won't be needing one :D but am a man of honour


macrumors regular
Aug 20, 2011
It wasn't the concept I was refuting, it was the condescending tone with which it was said.

Funny, but when I read his comment it struck me as being simply factual without any emotional bent whatsoever.
Which part did you interpret as condescending?


macrumors newbie
Aug 25, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

I do think Apple would be missing a huge opportunity as the holiday shopping season is about to begin, and the 5 would sell far more.


macrumors 68000
Sep 27, 2006
United States
I think the real reason apple has waited this long to release new hardware is because they will be releasing UNIVERSAL iPhones that work on any CDMA/GSM network. The phone companies won't necessarily like this unless it is done right.

That is what the "1" is on the event invite... 1 phone for all carriers, two versions, iPhone 5, and an upgraded iPhone 4, whatever they call it. But there will no longer be a "verizon" iphone and a "at&t" iphone...etc.

Think about it, it makes total sense.


macrumors regular
Mar 3, 2009
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

epic fail if no true iPhone 5-will Jobs or Cook take the heat for it?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2009
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

Because that was 3 years ago and the iphone had no competition and they could afford to go without a re-design. Times change.

Two points. Firstly, it wasn't three years ago. I'm talking about sales right now! Today, a 3 year old design is selling better than the newer designs.

Secondly, if that were the case then why has no handset yet outsold the iPhone 4? A 17 month old handset still sells more every month than any other handset out there.


macrumors member
Nov 5, 2009
How would you try and throw people of the trail and divert attention away from a iPhone 5 with larger screen different form factor etc.....?

Well this is exactly how I would do it with all these so called leaks and fake leads. Apple have learnt a lot from previous launches.

It's crazy to think that apple won't be monitoring sites like these......
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