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macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
I love the mini. It fits nicely in my hands, however, my biggest gripe is the battery life. Also I don’t like how it doesn’t have the triple lens. I can do without LiDAR. I would be willing to pay Pro price.
But what does that triple lens give you?
a 2x zoom lens is nearly unnoticeable. Until you get to the 5x range, zoom offers little value.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2008
If they could've somehow priced it at $499 without sacrificing TOO much of the specs

You know this wasn't - nor isn't, moving forward - even remotely realistic given Apple.

I've been in the Mini-sized market ever since I got my X back in whenever. I didn't go SE or SE2 because I was not willing to compromise on specs THAT much. I was however, very much willing to pay premium for specs and smaller form factor. I just got a Mini last week and couldn't be happier.

The problem with any small-size phone from Apple is, that two very different demographics are lumped together:

1) Those who want a high-end phone with all the bells and whistles but a small size due to whatever personal reason. Most of those would've bought a smaller phone even at higher prices even earlier, if only it was offered (which it wasn't until the 12 Mini).

(personally: I have small hands; I *never* adjusted to the size of the X and even trying out my husband's 12 is still just too large for me to hold comfortably and actually use one-handed <- which to me is really important with a phone. With the X, I literally couldn't type with just one hand, and yes, I know about Reachability and stuff which right there already tells you that those phones shouldn't be that large when you have to come up with hacks)

2) Those who want a cheap, entry-level phone. Which traditionally have been smaller form factors (except maybe when they tried with the XR) because they were based on older models (which were smaller). I'm willing to bet most of these would go for a larger (budget) phone if only it was offered.

Those two groups are not interchangeable and not mutually exclusive.

Are people wanting a smaller phone a smaller group compared to overall iPhone users? Absolutely. Are they insignificant? Nah. I personally know quite a number of people who went for the Mini, and not because of the price tag.

Things to keep in mind when reporting allegedly low sale numbers for the Mini:
- Pandemic: Most people didn't go out where a smaller phone proves advantageous.
- Carrier contracts: A LARGE number of people get whatever phone they get with their service provider's contract. Which defaults to the 12. Those who do active research and make conscious choices tend to go Pro or Mini. But the majority goes with the middle-ground that is bundled ... and that's the 12. Sale numbers should always be considered in context.

If it existed, I'd be willing to pay major premium for a Mini Pro. Just as I would be paying for an iPad Mini Pro. I want specs. I need the small form.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 6, 2015
This is what killed it. And I get it - it's chock full of technology like the 12, and it deserves to be priced higher than the SE. But ultimately the demand for a tiny iPhone wasn't as much as the loud minority made it seem, and the pricing put the nail in the coffin.

I would have bought a large sized SE if it were available. In my household we have 2 7 pluses and an XR. One of the 7's has a cracked LCD, the other has an earpiece that barely works. I really want to replace them with something newer and working, but the 12 series is insanely expensive for a phone that is in many ways a downgrade. Say what you want about the notch, it's not a feature. And for the past 18 months of covid, touchID has been a heck of a lot better than faceID. A physical home button is way better than an upside down L gesture. iPhone used to be intuitive, now it's not. Double-click the power button and use faceID to install an app. Genius.

Almost anyone who wants a smaller phone would take the SE over a 12 mini just on the phone itself. The pathetic 12 mini sales prove that. And if an SE+ existed it would destroy sales of the entire 12 lineup. That's why there's no SE+.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2008
I usually update every 2 years, but since there will be no 14 mini (?), there's no reason to wait. And I'll probably end up using it for many years if they keep making only big ones.

But I agree they messed up with the battery life. They should have just made it a bit thicker, and it would have been perfect.

I *just* upgraded to a Mini last week. I usually try to push 4+ years before upgrading phones, but my X's battery had reached its end of life (at 3ish years) to the point of having become literally useless. I could've gotten a new battery for $70, but since I was never really happy with the size, and couldn't really trust that an update really would come as soon as September (as opposed to late-October/November as last year), I went for it. And I LOVE it. I have yet to push battery life, so the verdict is still out on that one (the pandemic really isn't helpful because I'm not really having my usual use case when being at home all day).

Depending on whether there's gonna be major improvement come the 13 Mini, I might switch then (with hopefully just minimal financial loss).


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
I got rid of mine and went to Pro Max after 7 months. The battery life was beyond ridiculous and I was having ongoing issues with the screen that Apple wouldn’t take responsibility.
The mini's battery life is only 1 hour less than the regular 12. how is that "beyond ridiculous"? Most days I have around 50% battery left at the end of the day.


macrumors newbie
Jun 21, 2021
I am 6ft2 and seriously considering the iPhone 13 mini from my 12 pro. The 12 pro is just too heavy and unwieldy, seems like they didn't really use it when they made it. I also have an SE 2020 and a Pixel 4a and it's such a joy to hold those after a while with the 12 pro.

I just hope they can improve the battery life on the 13 mini, as I would hate to give that up. 3 things that would make the mini sell in droves (I think):
- Reduce price
- Put all 3 cameras in it
- Increase battery
I'm 6'3" and bought a 12 mini at launch (my 5S was my gold standard till the 12 mini). I had a XS (and a 7 Plus and 6 Plus prior) and the size was just too much—I need my smartphone to be pretty basic, all things considered, and I'm sick of massive ones that really don't do much for me but add bulk. I'd agree on the reduced price and battery, but the third camera lens likely doesn't need to be in there (my aim for a phone is for it to do decent video and photography so I can capture my kids in action, and the 12 mini does that). Really, I think the 12 mini is just about the sweet spot that I wanted. I hope Apple keeps the smaller model (or merges it with the SE; hopefully the 2023 models would have a FaceID-enabled SE).


macrumors 601
Nov 5, 2007
This is one of the reasons why I bought a 12 mini. I knew it might be a limited run. I'm sure there will be small phones again, but not by Apple for a couple of years it seems. My mini is my daily driver and I suspect it will be my daily driver for two more years at minimum.

I'm not worried about battery life because (A) wireless charging devices are becoming common and (B) faster charging is very available. I've got pads in my house to charge and I've got stronger bricks that charge my house that charge my mini quite a bit in just 10 minutes.


macrumors 6502
Feb 15, 2021
This doesn’t surprise me. The way I see it, 80-90% of people are addicted to their phones. The additional is so bad that they need a huge phone for both the battery life (because they use their phones for 18+ hours a day) and the status of having a huge phone/screen (just like their big trucks). Those who have an interest in buying a mini are looking for a nice portable device for the limited amount of use they need it when they are out in the “real” world and not staring at their phone watching a movie, playing games, chat on “name here” social media or taking a selfie. The number of people who live in that world has become smaller and smaller as time goes on. For me, I will never buy a larger phone again. If Apple does stop making the mini by the time I need a new phone, then I won’t have a phone. It’s as simple as that. And really I don’t care. I’ve been a smart phone owner for years and have become quite bored with them. Yes, they still have some great uses, but at this point I’m wondering if the cons finally out number the pros. 99% of people will disagree with my view, but that’s their problem.


macrumors member
Sep 16, 2015
There is definitely a market for the mini -- apparently, however. it is not big enough for Apple to pursue. I got my wife a new mini in March for her birthday. She was using an original SE, which she was happy with and would have continued to use, and refused to even consider a larger iPhone. Even the 2nd gen SE was bigger than she was willing to use. Considering the way size is going, this may be her last new iPhone.


macrumors 65816
Jan 12, 2010
It wasn't my upgrade year last year, so I'm still rocking the larger phone 11, but I already made up my mind that this fall I'll order a mini if it's available. This monstrosity doesn't fit into the cubby of my car when connected for CarPlay, so I need it smaller. Having used this one for a couple years having come from an iPhone 7 before, I'm confident I won't miss the screen size. I hope something like the mini will always be around.


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2009
New Zealand
I feel like the main reason it didn’t sell well is because they didn’t put the tech in it that the larger phones had. I know it’s smaller and that’s partially the reason, but those who want the smaller size also want the tech.
I agree, I would happily pay more if they just loaded it up with LiDAR
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macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2011
I was waiting for my mini for 4 years, now I have it so do whatever you like :D
I don't think that they will ditch this form factor. Probably it will became the SE3 in 2022
On the other hand I expect 13 mini to perform better in sales, the release timing of the 12m (few months after SE2) and the pandemic did not help.


macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
I was going to get the 12 Mini but didn't want to wait for it. I got the 12 Pro instead. It still fits in my pocket good. I may get the 13 Mini if they sell it the same day as 13 Pro.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2009
Love my mini and was (am) really hoping for a 13mini. I plan to get my wife a new phone for her bday in OCT and she wants a mini. I was assuming it would be a 13, but not so sure anymore given all of these gloomy stories about sales.
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macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
A LOT of people will certainly have bought it, millions in fact. But when total iPhone sales top 200million per year, even millions of devices sold will be considered a 'small' number. A shame though as for many it really is the perfect size.
As an aside, can we reflect for a moment on just how insane 200 million phones a year is? That's something north of half a million phones a day. Not just one record-setting day, but every day (yeah, I know, averages). That's around 380 new iPhones a minute, every minute, every day. It's an absolutely astounding production rate.


macrumors 604
Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
Two pages in and no one mentioned the pandemic that kept everyone home? The Mini is designed for people to easily hold onto and comfortably fit in pockets. Neither of these two benefits mattered during a pandemic.
Agreed. For most of the past year+, most of the things I might have done on my phone (if I were out and about) have gotten done on my iPad - bigger screen, easier to type on. I think the iPhone Mini is lovely, though - two friends have them and I'm envious.
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