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macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2009
I've had iPhone 6 sized phone since the 6. I love the thought of more screen real estate and the added features but I'm worried about carrying the phone in my front right pants pocket.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Does your iPhone 6+/6S+ do okay with pocket use? Would love some comments.

Thanks all,

I stuck with the 6 for two years, i was too worried about having a bigger phone. I have jumped to the 7+ absolutely love it. Walked around my local town today with it in my front jeans pocket (i wear tight jeans) and i don't really notice its in there (no different to the normal size 6) go get the + !!!!


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
No it isn't. He's trying to say the iPhone screen has a higher resolution than advertised. Are you going to tell me the Plus has a higher resolution than 1920x1080?
Internally the resolution is 2208×1242, its down downscaled to 1080p. Its one of the reasons the Plus is usually slower then the smaller 4.7inch.


macrumors member
Sep 8, 2016
Simple: if you want to become a professional photographer, get the Plus. If you want to remain amateurish, get the basic one.

I assume you are being sarcastic. I used to be a pro photographer and sold ALL my pro gear and only shoot with the iPhone although I'm just shooting for fun now. I really wanted the 7 plus because of the extra 56mm lens but they didn't have any today so I settled on the regular 7. I have never used a screen bigger than 4.7 inch so I'm sure I wouldn't like the 5.5 inch plus anyway although it would be awesome to have the 56mm lens. I really don't think I would use it THAT much after the novelty wore off. I am going to try to capture some test shots later this evening with my iphone 7. Here is a shot I did with iphone 6s on tripod. You can take amazing shots with the iphone 3g if you know what you're doing.


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    () : 500px 2016-09-16 14-31-09.jpg
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macrumors 65816
Sep 14, 2010
I had 6s Plus since January and I still haven't adjusted to it, one hand use is painful, I am in constant fear that I will drop it because I have to perform 'hand tricks' in order to reach the very end of the keyboard.

Everything about it is great except for the width of the phone (I guess my hands aren't that big). If only it was a bit narrower... it would be no brainer. Anyway, I am going with regular 7 when they release it here. I really miss one handed use and the overall compactness of the phone.


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
Why do we cling to one handed use so much? Myself included. Phones have changed so much since we started using them for everything except phone calls. I want to convert to a two hand phone user.


macrumors 65816
Sep 14, 2010
You are holding something / holding onto something. Also, it's more natural, at least for me, to pick up the phone and use it with one hand.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
Next year you will have the best of both worlds. A form factor easy enough to use with one hand and a very large edge to edge screen.
That's why I've gone for the smaller model again this year.

I sure hope that the rumors are correct and that you are right.


macrumors member
Sep 8, 2016
As someone who has had both, go with the plus. You'll get more battery life and superior camera.

The camera is exactly the same in both models. The only difference is a 2nd camera that has a 56mm lens.


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
Used a plus at ATT. favorite part was the new home button. I love it. So effortless. I like that it takes less effort than a physical button.

Speakers are nice and loud.

Plus didn't feel that big. Is it thinner than the old plus? I thought I read that somewhere.

Matte black was great! More grippy than the reviews made me think. And it looks great. I'm very impressed buy the whole package. Very fast too.

I can't forget the camera. The 2x zoom is very impressive. Seamless transition and great detail in the zoomed shot.

I've got my stuff ready to reserve tonight.


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2013
I was hesitant to upgrade to a 6s Plus from my 5s, but went with it due to the better battery life. It only took me a couple days and Ive loved it every since.

It really comes down to what features/issues are most important to you. For me screen real estate and battery life were why I went with the plus and I things like more two handed use and having to use my back pocket sometimes were worthwhile trade offs for me. For others, those would be deal breakers.

At the end of the day they are both great phones and it sounds like the 7 made some big strides with battery life, so that should should handle that issue.
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macrumors regular
Oct 1, 2014
Well let's analyze it:

1. A Gym Sack costs: $10 - $30 depending on brand and style. I saw some nice Nike ones on Amazon for like $15 or less.

2. Bluetooth wireless headphones: $40 - $299

3. Apple watch not necessary but I like being able to get alerts from alarm system and stuff on my watch while my phone is in the sack.

Well, the price to be paid with the gym sack is that you have to run with the gym sack on your back. With the regular size iPhone, you have more options - armband, running belt, even arguably in my pocket (I just got my new 7 and I am amazed at how much lighter it feels after two years of the plus). Additionally, if I use an armband, I can have nearly the same experience as you without having to shell out money for an Apple Watch.
[doublepost=1474115916][/doublepost]I'm less than 24 hours with my new 7 (having downgraded from 2 years of Plus models). So far, I'm loving it. I pick up my 6s+ and it feels so much heavier and bulkier. This new phone feels light and portable, and I'm not missing the extra screen space at all. As I've said before, this is all a matter of personal preference, but so far, I'm really happy about downsizing.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
Well, the price to be paid with the gym sack is that you have to run with the gym sack on your back. With the regular size iPhone, you have more options - armband, running belt, even arguably in my pocket (I just got my new 7 and I am amazed at how much lighter it feels after two years of the plus). Additionally, if I use an armband, I can have nearly the same experience as you without having to shell out money for an Apple Watch.
[doublepost=1474115916][/doublepost]I'm less than 24 hours with my new 7 (having downgraded from 2 years of Plus models). So far, I'm loving it. I pick up my 6s+ and it feels so much heavier and bulkier. This new phone feels light and portable, and I'm not missing the extra screen space at all. As I've said before, this is all a matter of personal preference, but so far, I'm really happy about downsizing.
Im feeling the same way as you are. Im more happy than I thought Id be. I dont miss the extra space at all.


macrumors 65816
Sep 14, 2010
Yeah that, one handed use and also the feeling you get when you upgrade from 16GB 6s Plus to 128GB 7… Sweet mother of all that is good and pure…
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2011
Hmm. I'm hearing lots of chatter about the iPhone next year...

I only jumped on the 7 gravy train because Verizon is offering up $650 for my 6.

The $650 is paid out in monthly credits over 24 months, so its a 2-year decision.

Perhaps I should keep the 6 and wait?


macrumors member
Sep 24, 2015
I've had iPhone 6 sized phone since the 6. I love the thought of more screen real estate and the added features but I'm worried about carrying the phone in my front right pants pocket.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Does your iPhone 6+/6S+ do okay with pocket use? Would love some comments.

Thanks all,
[doublepost=1474244060][/doublepost]I had the same problem last year going from iPhone 5 to a 6s or 6s Plus. I started with a 6s+, and had doubt's about the size? I returned it for a 6s, and still couldn't make up my mind. I called apple, and talked to a sale's rep. His solution was to buy both if i could afford on a credit card. That way i could compare them at the same time, and return the one i didn't want. You have 14 day's to do that, but once i had them both in my hand's it only took 15 minutes to make up my mind. I chose the 6s+ because of the screen size, and text. I've had no problem's carrying in my Front jean pocket, or short's. Everything about it was better for me than the 6s. Didn't take long to get use to it.


macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2011
I bought the 6 on launch day, then sold it a couple of months later to get a 6+. The plus has a lot of advantages and you get used to its size, but it is a constant nuisance. You will ALWAYS notice it is in your pocket, specially when wearing jeans, climbing stairs, etc. Using it one handed was also a pain. When the 6S came out, there weren't enough differences between the two models for me to justify getting the plus, so I went for the regular 6S and it was honestly a relief.
This year the decision is a lot harder.. I'm really into photography and take tons of pictures with my phone, so I'll probably get it just for the 56mm lens. Haven't made up my mind yet :confused:
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 1, 2011
I bought the 6 on launch day, then sold it a couple of months later to get a 6+. The plus has a lot of advantages and you get used to its size, but it is a constant nuisance. You will ALWAYS notice it is in your pocket, specially when wearing jeans, climbing stairs, etc. Using it one handed was also a pain. When the 6S came out, there weren't enough differences between the two models for me to justify getting the plus, so I went for the regular 6S and it was honestly a relief.
This year the decision is a lot harder.. I'm really into photography and take tons of pictures with my phone, so I'll probably get it just for the 56mm lens. Haven't made up my mind yet :confused:
If you're actually into photography you could buy a real camera.


macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2011
I have a 7+ on the way, but am still unsure with the decision. I have always been a standard iphone user. There are pros and cons on both sides for me.

Reasons I went with the 7+:
  • Device consolidation: I've got an iMac work station use to run my business; a MBP I use for travel and portability around the house; iPads and iPhones. I think I can dedicate the iPads to the kids with the 7+. In situations where I might grab the iPad, the 7+ will have enough screen real estate to satisfy me. Also, now I won;t have my MBP on my lap some nights (which annoys my wife).
  • Battery life: I'll take every bit I can get. My 6S battery doesn't quite cut it on some days.
  • Camera: I am a pretty avid amateur photographer. However I carry my Canon 5D3 rig much more rarely these days with kids, dogs, etc. I have come to appreciate the adage that the best camera is the one you have on hand. I have become pretty good at getting images out of the 6S. I would be interested to see what I can do with the 7+. I am considering selling all my kit and going iPhone only for a bit. If I have a special trip or event I need DSLR power for, I can rent a few times per year at relatively short money considering how much I would net from the equipment sale. I'm sure I will jump back into the dedicate camera market at some point, but maybe by then mirrorless will really be a viable DSLR replacement option.

Reasons I am concerned about the 7+:
  • Device consolidation: Hey, it cuts both ways. I currently use my 6S for running, hiking, etc. It fits into a zippered pocket on the workout shorts I typically use (the 7+ probably won't). If I stick with the 7+ I can see buying an iWatch for workout purposes. Another device...but overall a more elegant and portable solution perhaps.
  • Size: I do use the 6S one handed a fair amount (e.g. in the morning when I am walking the dogs 2-3 miles each day. It's nice to think I might use the phone less and be more mindful of my surroundings and the day ahead. However, realistically this is when I catch up on all the crap I am addicted to. My hands are fairly large, but one handed use is a concern. Beyond one hand use I will have to re-evaluate all my usual stash spots (car, backpack, briefcase, etc.)

My 7+ isn't due for a few weeks yet. I am going to swing by a local Apple Store some time in the next few days to obsess over this a bit more. Fortunately I do buy my phones through my business, so not the end of the world if I have to sell the 7+ and pick up a 7 down the road.


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
The plus is definitely going to take some time to get used to. But I definitely can sell my iPad mini if I can handle this one. One handed usage can be done for me in a pinch but I'm trying to wean myself off of that habit as much as possible. The screen camera and battery are worth it is what I have to keep telling myself.
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Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
If you're actually into photography you could buy a real camera.

Not practical. You always have a phone on you and it is essential like having your wallet. Carrying around bulky camera equipment waiting for that spontaneous moment to take a shot is unrealistic.


macrumors regular
Sep 15, 2011
If you're actually into photography you could buy a real camera.
I have a Canon 6D and a Sony RX1, which I absolutely love and use a lot.

Not practical. You always have a phone on you and it is essential like having your wallet. Carrying around bulky camera equipment waiting for that spontaneous moment to take a shot is unrealistic.

Exactly. My cameras can take pictures the iPhone would never be able to, but I don't walk around every single day carrying them around my neck just in case I might want to take a picture. My phone on the other hand is in my pocket all the time.
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